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Yesterday, I wrote about How to do cross-domain GWT RPC with a ProxyServlet. Today I'll be discussing how to modify the ProxyServlet to authenticate with Spring Security. For the application I'm working on, the ProxyServlet is only used in development (when running GWT's hosted mode) and isn't necessary when deploying the client and server on the same server. Using the ProxyServlet allows cross-domain requests so you can run GWT in hosted mode and talk to your backend running on another server. This setup can be especially handy in that you can easily point your hosted client at different backends (for example, if you have testing and staging environments).

In this example, the backend application is a JSF/Spring application that has Spring Security wired in to protect services with both Basic and Form-based authentication. Basic authentication will kick in if a "Authorization" header is sent, otherwise Form-based authentication is used. Here's the Spring Security context file that makes this happen:

01.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
04.             xmlns:beans=""
05.             xmlns:xsi=""
06.             xsi:schemaLocation="...">
08.    <http auto-config="true" realm="My Web Application">
09.        <intercept-url pattern="/faces/welcome.jspx" access="ROLE_USER"/>
10.        <intercept-url pattern="/*.rpc" access="ROLE_USER"/>
11.        <http-basic/>
12.        <form-login login-page="/faces/login.jspx" authentication-failure-url="/faces/accessDenied.jspx"
13.                    login-processing-url="/j_spring_security_check" default-target-url="/redirect.jsp"
14.                    always-use-default-target="true"/>
15.    </http>
17.    <authentication-provider>
18.        <user-service >
19.            <user name="admin" password="admin" authorities="ROLE_USER"/>
20.        </user-service>
21.    </authentication-provider>

The easiest way to configure your GWT application to talk to a Spring Security protected resource is to protect your HTML page that GWT is embedded in. This is the documented way to integrate GWT with Spring Security (ref: GWT's LoginSecurityFAQ, search for "Acegi"). This works well for production, but not for hosted-mode development.

Basic Authentication
To authenticate with Basic Authentication, you can use GWT's RequestBuilder and set an "Authentication" header that contains the user's (base64-encoded) credentials.

01.private class LoginRequest {
02.    public LoginRequest(RequestCallback callback) {
03.        String url = "/services/faces/welcome.jspx";
05.        RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, url);
06.        rb.setHeader("Authorization", createBasicAuthToken());
07.        rb.setCallback(callback);
08.        try {
09.            rb.send();
10.        } catch (RequestException e) {
11.            Window.alert(e.getMessage());
12.        }
13.    }
16.protected String createBasicAuthToken() {
17.    byte[] bytes = stringToBytes(username.getValue() + ":" + password.getValue());
18.    String token = Base64.encode(bytes);
19.    return "Basic " + token;
22.protected byte[] stringToBytes(String msg) {
23.    int len = msg.length();
24.    byte[] bytes = new byte[len];
25.    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
26.        bytes[i] = (byte) (msg.charAt(i) & 0xff);
27.    return bytes;

To use this LoginRequest class, create it with a callback and look for a 401 response code to determine if authentication failed. LoginRequest(new RequestCallback() {
02.    public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
03.        if (response.getStatusCode() != Response.SC_UNAUTHORIZED &&
04.                response.getStatusCode() != Response.SC_OK) {
05.            onError(request, new RequestException(response.getStatusText() + ":"n" + response.getText()));
06.            return;
07.        }
09.        if (response.getStatusCode() == Response.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
10.            Window.alert("You have entered an incorrect username or password. Please try again.");
11.        } else {
12.            // authentication worked, show a fancy dashboard screen
13.        }
14.    }
16.    public void onError(Request request, Throwable throwable) {
17.        Window.alert(throwable.getMessage());
18.    }

If your GWT application is included in the "services" war, everything should work at this point. However, if you try to login with invalid credentials, your browser's login dialog will appear. To suppress this in the aforementioned ProxyServlet, you'll need to make a change in its executeProxyRequest() method so the "WWW-Authenticate" header is not copied.

01.// Pass the response code back to the client
04.// Pass response headers back to the client
05.Header[] headerArrayResponse = httpMethodProxyRequest.getResponseHeaders();
06.for (Header header : headerArrayResponse) {
07.    if (header.getName().equals("Transfer-Encoding") && header.getValue().equals("chunked") ||
08.            header.getName().equals("Content-Encoding") && header.getValue().equals("gzip") ||
09.            header.getName().equals("WWW-Authenticate")) { // don't copy WWW-Authenticate header
10.    } else {
11.        httpServletResponse.setHeader(header.getName(), header.getValue());
12.    }

I'm not sure how to suppress the browser prompt when not using the ProxyServlet. If you have a solution, please let me know.

Basic Authentication works well for GWT applications because you don't need additional logic to retain the authenticated state after the initial login. While Basic Authentication over SSL might offer a decent solution, the downside is you can't logout. Form-based Authentication allows you to logout.

Form-based Authentication

Before I show you how to implement form-based authentication, you should be aware that Google does not recommend this. Below is a warning from their LoginSecurityFAQ.

Do NOT attempt to use the Cookie header to transfer the sessionID from GWT to the server; it is fraught with security issues that will become clear in the rest of this article. You MUST transfer the sessionID in the payload of the request. For an example of why this can fail, see CrossSiteRequestForgery.

In my experiment, I didn't want to change the server-side Spring Security configuration, so I ignored this warning. If you know how to configure Spring Security so it looks for the sessionID in the payload of the request (rather than in a cookie), I'd love to hear about it. The upside of the example below is it should work with container-managed authentication as well.

The LoginRequest class for form-based authentication is similar to the previous one, except it has a different URL and sends the user's credentials in the request body.

01.private class LoginRequest {
02.    public LoginRequest(RequestCallback callback) {
03.        String url = "/services/j_spring_security_check";
05.        RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, url);
06.        rb.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
07.        rb.setRequestData("j_username=" + URL.encode(username.getValue()) +
08.                    "&j_password=" + URL.encode(password.getValue()));
10.        rb.setCallback(callback);
11.        try {
12.            rb.send();
13.        } catch (RequestException e) {
14.            Window.alert(e.getMessage());
15.        }
16.    }

If you deploy your GWT application in the same WAR your services are hosted in, this is all you'll need to do. If you're using the ProxyServlet, there's a couple of changes you'll need to make in order to set/send cookies when running in hosted mode.

First of all, you'll need to make sure you've configured the servlet to follow redirects (by subclassing or simply modifying its default). After that, add the following logic on line 358 (or just look for "if (followRedirects)") to expose the sessionID to the client. The most important part is setting the cookie's path to "/" so the client (running at localhost:8888) can see it.

01.if (followRedirects) {
02.    // happens on first login attempt
03.    if (stringLocation.contains("jsessionid")) {
04.        Cookie cookie = new Cookie("JSESSIONID",
05.                stringLocation.substring(stringLocation.indexOf("jsessionid=") + 11));
06.        cookie.setPath("/");
07.        httpServletResponse.addCookie(cookie);
08.    // the following happens if you refresh your GWT app after already logging in once
09.    } else if (httpMethodProxyRequest.getResponseHeader("Set-Cookie") != null) {
10.        Header header = httpMethodProxyRequest.getResponseHeader("Set-Cookie");
11.        String[] cookieDetails = header.getValue().split(";");
12.        String[] nameValue = cookieDetails[0].split("=");
14.        Cookie cookie = new Cookie(nameValue[0], nameValue[1]);
15.        cookie.setPath("/");
16.        httpServletResponse.addCookie(cookie);
17.    }
18.    httpServletResponse.sendRedirect(stringLocation.replace(getProxyHostAndPort() +
19.            this.getProxyPath(), stringMyHostName));
20.    return;

Click here to see a screenshot of the diff of the ProxyServlet after this code has been added.

Figuring out that headers needed to be parsed after authenticating successfully and before redirecting was the hardest part for me. If you grab the JSESSIONID from the "Set-Cookie" header anywhere else, the JSESSIONID is one that hasn't been authenticated. While the login will work, subsequent calls to services will fail.

To make subsequent calls with the cookie in the header, you'll need to make an additional modification to ProxyServlet to send cookies as headers. First of all, add a setProxyRequestCookies() method:

02. * Retrieves all of the cookies from the servlet request and sets them on
03. * the proxy request
04. *
05. * @param httpServletRequest The request object representing the client's
06. *                            request to the servlet engine
07. * @param httpMethodProxyRequest The request that we are about to send to
08. *                                the proxy host
09. */
11.private void setProxyRequestCookies(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
12.                                    HttpMethod httpMethodProxyRequest) {
13.    // Get an array of all of all the cookies sent by the client
14.    Cookie[] cookies = httpServletRequest.getCookies();
15.    if (cookies == null) {
16.        return;
17.    }
19.    for (Cookie cookie : cookies) {
20.        cookie.setDomain(stringProxyHost);
21.        cookie.setPath(httpServletRequest.getServletPath());
22.        httpMethodProxyRequest.setRequestHeader("Cookie", cookie.getName() + 
23.                "=" + cookie.getValue() + "; Path=" + cookie.getPath());
24.    }

Next, in the doGet() and doPost() methods, add the following line just after the call to setProxyRequestHeaders().

1.setProxyRequestCookies(httpServletRequest, getMethodProxyRequest);

After making these modifications to ProxyServlet, you can create LoginRequest and attempt to authenticate. To detect a failed attempt, I'm looking for text in Spring Security's "authentication-failure-url" page. LoginRequest(new RequestCallback() {
03.    public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
04.        if (response.getStatusCode() != Response.SC_OK) {
05.            onError(request, new RequestException(response.getStatusText() + ":"n" + response.getText()));
06.            return;
07.        }
09.        if (response.getText().contains("Access Denied")) {
10.            Window.alert("You have entered an incorrect username or password. Please try again.");
11.        } else {
12.            // authentication worked, show a fancy dashboard screen
13.        }
14.    }
16.    public void onError(Request request, Throwable throwable) {
17.        Window.alert(throwable.getMessage());
18.    }

After making these changes, you should be able to authenticate with Spring Security's form-based configuration. While this example doesn't show how to logout, it should be easy enough to do by 1) deleting the JSESSIONID cookie or 2) calling the Logout URL you have configured in your services WAR.

Hopefully this howto gives you enough information to configure your GWT application to talk to Spring Security without modifying your existing backend application. It's entirely possible that Spring Security offers a more GWT-friendly authentication mechanism. If you know of a better way to integrate GWT with Spring Security, I'd love to hear about it.

Update on October 7, 2009: I did some additional work on this and got Remember Me working when using form-based authentication. I found I didn't need as much fancy logic in my ProxyServlet and was able to reduce the "followRequests" logic to the following:

01.if (followRedirects) {
02.    if (httpMethodProxyRequest.getResponseHeader("Set-Cookie") != null) {
03.        Header[] headers = httpMethodProxyRequest.getResponseHeaders("Set-Cookie");
04.        if (headers.length == 1) {
05.            extractCookieFromHeader(httpServletResponse, headers[0]);
06.        } else {
07.            // ignore the first header since there always seems two jsessionid headers
08.            // and the 2nd is the valid one
09.            for (int i = 1; i < headers.length; i++) {
10.                extractCookieFromHeader(httpServletResponse, headers[i]);
11.            }
12.        }
13.    }
14.    httpServletResponse.sendRedirect(
15.            stringLocation.replace(getProxyHostAndPort() + getProxyPath(), stringMyHostName));
16.    return;

I was also able to remove the setProxyRequestCookies() method completely as it no longer seems necessary.

Next, I'd like to figure out how to make Spring Security more Ajax-friendly where it can read an authentication token in the request body or header (instead of from a cookie). Also, it'd be sweet if I could convince it to return error codes instead of the login page (for example, when a certain header is present). Posted in Java at Aug 06 2009, 08:50:15 AM MDT 9 Comments


I remember reading somewhere that you shouldn't tie a GWT app to the jSessionId. They recommended creating a token from the gwt app after login, [call it gSessionId], and pass that back and forth with each request, from GWT client code. Not sure if that's the best way to do it, but I can see the drawbacks of using jSessionId, because the RemoteServiceServlet doesn't give you info about the user like a HttpServlet or Spring Controller would thru a HttpServletRequest.

Posted by rahul somasunderam on August 06, 2009 at 10:01 AM MDT #

> I remember reading somewhere that you shouldn't tie a GWT app to the jSessionId.

