- 产品即时比价,为购买产品提供参考;
- 产品规格收集;

TODO List:
- Identify attributes in a web page
- Deal with multiple attributes in a single line while comparing
- Show already mapped attributes in compare dialog
- Filter "related product" area to reduce # of hunks (by identifying instance URLs in webpage)
- Use 3rd party (oss) Java diff library, to remove "org.eclipse.compare" dependency
- [Web]Add attribute value filtering options in search page
- Add "washer" or "MessageFormat" to attribute entry
- Specify whether an attribute is long text (e.g. description) or image URL
- Add popularity property to ore, evaluate it by speed, usage, etc.
- Solo data partition
- Show downloading progress bar in web interface
- Added order property to Attribute
- Result page columns categorized by ores
- Give different thread pool size to user according to his level, default = 3
- Ores of a category should be derived, like attributes inheritance
- Solve the problem that one ore maps attributes differently in different categories
- Model advanced search of ores
- Automatically discover search url pattern of ores
- Convert relative HREFs to absolute so that they can be recongnized by instance url pattern
- Add test query keyword for Category (or Ore) as an attribute, for easy testing purpose
- Ability to map multiple attributes in web page to one
- Package as rcp product
- Mark as "not available" for an attribute of ores
- Cache most recent downloaded web pages, for re-compare purpose
- Remove tag content to reduce hunks
- Remove unique content in product url to reduce hunks
Issue List:
- [Desktop]Concurrently download test pages in comparing dialog.
- Remove org.eclipse.swt dependency from solo model
- Instance url pattern of Ore should be multiple (allow an ore has multiple instance url pattern)
- Use relative path for default.solo
- Clear prior mapping when an attribute is assigned again, provide "remove mapping" button
- Add progress indicator for attribute extraction dialog while refresh comparison area
- Add as test instance URL when two URLs are entered to be compared
- Allow mapping multiple attributes in mapping dialog without pressing OK button
- Add add/remove category/attribute function
- Provide category selection function in editing ore dialog
- Replace compare area with Table for better performance
