David.Turing's blog



编译Coherence 3719的过程

     摘要: 编译Coherence的过程  阅读全文

posted @ 2013-08-24 08:10 david.turing 阅读(697) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

关于JVM的Thin Lock, Fat Lock, SPIN Lock与Tasuki Lock

     摘要: 关于JVM的Thin Lock、Fat Lock、SPIN Lock以及Tasuki Lock等概念  阅读全文

posted @ 2009-02-16 14:49 david.turing 阅读(8401) | 评论 (3)编辑 收藏

关于Lazy-UnLocking(Reservation Lock)对Java锁的性能优化

     摘要: 介绍Lazy-unLocking的概念,读这篇文章之前,建议先读一下我另外一篇Blog:http://www.blogjava.net/security/archive/2009/02/16/jvm_thin-lock_fat-lock__spin-lock_tasuki-lock.html  阅读全文

posted @ 2009-02-12 14:40 david.turing 阅读(4715) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

从java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException看WebLogic WS*协议栈的变迁

     摘要:   阅读全文

posted @ 2008-07-11 08:29 david.turing 阅读(5661) | 评论 (4)编辑 收藏

When ant build Spring 2.5.5 on Eclipse 3.4, We meet Ant compile rmic error - The task doesn't support the "base" attribute

     摘要:   阅读全文

posted @ 2008-07-07 16:28 david.turing 阅读(2455) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Problem about java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraints violated when linking javax/xml/namespace/QName class

     摘要: How to solve java.lang.LinkageError Problem  阅读全文

posted @ 2008-07-06 18:41 david.turing 阅读(8848) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


     摘要: WebLogic + Hibernate 包冲突看代码重构的重要性  阅读全文

posted @ 2008-07-04 23:24 david.turing 阅读(7879) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏


     摘要:   阅读全文

posted @ 2008-06-29 22:28 david.turing 阅读(3175) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏


     摘要: 软件盗版不但对产业造成极为负面的影响,还制约了技术公司创造新工作岗位和对新
罪和安全问题的风险。2008 年1 月IDC 发布的降低软件盗版对经济影响的研究报告显
示,如果中国在未来的四年中,将PC 软件盗版率降低10 个百分点,将会带来355,000
个新的就业机会、205 亿美元的经济增长和16 亿美元的税收收入。  阅读全文

posted @ 2008-06-06 21:02 david.turing 阅读(1561) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


     摘要: Spring一个关于Lock Contention的Bug引起我对Spring代码质量的忧虑  阅读全文

posted @ 2008-04-19 09:47 david.turing 阅读(11096) | 评论 (21)编辑 收藏

如何理解嵌套事务(Nested Transaction)

     摘要: 介绍nested transaction的概念  阅读全文

posted @ 2008-03-04 12:38 david.turing 阅读(10263) | 评论 (4)编辑 收藏




如果说,Oracle是最优秀的数据库产品,我觉得,WebLogic绝对是铁定最优秀的J2EE中间件服务器(对WAS6.1,用户普遍认为还是WebLogic 9/10更强大)。

在JavaEE中间件标准上,现在,Oracle有了Sibel,PeopleSoft,  BEA,在SOA Solution的完整性上,完全可以PK IBM了。


posted @ 2008-01-16 22:39 david.turing 阅读(6106) | 评论 (11)编辑 收藏


     摘要: Eclipse上开发EJB的Ant环境设置的三个习惯  阅读全文

posted @ 2007-11-19 14:32 david.turing 阅读(3957) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏


     摘要: 介绍如何配置Weblogic的Nodemanager服务  阅读全文

posted @ 2007-09-04 15:20 david.turing 阅读(14219) | 评论 (2)编辑 收藏

关于Weblogic GBK/GB2312/UTF-8乱码的问题





2,如果你是在Windows上面开发,然后部署到其他平台,比如IBM AIX上,则你要注意encoding的问题,
告诉AIX上的Weblogic上的IBM JVM,默认文件encoding不是utf-8,是GBK, 即可。


posted @ 2007-08-16 22:53 david.turing 阅读(8141) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

关于Weblogic 10下开发WebService的配置问题

在Weblogic 10下面,weblogic.jar被拆分了,其中包括一些javax的接口被分解到api.jar去
import javax.jws.Oneway;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebResult;
import javax.jws.WebParam;
import javax.jws.WebService;

posted @ 2007-08-16 15:18 david.turing 阅读(5280) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


