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The price of freedom is loneliness.

I am alone.No one knows me,as I can not tell anyone my dream.No one can share my dream,which is a secret, with me.I wish someone can share it with me,but there is none who can do it.
Actually I once told someone my dream so that it was once shared,but it has been the end for almost one year.From then on,I decided not to tell anyone my dream,as I realized that no one could understand it,which is so simple but so difficult for me to realize it.
I begin feeling lonely,as no one can share my dream,even my family can not.
It is true that I have freedom of realizing my dream and doing as I wish.But I pay some price for it.I should pay for it,because I should realize it,otherwise I can not have a calm death when I am old.I want not to regret that I did not take the chance of realizing my dream.I should never give up my dream.I should take this chance.I believe that I will be very happy when I realize my dream,so I am worried that I can not realize it then I will regret.

I am tired and lonely,but I should go on.I think I  should learn to enjoy this kind of freedom.

Maybe I am becoming old,but I am still so little in others'eye.I even do not know whether I ever loved or was ever loved.I do not know.I always only live in the world of my own,where there is only my dream,which I always want  to realize.I do not know what is love.I once believed that the feeling and what I ever did meaned love,but life told me that I was wrong.I am still so little,so naive and so ignorant,but I have been becoming old.What can I do?I do not know.I only want to realize my dream.To make it,I have been tired,but I should realize it,because it is my dream.
Please,never give up!
posted on 2007-12-28 08:44 snowfairy 阅读(140) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏










