l JSF EL基于JSP 2.0中的表达式语言,它的用法几乎跟JSP2.0中的表达式语言一样,但二者仍有一些关键不同:
l JSF使用(#)来标记表达式的开始,而JSP使用($);
l JSF表达式是双向的。即它可以引用属性的值也可以更新之;
l JSF EL也允许引用对象方法;
l 某些JSP特定的特征无效,比如页面上下文范围(page);
l JSF EL表达式可以通过常规Java代码求解(结果是可以不需要JSP);
l JSF EL不官方支持函数。
JSF EL也支持“.”和“[]”取值。它支持全范围的算术运算、逻辑运算与关系运算:
1. 算术运算有:
加法 (+), 减法 (-), 乘法 (*), 除法 (/ or div) 与余除 (% or mod) 。下面是算术运算的一些例子:
#{1 + 2}
#{1.2 + 2.3}
#{1.2E4 + 1.4}
#{-4 - 2}
#{21 * 2}
#{3 / 4}
#{3 div 4}
#{3 / 0}
#{10 % 4}
#{10 mod 4}
#{(1 == 2) ? 3 : 4}
如同在Java语法一样 ( expression ? result1 : result2)是个三元运算,expression为true显示result1,false显示result2。
2. 逻辑运算:
#{true and false}
#{true or false}
#{not true}
3. 关系运算:
#{1 < 2}
#{1 lt 2}
#{1 > (4 / 2)}
#{1 > (4 / 2)}
#{4.0 >= 3}
#{4.0 ge 3}
#{4 <= 3}
#{4 le 3}
#{100.0 == 100}
#{100.0 eq 100}
#{(10 * 10) != 100}
#{(10 * 10) ne 100}
#{'a' < 'b'}
#{'hip' > 'hit'}
#{'4' > 3}
4. Empty:
#{empty ''}
#{empty 'abcd'}
JSF EL能搜索Java
JavaServer Faces Expression Language
See Also
This topic is for advanced users who want to enter their own value binding
expressions rather than letting the IDE create those expressions. It has the
following sections:
- Introduction
- JavaServer Faces EL Expression Syntax
- Get Value Semantics
- Set Value Semantics
- Implicit Objects
- Literals
- Operators
- Reserved Words
JavaServer Faces provides an expression language (JSF EL) that is used in
web application pages to access the JavaBeans components in the page bean and
in other beans associated with the web application, such as the session bean
and the application bean. The IDE in most cases takes care of specifying the
correct expression for you, for example, when you bind a component's text
property to a data provider or to a JavaBean
To bind any property of a component, you can add the component to a page
and then right-click the component and choose Property Bindings. You can then
use the Property Bindings dialog box to select a property of the component
and choose which JavaBeans property the component property is to be bound to.
As an example of binding a component to a database table, the following code
sample references a Static Text component. Here's how to produce the code sample:
- Drag the Static Text component
from the Basic category of the Palette to a page in the Visual Designer.
- Open the Servers window and drag the Person table
from the Travel database and drop it on the component.
The IDE automatically
adds a data provider object for that database table to the page and binds the the text
property to the PERSON.PERSONID
field of the data provider. You see the text of the component change to 123
- Right-click the component and choose Bind to Data.
- In the Bind to Data dialog box, choose the
field of the data provider and click OK to change the binding
of the text
property to the correct field.
- Click the JSP button above the page to see the resulting source code.
resulting code in the JSP editor looks like this:
<ui:staticText binding="#{Page1.staticText1}"
style="position: absolute; left: 216px; top: 192px"
As described in the sections that follow, the JavaServer Faces expression
language syntax uses the delimiters #{}
. A JavaServer
Faces expression can be a value-binding expression (for binding UI components
or their values to external data sources) or a method-binding expression (for
referencing backing bean methods). It can also accept mixed literals and the
evaluation syntax and operators of the 2.0 expression language.
JavaServer Faces EL Expression Syntax
JSF EL can be used to bind JavaBeans to component properties to simplify how
the components access data from various sources. JSF EL expressions use the
syntax #{expr};
The syntax of a value binding expression is identical to the syntax of an
expression language expression defined in the JavaServer Pages Specification
(version 2.0), sections 2.3 through 2.9, with the following exceptions:
- The expression delimiters for a value binding expression are #{ and } instead
of ${ and }.
- Value binding expressions do not support JSP expression language functions.
In addition to the differences in delimiters, the two expression types have
the following semantic differences:
- During rendering, value binding expressions are evaluated by the JavaServer
Faces implementation (via calls to the getValue method) rather than
by the compiled code for a page.
- Value binding expressions can be evaluated programmatically, even when
a page is not present.
- Value binding expression evaluation leverages the facilities of the configured VariableResolver and PropertyResolver objects
available through the Application object for the current web application,
for which applications can provide plug-in replacement classes that provide
additional capabilities.
- If a value binding expression is used for the value property of an EditableValueHolder component
(any input field component), the expression is used to modify the referenced
value rather than to retrieve it during the Update Model Values phase of
the request processing lifecycle.