     摘要: 国内第一例自由软件盗用事件(Captcha开源社区的Captchio软件恶意盗用行为)  阅读全文

posted @ 2007-05-21 19:03 david.turing 阅读(6046) | 评论 (15)编辑 收藏

发布一个简易的EclipseDos Plugin(6KB)

     摘要: 发布一个简单易用的Dos插件,可以直接根据Java的package进入到Dos的相关路径,只有6KB大小  阅读全文

posted @ 2007-05-09 11:51 david.turing 阅读(4723) | 评论 (10)编辑 收藏


     摘要:   阅读全文

posted @ 2007-04-03 21:28 david.turing 阅读(1451) | 评论 (4)编辑 收藏

Portal技术最新动态与企业门户开发经验交流(广州User Group活动)

     摘要: 2007年4月7日广州User Group活动
主 题:Portal技术最新动态与企业门户开发经验交流
时 间:2007年4月7日下午1:00到6:00
地 点:广州天河北路468号
嘉逸国际酒店(百佳超市对面) 三楼嘉逸宴会厅

随着信息化建设的逐渐深入,软件技术的不断创新,Portal技术已经成为企业信息化建设的一个重要组成部分。Portal是企业现有应用与新应用的集成节点,使用户能够与人员(People)、内容(content)、应用(Application)和流程(Processes)进行个性化的、安全的、单点式的互动交流。Portal现在已经成为企业最关注的领域之一,是实现企业整合的第一步。   阅读全文

posted @ 2007-03-29 22:08 david.turing 阅读(5220) | 评论 (10)编辑 收藏


     摘要:   阅读全文

posted @ 2007-03-23 10:46 david.turing 阅读(2427) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

已经申请了Google Hosted Mail

用中国IP申请一直不行,今天无意中在公司的美国VPN线路上, 申请, 居然通过, 无话可说.

电子邮件 - http://mail.google.com/a/gzug.org/
日历 - http://www.google.com/calendar/a/gzug.org

另外, 发现google的Page Maker也很好用, 自己申请一个Google Hosted来写
Blog很爽啊: )


posted @ 2007-03-08 09:40 david.turing 阅读(4051) | 评论 (10)编辑 收藏


     摘要: 最近收集到的JDBC写法大全  阅读全文

posted @ 2007-03-01 08:05 david.turing 阅读(6809) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


     摘要: 连Microsoft都在用Google广告了!  阅读全文

posted @ 2007-02-02 17:43 david.turing 阅读(3377) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏


     摘要: 创建dos/bash的简单右键快捷方式  阅读全文

posted @ 2007-02-01 16:54 david.turing 阅读(3416) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏


单价         套数                  房号                   总价         日期
------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------- ----------------------------
8420.86851628 1 1408 767899.0000 2006-05-25
8414.60879080 1 2007 461373.0000 2006-05-25
8224.28073668 1 1901 826129.0000 2006-05-25
7152.41574871 1 1605 655805.0000 2006-05-25
8184.21105027 1 1801 822104.0000 2006-05-25
8306.08572363 1 2209 761585.0000 2006-05-25
8264.34046789 1 2001 830153.0000 2006-05-26
8410.43692032 1 2206 752650.0000 2006-05-26
8364.51365281 1 2008 762760.0000 2006-05-26
8204.24388639 1 1608 748145.0000 2006-05-26
8334.47018055 1 1807 456979.0000 2006-05-26
8915.47395109 1 2002 1090095.0000 2006-05-26
8294.40087543 1 1707 454782.0000 2006-05-29
8945.53038357 1 2102 1093770.0000 2006-05-29
7933.76913621 1 1806 709993.0000 2006-05-29
8079.42756881 1 1708 736763.0000 2006-05-30
8013.91216895 1 2006 717165.0000 2006-05-30
8053.97889915 1 1603 984760.0000 2006-05-30
8092.45113273 1 1903 989464.0000 2006-05-30
7873.67215617 1 1909 721937.0000 2006-06-02
8898.69503235 1 2608 811472.0000 2006-06-02
7834.22401570 1 1609 718320.0000 2006-06-03
8534.81670618 1 2407 467964.0000 2006-06-03
8951.41345978 1 2607 490806.0000 2006-06-03
8330.19546904 1 2103 1018533.0000 2006-06-03
9286.57669159 1 2107 509183.0000 2006-06-03
7630.43952448 1 1405 699635.0000 2006-06-05
9400 1 1907 515402.0000 2006-06-05
8573.11108674 1 2408 781782.0000 2006-06-05
8000.88825529 1 1508 729601.0000 2006-06-06
8056.89866688 1 1503 985117.0000 2006-06-07
8919.78843698 1 2207 489072.0000 2006-06-07
8188.49178695 1 1601 822534.0000 2006-06-07
9541.30950209 1 2307 523150.0000 2006-06-10
8284.38425265 1 1808 755453.0000 2006-06-12
8646.58038825 1 2401 868549.0000 2006-06-12
8561.29855918 1 1407 469416.0000 2006-06-16
7662.15736541 1 2404 777096.0000 2006-06-16
8327.91972804 1 1908 759423.0000 2006-06-17
9939.42913224 1 2502 1215294.0000 2006-06-22
9642.88868896 1 1702 1179036.0000 2006-06-27
8730.00497760 1 2101 876929.0000 2006-06-27
9349.56244377 1 2202 1143171.0000 2006-06-27
9421.73483934 1 2108 859168.0000 2006-06-29
8117.63551096 1 2409 744306.0000 2006-06-30
7797.77511178 1 1505 714978.0000 2006-07-04
8299.82824895 1 2003 1014820.0000 2006-07-05
8846.39731741 1 1602 1081649.0000 2006-07-05
8927.37384476 1 1802 1091550.0000 2006-07-05
8708.90651836 1 2203 1064838.0000 2006-07-05
9129.81107385 1 2402 1116302.0000 2006-07-05
8078.39459046 1 1809 740708.0000 2006-07-05
7996.17188352 1 2009 733169.0000 2006-07-06
8099.06134763 1 1606 724785.0000 2006-07-06
7698.32042752 1 2005 705859.0000 2006-07-06
8048.23863016 1 1705 737943.0000 2006-07-07
8388.32271762 1 2406 750671.0000 2006-07-08
9050.34354891 1 2109 829826.0000 2006-07-10
7814.03642709 1 1905 716469.0000 2006-07-15
8704.54793325 1 1709 798120.0000 2006-07-18
7613.96008288 1 1805 698124.0000 2006-07-20
8307.39747457 1 1406 743429.0000 2006-07-20
9630.43264905 1 1902 1177513.0000 2006-07-21
8548.44116661 1 1506 765000.0000 2006-07-22
8933.39513578 1 2309 819103.0000 2006-07-22
9585.77694922 1 2308 874127.0000 2006-07-31
7967.82685860 1 2104 808097.0000 2006-08-03
8906.52197622 1 2509 816639.0000 2006-08-05
9345.65455450 1 2201 938771.0000 2006-08-07
8884.78042239 1 2106 795099.0000 2006-08-09
7808.04886029 1 2105 715920.0000 2006-08-12
8512.27430238 1 1607 466728.0000 2006-08-16
9015.21957760 1 2506 806772.0000 2006-08-16
8439.13185734 1 1311 773784.0000 2006-08-18
8614.89802595 1 1509 789900.0000 2006-08-21
8559.20116724 1 1507 469301.0000 2006-08-22
9706.58398686 1 2507 532212.0000 2006-08-22
7821.63265306 1 1701 785683.0000 2006-08-23
9010.86938742 1 2303 1101759.0000 2006-08-23
9043.23388088 1 2306 809279.0000 2006-08-23
9555.15955696 1 2508 871335.0000 2006-08-24
9378.25783972 1 2301 942046.0000 2006-08-28
7967.39301912 1 1704 808053.0000 2006-09-01
8976.08760577 1 1401 901648.0000 2006-09-02
8032.60988112 1 2305 736510.0000 2006-09-04
9049.89582191 1 2208 825260.0000 2006-09-04
8918.02568087 1 1803 1090407.0000 2006-09-08
8083.33515105 1 2205 741161.0000 2006-09-13
9205.92132166 1 2403 1125608.0000 2006-09-14
9238.87298601 1 2503 1129637.0000 2006-09-20
8006.44843226 1 1604 812014.0000 2006-09-20
8411.41786629 1 1804 853086.0000 2006-09-28
9872.45395719 1 2501 991688.0000 2006-10-09
7964.15894300 1 1504 807725.0000 2006-10-12
9943.45301382 1 1502 1215786.0000 2006-10-18
9221.73877484 1 1703 1127542.0000 2006-10-24
8183.14928022 1 1404 829935.0000 2006-10-28
8534.81670618 1 2407 467964.0000
8512.27430238 1 1607 466728.0000
7698.32042752 1 2005 705859.0000
1 2601
1 2405
8388.32271762 1 2406 750671.0000
8048.23863016 1 1705 737943.0000

