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Richfaces 3.1.3 uses 1.6.0 version of prototype.js script instead of 1.5.1 that's been used for earlier versions. There are 2 prototype versions included (the first included implicitly as a dependency of toggle panel components and the second one included explicitly as a link). Versions conflict is the cause of the problem.

RichFaces 3.1.3 is bundled with the same ones as Prototype 1.6.0, Scriptaculous 1.8.0

Example in web.xml::







RichFaces components use Prototype very hard. In particular, some patches has been removed that are already included into 1.6.0. Adding feature with exclusion makes it possible to use Prototype with version less than 1.6.0. This will break some of the components.

posted on 2009-10-28 08:11 seal 阅读(437) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Seam