Examples of valid value binding expressions include:
#{Customer.status == ‘VIP’}
#{(Page1.City.farenheitTemp - 32) * 5 / 9}
Reporting Period: #{Report.fromDate} to #{Report.toDate}
For value binding expressions where the setValue method is going
to be called (for example, for text property bindings for input fields
during Update Model Values), the syntax of a value binding expression is limited
to one of the following forms, where expr-a is a general expression
that evaluates to some object, and value-b is an identifier:
Get Value Semantics
When the getValue method of a ValueBinding instance is
called (for example, when an expression on a JSP tag attribute is being evaluated
during the rendering of the page), and the expression is evaluated, and the
result of that evaluation is returned, evaluation takes as follows:
- The expression language unifies the treatment of the . and [] operators. expr-a.expr-b is
equivalent to a["expr-b"]; that is, the expression expr-b is
used to construct a literal whose value is the identifier, and then the [] operator
is used with that value.
- The left-most identifier in an expression is evaluated by the VariableResolver instance
that is acquired from the Application instance for this web application.
If the value on the left side of the . or [] operator is
a RowSet, the object on the right side is treated as a column name.
See the next section for a more complete evaluation description of these
- Each occurrence of the . or [...] operators in an expression
is evaluated by the PropertyResolver instance that is acquired from
the Application instance for this web application.
Properties of variables are accessed by using the . operator
and can be nested arbitrarily.
Set Value Semantics
When the setValue method of a ValueBinding is called (for
example, for text property bindings for input fields during Update
Model Values), the syntax of the value binding restriction is restricted as
described in the previous section. The implementation must perform the following
processing to evaluate an expression of the form #{expra.value-b} or #{expr-a[value-b]}:
- Evaluate expr-a into value-a.
- If value-a is null, throw PropertyNotFoundException.
- If value-b is null, throw PropertyNotFoundException.
- If value-a is a Map, call value-a.put(value-b, new-value).
- If value-a is a List or an array:
- Coerce value-b to int, throwing ReferenceSyntaxException on
an error.
- Attempt to execute value-a.set(value-b, new-value) or Array.set(value-b,
new-value) as appropriate.
- If IndexOutOfBoundsException or ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is
thrown, throw PropertyNotFoundException.
- If a different exception was thrown, throw EvaluationException.
- Otherwise (value-a is a JavaBeans object):
- Coerce value-b to String.
- If value-b is a writeable property of value-a (as
per the JavaBeans Specification), call the setter method (passing new-value).
Throw ReferenceSyntaxException if an exception is thrown.
- Otherwise, throw PropertyNotFoundException.
If the entire expression consists of a single identifier, the following rules
- If the identifier matches the name of one of the implicit objects described
throw ReferenceSyntaxException.
- Otherwise, if the identifier matches the key of an attribute in request
session scope, or application scope, the corresponding attribute value will
replaced by new-value.
- Otherwise, a new request scope attribute will be created, whose key is
identifier and whose value is new-value.
Implicit Objects
The expression language defines a set of implicit objects:
- facesContext - The FacesContext instance for the current request.
- param - Maps a request parameter name to a single value.
- paramValues - Maps a request parameter name to an array of values.
- header - Maps a request header name to a single value.
- headerValues - Maps a request header name to an array of values.
- cookie - Maps a cookie name to a single cookie.
- initParam - Maps a context initialization parameter name to a
single value.
Objects that allow access to various scoped variables:
- requestScope - Maps request-scoped variable names to their values.
- sessionScope - Maps session-scoped variable names to their values.
- applicationScope - Maps application-scoped variable names to their
When an expression references one of these objects by name, the appropriate
object is returned. An implicit object takes precedence over an attribute that
has the same name. For example, #{facesContext} returns the FacesContext object,
even if there is an existing facesContext attribute containing some
other value.
The expression language defines the following literals:
- Boolean: true and false
- Integer: as in Java
- Floating point: as in Java
- String: with single and double quotes; " is escaped as "", 'is
escaped as "', and " is escaped as "".
- Null: null
In addition to the . and [] operators discussed above
in Get Value Semantics and the section
after that one, the expression language provides the following operators:
- Arithmetic: +, - (binary), *, /, div, %, mod, - (unary)
- Logical: and, &&, or, ||, not, !
- Relational: ==, eq, !=, ne, <, lt, >, gt, <=, ge, >=, le.
Comparisons can be made against other values, or against boolean, string,
integer, or floating point literals.
- Empty: The empty operator is a prefix operation that can be used
to determine whether a value is null or empty.
- Conditional: A ? B : C. Evaluate B or C, depending
on the result of the evaluation of A.
The precedence of operators highest to lowest, left to right is as follows:
- [] .
- () (changes precedence of operators)
- - (unary) not ! empty
- * / div % mod
- + - (binary)
- < > <= >= lt gt le ge
- == != eq ne
- && and
- || or
- ? :
Reserved Words
The following words are reserved for the expression language and must
not be used as identifiers:
and |
false |
le |
not |
div |
ge |
lt |
null |
empty |
gt |
mod |
or |
eq |
instanceof |
ne |
true |
- See Also
- About the JSP Editor
- Adding Components
to a Page
- About Binding Components to Data
- Binding
Component Properties
- About Pages