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java bitwise operator:
~ The unary bitwise complement operator "~" inverts a bit pattern.
<<The signed left shift
>>The signed right shift
>>>the unsigned right shift

& The bitwise & operator performs a bitwise AND operation.

^ The bitwise ^ operator performs a bitwise exclusive OR operation.

| The bitwise | operator performs a bitwise inclusive OR operation.

  • ^ can swap two variables without using an intermediate, temporary variable which is useful if you are short on available RAM or want that sliver of extra speed.

    Usually, when not using ^, you will do:

    temp = a;

    a = b;

    b = temp;

    Using ^, no "temp" is needed:

    a ^= b;

    b ^= a;

    a ^= b;

    This will swap "a" and "b" integers. Both must be integers.

an example of using an integer to maintain state flags (common usage):
// These are my masks

private static final int MASK_DID_HOMEWORK  = 0x0001;

private static final int MASK_ATE_DINNER    = 0x0002;

private static final int MASK_SLEPT_WELL    = 0x0004;

// This is my current state

private int m_nCurState;

To set my state, I use the bitwise OR operator:

// Set state for'ate dinner' and 'slept well' to 'on'


Notice how I 'or' my current state in with the states that I want to turn 'on'. Who knows what my current state is and I don't want to blow it away.

To unset my state, I use the bitwise AND operator with the complement operator:

// Turn off the 'ate dinner' flag

= (m_nCurState & ~MASK_ATE_DINNER);

To check my current state, I use the AND operator:

// Check if I did my homework

if (0 != (m_nCurState & MASK_DID_HOMEWORK)) {

// yep

} else {

// nope...


Why do I think this is interesting? Say I'm designing an interface that sets my state. I could write a method that accepts three booleans:

void setState( boolean bDidHomework, boolean bAteDinner, boolean bSleptWell);

Or, I could use a single number to represent all three states and pass a single value:

void setState( int nStateBits);

If you choose the second pattern you'll be very happy when decide to add another state - you won't have to break existing impls of your interface.

posted on 2010-04-13 14:39 sevenduan 阅读(407) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Java

