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As a result, users often run into integration problems when attempting to access desktop applications via mobile devices. Could Web services provide an answer? Three architectures to implement a mobile Web service:

1. Wireless Portal Network
A wireless portal network has a gateway between the mobile client and the Web service provider; this gateway takes care of all SOAP/HTTP requests and returns responses in a supported format.
2. Wireless Extended Extended Network
mobile clients interact directly with Web service providers; they’re true Web services clients and can send or receive SOAP messages.
3. P2P
mobile devices can also act as Web service providers in addition to requesting Web services, which is especially beneficial in ad hoc networks.

Big Problem: The overhead involved in XML processing presents a huge problem for mobile Web services applications.

The following picture is the author's architecture of the Mobie Web Services

The service broker service ontology specifies a domain (such as food, rental, or entertainment) and a set of synonyms for flexible search. A service class is further specified by its attributes, which are service-class specific and can include URIs.

Implementation of this framework

posted @ 2006-07-08 17:07 麓阁 阅读(324) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