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这个插件是用来方面的使用 log4j组件的,非常好用,推荐!

Log4E is an Eclipse Plugin which helps you to use your logger easily in Java Projects.
The Plugin Log4E is not bound to any special logging framework. Thus you might be able to adapt to your own logger by defining your own templates using the preferences. It has active support for Log4j, Commons Logging and JDK 1.4 logging.

Use the context menu of a java file or the context menu of an editor and get to the submenu "Log4". Notice that the editor submenu provides additional tasks.

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Download the Plugin here


The following tasks can be invoked either on project, sourcefolder, package, class or method level.

Logger Declaration


    Inserting import statement and logger declaration of your favourite logger in your sourcecode automatically.
    Kind of logger and imports are configurable in the Preferences.

Logger Insertions


    Automate insertions of logger statements at certain method entries: begin of method, exit of method (before every return statement and at the end of method) and in catch blocks.
    Furthermore you can add a logger statement at any position you like supported by a wizard.
    logger levels and much more is configurable in the Preferences:Positions (Statements and Positions).

Substitution of System out's


    Replacement of System out's, System.err's and e.printTrackTrace Statements.
    Logger levels are configurable in the Preferences:Replacement.

Logger Modification


    Note that the modification task could delete a logger message under certain circumstances! Please read the Logger Modification:Algorithm section before using it.

    Modification of already exisiting logger statements: Replacing logger message with standard information, surrounding log statements with isLevelEnabled() if clauses and more.

Don't hesitate to request for new features or help at

posted on 2007-07-05 16:26 和田雨 阅读(560) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Log4jEclipse