某些价格是按揭, 某些不是

posted @ 2007-01-30 16:49 david.turing 阅读(270) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

[原创] Pass SSL Certificate to Weblogic Cluster through Apache Proxy under SSL

     摘要: This Paper will introduce how to pass certficate to Weblogic Cluster
through Apache Proxy under SSL.
Before you read this paper, please read another blog of mine( but not

http://www.blogjava.net/security/archive/2007/01/07/WeblogicClusterWithApacheProxyUnderSSL.html  阅读全文

posted @ 2007-01-13 19:19 david.turing 阅读(5397) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

[原创]Apache Proxy with Weblogic Cluster under SSL

     摘要: 如何配置Apache与Weblogic集群走SSL协议  阅读全文

posted @ 2007-01-07 14:34 david.turing 阅读(9177) | 评论 (2)编辑 收藏


     摘要: 发布一个简易的SecureXRCP,方便不使用Eclipse的管理员去处理证书库以及产生/验证XML数字签名以及数字水印。  阅读全文

posted @ 2007-01-07 11:16 david.turing 阅读(4039) | 评论 (3)编辑 收藏



posted @ 2007-01-02 10:06 david.turing 阅读(2026) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

安装测试Apache Proxy For Weblogic Cluster笔记


1,Download Apache 2.0

2,安装Apache 2.0, 使用默认的80默认端口
Copy Weblogic的so到Apache目录

这样, Apache知道如何Balance Request到Cluster中处理能力更强的服务器。

修改httpd.conf配置文件(%APACHE_HOME%\conf\httpd.conf),让apache加载weblogic提供的For Apache的Plugin——
LoadModule weblogic_module mod_wl_20.so
<IfModule mod_weblogic.c> 
MatchExpression *.*



posted @ 2006-12-28 22:58 david.turing 阅读(5974) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

Java新闻2006,Dec 21

BEA News

BEA Systems' Guardian Offers Pre-emptive Support -- eChannelLine.com
December 22, 2006 -- BEA Systems Inc. plans to release its BEA Guardian evaluation version followed by a general availability release. Guardian represents a departure from the traditional support model employed by the enterprise software industry and is designed to reduce the cost of reactive and proactive support services for organizations, officials said. Stuart Charlton, head enterprise architect for BEA Systems Canada, said his company is offering pre-emptive support as a means of analyzing the customer's computing environment and comparing it to BEA's knowledge base. The end result is Guardian is designed to detect problems before they occur and in turn help lower daily IT operational costs.

BEA Systems' Guardian Offers Pre-Emptive Support -- eChannelLine.ca
December 22, 2006 -- BEA Systems Inc. plans to release its BEA Guardian evaluation version followed by a general availability release. Guardian takes support services from a traditional break-fix model to a pre-emptive model, designed to help customers running business critical applications, given high availability is no longer a strategic goal but a tactical necessity in the modern world. "We're seeing a drive to reduce the diagnosis and time to resolution costs in the enterprise data centre," said Stuart Charlton, head enterprise architect for BEA Systems Canada. "This is another way of capturing knowledge in a machine-readable form and help resolve issues before they become problems."

JBoss News

Red Hat 3Q Profit Drops But Beats Wall Street Expectations -- San Jose Mercury News.com
December 22, 2006 -- Stock-compensation expenses cut into profits for the second consecutive quarter for Red Hat Inc., but the company again exceeded analysts' expectations. The company's second-quarter profit dropped 34 percent on stock-compensation expenses. But company shares surged nearly 14 percent in after-hours trading Thursday. "Our brand and our reputation is world-recognized," Red Hat Chairman Matthew Szulik said after markets closed. "The continued innovation in the next quarter will allow us to compete successfully."

