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[一点一滴学英语] 20061130

Posted on 2006-11-30 21:05 laogao 阅读(316) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: ReadingThe Other Side

"It is almost a law of history that the same wealth that generates a civilization announces its decay. For wealth produce ease as well as
art; it softens a people to the ways of luxury and peace and invites invasion from stronger arms and hungrier mouths."

 - Will Durant
Our Oriental Heritage (The Story of Civilization, Vol.1)

这是Will Durant所著的《世界文明史》(第一卷)东方文明遗产中的一段精辟的论断:“这几乎是历史的定律:产生了某个文明的同一笔财富也宣告了这个文明的衰败,因为财富带来安逸和艺术,它使一个民族在享乐和太平中变得软弱,招致更加强壮且饱受饥饿之苦的外敌入侵。”

// 翻译的不好,只为大家能够明白大致意思。

