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An End of Liberal Media

Posted on 2006-04-20 10:18 shaofan 阅读(314) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: English
A new survey by the xxx school of journalists shows that most americans think the news is biased, no surprise there. of those 48% says the bias is liberal and 30% say it's conservative, but our next guest says the era of liberal dominance and the political correctness in the media is coming to an end. Brian Anderson is the author of South Park Conservatives, the Revolt Against Liberal Media Bias. Brian that's today's big question. Are liberals finally losing the media culture war?
Well I think losing is probably too much to say, but it is the case they're no longer winning. It's gonna a huge transformation in the media landscape in the last 5 or 6 years really. And the liberal sir are now fighting the battle.
Tell us about the transformation and then I want to ask u about how the liberals are fighting back.
Sure. The three big medium are TocRadio, CableNews and now the internet and blog sphere. Huge huge numbers of americans are moving over to these new media. The average age of CBS news watcher, or any of the big network news watcher is now 60.
Oh, average age...
That's the average age. So if you look at the commercials, they are for things like xxx... it's an aging audiens. Kids too and younger americans are moving over to the new media. And in each of this new media, conservatives, right-of-the-centre voice, do very well.
What's the average age for FoxNews, for Cable in general, for TocRadio, for the bloggeries?
TocRadio is a little older, the blogger's are the youngest. No question about this. The blogger audiens are some exactly inversed to CBS news. Put it that way. So u can see the horizon of the future there. And the cable news generaly attract younger demographics as well.
Do americans still trust journals?
I think not, u just cited one poll, and that's only the lastest u know, about 5 or 6 major polls that came out in the last few years which say, no way, we don't trust journalists at all. There's a lot of reason for that xxx other incidents.
When do all of this begin to unravel for the liberal media dominance?
It started with xxx, the rise of TOC radio in the early 90s. Than u had emergencies in cable news and fox news particular in the mid-90s. And now with blogs, really on the last 5 years I say, we have seen the big shift. And u've got now 12% of Americas reading political blogs, that's 26 million people reading a medium that didn't exist 5 years ago. It's an amazing shift. That's something very healthy for political debate.
The liberals are fighting back
Yes, no question. They've launched Air America over the last year. It's not been very successful. I've been in fact, writing about this over the last few weeks. The ratings are pretty low right now. and u've got Al Gore tv coming up, pretty soon. although we're interested in our xxx announced news station says this wasn't gonna to be an aera americans goes tv and an indication that maybe ...
he is actually gonna to come out with an tv network that he would either on management, control ...
yeah, that's exactly right ...
What r they gonna to do? What can we expect to see on them?
He's aiming at the younger audiens, u'll see a pretty little liberal slant in their news delivery. But u know it's still a shifting landscape I think it's right-centre-of-voices still have some way to go before they draw even.
let's get back to your book. What are South Park Conservatives?
Well another theme of the book is the emergency what I call Anti Liberal Humour, or South Park Conservatives, it's a characteristic u see a lot among the students on campus now. They may not be traditionally conservative but they hate political correctness, and really reject the Nancy Pelosi left let's say. The south park itself is a very very irreverent, a very very offensive tv show, but it often makes fun of liberals. That's something new.
New words:
aging adj. 年迈的
demographics  n. 人口统计学
irreverent adj. 不尊重的
unravel v. 撕裂
draw even  打平
tv show 电视节目