Red Hat Earnings Shrug Off Oracle Threat -- ZDNet.com
December 21, 2006 -- Red Hat's net income subsided in its most recent quarter, but revenue increased as the Linux seller shrugged off the arrival of Oracle as a direct competitor. For the quarter ended November 30, the company's net income was $15.5 million, down 37 percent compared with the same period a year ago. But its revenue increased 45 percent to $105.8 million. The net income of 14 cents per share, excluding various charges like stock option expenses, beat the average expectation of 12 cents per share predicted by analysts surveyed by First Call. "It looks like the world is not coming to an end for you guys after all," said Merrill Lynch analyst Kash Rangan shortly afterward.

Customer Backlash Against Oracle's Buggy Linux Product? -- SeekingAlpha.com
December 22, 2006 -- Mark Murphy, an analyst for First Albany, asked "So, I guess the question is, is it realistic to think that Oracle is just going to ride this experiment into the ground, or would you expect them to possibly withdraw their offering from the marketplace?" Matthew Szulik, CEO Red Hat, responded "we're focused on the success of our customers. We are focused on expanding the opportunity for open source software through initiatives like OLPC with RHEL 5, RHN 2.0, the expanding JBoss middleware stack, and I have to be frank with you, I don't spend a whole lot of time thinking about the operational issues and the Oracle operating system product."

IBM News

Building The SOA Assembly Line -- RedOrbit.com
December 22, 2006 -- RQI is just one of a hundred such reusable SOA components that IBM has built and that are now being used to build new solutions from the ground up for each client. The components are part of a larger effort at IBM to leverage the company's deep application development and IT services expertise to create a storehouse of reusable assets that can be used with customers of all stripes. "What we are really doing by building reusable assets is allowing customers to build their solutions that much quicker and become very flexible," says Brett MacIntyre, IBM's vice president for Composite Services Development.

SAP News

SAP Fills Out 2007 Agenda -- InternetNews.com
December 22, 2006 -- At the top of SAP's agenda is the SOA initiative, its new Duet software for Microsoft Office users, and an enterprise search service still in development. SAP's answer is to provide a standard platform based on its NetWeaver software on which to allow customers, ISVs, and others innovate. While most platform vendors let customers innovate to some degree, analyst Joshua Greenbaum credits SAP for running more forcefully with the idea. "Some of SAP's competitors are known for predatory partnerships, where you also have to compete with them, and I think SAP used to be more like that too," Greenbaum, who is with Enterprise Applications Consulting, told internetnews.com.

Microsoft News

Key Developer Quits Novell Over Microsoft Patent Pact -- eWeek.com
December 21, 2006 -- Jeremy Allison, a leading Samba developer and well-known open-source speaker, has decided to leave Novell because of his objections to the Microsoft/Novell patent agreement. In his public letter of resignation, Allison said, "This has been a very difficult decision, but one I feel I have no choice but to make. My main issue with this deal is I believe that even if it does not violate the letter of the license it violates the intent of the GPL license the Samba code is released under, which is to treat all recipients of the code equally."

Industry News

Wall Street Beat: The Year Ahead -- InfoWorld.com
December 22, 2006 -- Get set for some surprises. With 12 months of moderate expansion expected in the global IT arena, vendors will have to get creative in 2007 to maintain the kind of growth investors want. Tech companies, however, are under pressure. Worldwide IT spending will increase by 6.6 percent in 2007, according to IDC. This is slightly better than the 2006 increase of 6.3 percent but nowhere near the double-digit levels of the dot-com boom. "You will see major vendors performing unnatural acts," quipped Frank Gens, senior vice president of research at IDC.

Blog Monitoring

LEGO Blocks And SOA: Is The Singularity Near? -- ZDNet.com
December 21, 2006 -- Joe McKendrick questions whether LEGOs are becoming more like our IT systems, versus the other way around.

Auto-Generated Services Okay In Model-Driven SOA -- ZDNet.com
December 21, 2006 -- Joe McKendrick writes about how auto-generating service does not invalidate reuse or SOA: the secret sauce and key IP for businesses is the data/business models.

C With NetBeans On Linux ... Check It Out! -- Weblogs.Java.net
December 21, 2006 -- Joerg Plewe writes about how JDK6, NetBeans 5.5 and the new C/C++ development pack is smooth and very user friendly.

