Shao Fan

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Posted on 2006-02-25 17:45 shaofan 阅读(439) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 软件工程

Early on, most people in the software field believed that the problem was weak software management, and the solution was to hold the line one the original set of requirements, insisting that when the software team had solved that problem, the customers and users would just have to accept that solution. It was during this era that computer scientists came up with the notion of formal specifications...

That approach really didn't work very well. The eventual solution didn't solve any problem the customers and users really needed solved, and, therefore, those slutions were ignored and eventually abandoned. All that time and money had been spent building a software solution that went straight to the refuse bin ... so did the relationship between the customers and the development organization


在早些年里,人们并未认识到"不稳定的需求"是软件开发本身固有的本性,而是把问题归咎于管理.基于此的解决方案就是,坚持在最初捕获的需求的基础上进行开发,否认和拒决需求变更.在这段时间里,FORMAL SPECIFICATION发展了起来.


[GLASS] Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering, Rober L. Glass, Addison-Wesley,2002

