Posted on 2006-12-07 21:39
laogao 阅读(1487)
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大家注意了,如果你正在Windows下使用Adobe Reader 7.x,建议尽快更新到Adobe Reader 8。如果无法更新至新版本,可按照官方的说明手工打上补丁:
1. Exit Internet Explorer, Adobe Reader, and Adobe Acrobat, if necessary.
2. Browse to <volume>:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\ActiveX. Note: If you did not install Acrobat to the default location, browse to the location of your Acrobat 7.0 folder.
3. Select AcroPDF.dll and delete it.
4. Download the AcroPDF.dll file provided here: Copy the new AcroPDF.dll file in to the ActiveX directory.