BEA Systems Maintains High Ranking In Application Server Software Platform Market In Asia Pacific -- Egoboss.com
December 21, 2006 -- (BEA MENTION) -- Carl Griffith writes about how BEA is a leader in the Application Server Software Platform market in Asia-Pacific region and its SOA has risen to the forefront.


Feature Story

The Traditional ESB Gets Weaved Into An SOA Fabric -- SearchWebServices.com
December 21, 2006 -- In a sign of how quickly things change, the "traditional" enterprise service bus is undergoing an evolution to stay current with the demands of the service-oriented architecture, morphing from an integration/messaging tool to an infrastructure offering that includes tools for business process management (BPM) and governance, analysts say.

The introduction this week of webMethods Fabric 7.0 indicates how much the ESB product category has grown from its original integration backbone role.

"The thing that we see in webMethods Fabric 7.0 is a really straightforward development environment for building composite applications in an SOA fashion," said Bill Swanton, vice president of research for AMR Research, Inc. He said the new product integrates all the tools historically linked to integration including the original enterprise application integration (EAI) technology as well as ESB, but now includes BPM, business activity monitoring (BAM), registry/repository and governance capabilities.

Outmoded as EAI may appear to be in an SOA world, it is still important to support the legacy technology, which is still in place in many corporations, said Peter S. Kastner, vice president enterprise integration for the Aberdeen Group.

"We found almost nobody who is willing to abandon their investments in EAI just to buy an ESB to say that they own one," he said. He cited webMethods as an original EAI company that has successfully made the transition into the SOA world while providing a bridge back to old integration technology. His research of IT departments this year disproved his own belief that the old integration vendors were doomed.

"My hypothesis going into the year was that the EAI companies would take it on the chin," Kastner said. "The reality is the vast majority of their customers are fairly easily connecting SOA via adapters to their EAI fabric or infrastructure."

Kastner and Swanton agree that adding the newer technology, especially BPM, is important to the evolution of the ESB technology webMethods is packaging under its Fabric brand.

Swanton said many of the other ESB vendors are still trying to put together a comprehensive toolset that will serve the needs of both business analysts and developers. The overall ESB technology is moving to include BPM so that developers can work with business analysts on the applications for the business processes, he said.

The BPM technology is important, Kastner said, because based on his research big business is embracing it in a big way. "We're seeing at this point that roughly 50 percent of the Global 5000 are actively engaged in business process management development." He noted that webMethods is not alone in integrating BPM into its ESB technology.

"You should note that Tibco has invested heavily in BPM over the last several years," he said. "Fiorano also beefed up their ESB product significantly in the BPM space in the last six months."

ESB evolution requires a new definition and perhaps even a new name, said Marc Breissinger, CTO at webMethods Inc., noting that the industry is beginning to embrace the term "fabric," which his company and some others use in their product branding.

From webMethod's point of view, the CTO said, the definition of ESB has expanded from a set of categorical definitions of features and functionality to a general category of technology that solves business problems.

"The focus of webMethods Fabric 7.0 coming out this week has to do with the evolution of business process management systems in the context of SOA and classic integration scenarios," Breissinger said. "What we have seen is a convergence of the straight-through processing style automated BPM along with the more human-centric approaches to business process management, or what is commonly referred to as workflow, into a coherent whole, along with business activity monitoring that also needs to be delivered by the BPMS, as well as UI development."

The term fabric has become the umbrella for all the added tools and technologies. It is also used by the Burton Group, which uses terms such as middleware fabric and Web services fabric in discussing application integration using the service-oriented approach.

Breissinger said he isn't wild about the fabric terminology, but it appears to be the best way to describe the holistic approach to combining ESB with BPM and other technology for measuring, modeling and implementing SOA.

"In the past before we got into the BPM space, we were talking about integration backbones," the webMethods' CTO said in providing a brief history of terms. "Then we talked about services buses. In a sense the fabric is the same concept taken one step further to include the business process management and the analytics and the composite application development capabilities to give you that full system building infrastructure versus a pure bus or backbone."

posted @ 2006-12-26 09:04 david.turing 阅读(2325) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


     摘要: 在2006 BEAWorld ,Workshop团队向Java开发者展示了其强大的Workshop IDE功能,Workshop宣布支持PHP, Flex开发,开发者能够在Weblogic Platform上部署PHP和Flex应用,在未来,Workshop还会支持Ruby等语言的集成开发。   阅读全文

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