Maybe you read it in my post above?

Before I show you how to implement form-based authentication, you should be aware that Google does not recommend this...

I also said: If you know how to configure Spring Security so it looks for the sessionID in the payload of the request (rather than in a cookie), I'd love to hear about it.


Posted by Matt Raible on August 06, 2009 at 10:10 AM MDT #

Have you looked at Nginx for proxying, rather than building your own? I've been using it to front a hybrid Ruby/Merb and Java webapp to allow for the JS to talk to both back-end apps and it's very lightweight and fast. You could just have different configurations for hosted vs. production of the app and not have to worry about XSS security checks in the browser. I'm not sure how that will work with your form based security... and I agree that the ability to log out / time out a session is key... Keep us updated on your progress!

Posted by Jason Carreira on August 06, 2009 at 11:40 AM MDT #

I went the traditional route of using a URLInterceptort to force a user to login with a traditional JSP that on success redirects to my GWT host page. Only authenticated users will be able to request my compiled output/run the GWT client. I am aware that this is not perfect, but I am looking into doing something as described here: .

Posted by Sakuraba on August 07, 2009 at 02:58 AM MDT #


Which Base64 client-side implementation did you use for your test?


Posted by Lucas on September 07, 2009 at 02:19 PM MDT #

Lucas - below is the class I used for Base64 encoding:

02. * Base64 MIME content transfer encoding.
03. *
05. */
06.public class Base64 {
08.    private static final String ALPHABET = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
10.    // Base-64 pad character "="
11.    private static final String PAD = "=";
13.    /**
14.     * Convert an array of big-endian words to a base-64 string
15.     */
16.    public static String encode(int[] arr, int byteLen) {
17.        return encode(toByteArray(arr, byteLen));
18.    }
20.    private static final int[] BSHIFT = { 24, 16, 8, 0 };
22.    protected static byte[] toByteArray(int[] arr, int byteLen) {
23.        byte[] bytes = new byte[byteLen];
24.        int l = Math.min(arr.length * 4, byteLen);
25.        int i = 0;
26.        for (int b = 0; b < l; b++) {
27.            bytes[b] = (byte)(arr[i] >> BSHIFT[b & 3] & 0xff);
28.        }
29.        return bytes;
30.    }
32.    public static String encode(byte[] arr) {
33.        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
34.        int l = arr.length;
35.        int m = l % 3;
36.        l -= m;
37.        for (int i = 0; i < l; i += 3) {
38.            encodeTriplet(sb, arr, i, 3);
39.        }
40.        if (m == 2) {
41.            encodeTriplet(sb, arr, l, 2);
42.        } else if (m == 1) {
43.            encodeTriplet(sb, arr, l, 1);
44.        }
45.        return sb.toString();
46.    }
48.    private static void encodeTriplet(StringBuilder sb, byte[] array, int index, int len) {
49.        int triplet = (array[index] & 0xFF) << 16;
50.        if (len >= 2) triplet |= (array[index + 1] & 0xFF) << 8;
51.        if (len >= 3) triplet |= (array[index + 2] & 0xFF);
52.        int pad =  3 - len;
53.        for (int j = 3; j >= pad; j--) {
54.            int p = (triplet >> (j * 6)) & 0x3F;
55.            sb.append(ALPHABET.charAt(p));
56.        }
57.        while (pad-- > 0) sb.append(PAD);
58.    }

Posted by Matt Raible on September 08, 2009 at 08:10 AM MDT #

I tried the above example and i always got a 200 OK status response instead of the suggested 404 @ user is not authenticated, I am not using any proxy servlets...

This is the problem defination in detail:

Posted by salvin francis on November 25, 2009 at 01:58 AM MST #

Thanks for the prompt solution matt, I had failed to understand the difference between basic and form based authentication,

Posted by Salvin francis on November 25, 2009 at 02:48 AM MST #

Have you any information on how to configure client certificate-based security? I have <x09> declarations in my Spring security context file, and successfullt put the user's security principal into its ThreadLocal, but my entry point is never reached.

Posted by Eric Jablow on December 04, 2009 at 10:22 AM MST #

posted on 2010-01-15 09:39 seal 阅读(1539) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: SpringGWT

