
AUDIO: [http://media.rawvoice.com/arewealone/traffic.libsyn.com/arewealone/AWA_11-01-24.mp3]

Seth: Science is about discovery.New finding such as the earth is round, apparently, that's just in.New observations of black holes and investigations of perplex phenomenon, for example, how cats lap up milk, that sorts of thing, Eureka and all that. But we are interested today in what's gone missing in science. That's why have here the science classified want ads. This is Are We Alone. I'm Seth Shostak.

Molly: I'm Molly Bentley. Well, Seth, before we dive into the want ads you have there, figuring out what is missing in science is often a matter when you ask the question, because evidence that is missing is often discovered in time. For example, you know, fossil that shows the transition between reptiles and birds was missing for a long time. Scientists hadn't found it, but we now do have it.

Seth: Right! Eh, when Mendeleev invented the periodic table 150 years ago, there were some blank spots, for example, he was looking for an element that have the properties like silicon but heavier. It was missing, but not for long. Soon chemists found the Germanium, and it plugged the gap.

Molly: And Germanium was used in the first transistors, but these days they are made of Silicon, otherwise, our studio will be in the Germanium belly.

Seth: Right. And if we talk about this subject 50 years ago, we might have long form explanation why the east bulge of southern America fits so nicely into the coast line of Africa. The point is, the thing about science is that things that are known to be missing because a theory says it must exist are frequently and eventually found. And that’s because scientists go look for them since they know what they are looking for. Their tools get better and so forth.

Molly: OK, what's missing today? What do you have there on the paper? Seth, the science classifies.

Seth: Oh, let me see here. Oh, here is a good one. "Wanted: a cure for the cold". Well, Molly, you know it has to be somewhere, but scientists haven't found it.

Molly: That ads probably has been in classifies for a long time. How about something that's missing that is a little grander in scale? Anything like that?

Seth: Okay, let me look at the grander column. Here we go, "wanted: an explanation for 72% of the universe."

Molly: Wow, that's gone missing? 72% of the universe. What else it says there?

Seth: It's mysterious and blowing space apart. Cosmologies are in the dark about what it is. If found, call ... There is a number down here.

Molly: Call it! If there is a number call it. Let's find out more.

Seth: Okay!

Saul Perlmutter
Saul: Hello, this is Saul Perlmutter, at the University of California Berkley, and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.

Seth: Saul, this is Seth Shostak, with the science radio show - Are We Alone. Eh, you are cosmologist and I've read your ad. What is this stuff?

Saul: <laugh> Well, we've discovered that the universe is doing something a little bit unexpected. It's speeding up as it expands. So, it gets bigger and bigger and faster and faster. And, we suspect that there maybe an energy that we call dark energy. And it may make up 3/4 of all the stuff in the universe, but we don't know what it is and where it is.

Seth: Well, now wait a minute. Why do we think it is really there? I mean if it's missing, why do we need it to exist?

Saul: Well you need something that would power this amazing expansion of the universe to the point that it's going faster and faster as it expands. And one of the simplest ways perhaps to do it is if you can put an energy that prevails all of empty space.

Seth: Well what do we know is all about dark energy. It's something that is pushing the universe apart, it's causing the universe to blow up like a balloon. Do we know anything about what it is or its properties?

Saul: We have very little to go on so far. We know that it has a set of unusual properties that it has to have a sort of bouncing it to it, bringing it to it, and make the universe reproduce faster, so you get more and more universe, faster and faster. And that particular springiness, something we try to measure by going back and doing that same kind of measurement the history adventure of the universe was in much much more detail. And in the end, we hope that would begin to help us to differentiate the different possible explanations for what's going on.

Seth: Well, could you dare to guess what it might be? I mean maybe it's not a particle, not something you can put into a bottle and shack around, I mean it's just ...

Saul: No, I mean any ordinary stuff that we are used to, you know, touching, seeing... All those things are made out of materials that we know how springy they are. They are not very springy and in fact they will all make the universe slow down. So it has to be in a completely different category of substance and this is why it's such a surprise to the physics world that we have been doing very well accounting for everything we see with what they call the standard model of physics. You can break things down to many many definite places. And yet, it could be that the three quarter of the universe is in the form that we have not even included in the current study.

Seth: Okay. But Saul, is there any chance that this dark energy could all just be a mistake? I mean the claim that it exists depends on measuring an exploding star supernovae in galaxies far far away. Maybe the astronomers calibrated those exploding stars incorrectly, I mean, could dark energy just be a measurement error?

posted @ 2011-05-08 12:13 肥虫 阅读(289) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
posted @ 2010-03-16 09:45 肥虫 阅读(378) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
P4WinMerge - Perforce Visual Merge for Windows
Java xdelta
GNU Diff Utilities


决定使用vimdiff后,打算比较一下它和windows的几个文件比较工具的性能。于是找了一堆文件,比较大,单个文件在17M左右,参与对比的工具有WinMerge, UltraEdit, DF(日本的)和vimdiff。结果让我大吃一惊,粗略感觉了一下,vimdiff在速度上是另外几个工具的10到20倍以上,实在是非常棒。赞叹之!!!

posted @ 2007-06-21 09:20 肥虫 阅读(2832) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

  • java的数组是对象;c的数组是数据结构。
  • java的数组声明的时候不能包含数组的大小,只能在新建对象的时候指定数组大小;c的数组可以在声明的时候包含数组大小。
// java code
int array[10];    // illegal!!!
int array[] = new int[10]; // legal
// c code
int array[10];    // legal;

  • 新建基本数据类型的java数组的时候,无论在哪里新建,都具有初始值;c的数组仅当在全局变量和静态变量的情况下才有初始值,局部非静态变量没有初始值。
  • java的数组在声明的时候,[]可以在变量的左边或者右边,可以空格也可以不空格;c的数组在声明的时候[]只能在变量的右边。
// java code
int array[] = new int[3];    // legal;
int[] array = new int[3];    // legal;
int []array = new int[3];    // legal;
// c code
int [12] array;        // illegal
int array[12];        // legal
int array [12];        // legal

posted @ 2007-05-14 17:26 肥虫 阅读(874) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
1. Local variables in block with same name.

int var = 1;
int var = 2;
int var = 3;

2. Rightmost value
int i, k=3, j=0;
= (k++, j++); // after this, i==0, j==1, k==4

3. Rightmost value in "while" block
while(i = foo(), i != 0){

posted @ 2007-05-14 13:47 肥虫 阅读(291) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
     摘要: This is a guide of making OpenCV and Gimp work togther. It's not complex as you might thought. Taking 5 minutes, you will understand how to make your first OpenCV-oriented Gimp plugin.  阅读全文
posted @ 2007-04-30 20:13 肥虫 阅读(2696) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
     摘要: clk为什么要用posedge,而不用negedge呢?  阅读全文
posted @ 2007-04-23 17:40 肥虫 阅读(3242) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
     摘要: 前一阵子把scjp的资料又翻阅了一遍,这里把容易弄错的要点摘出来备忘。 这是第二部分  阅读全文
posted @ 2007-04-14 15:37 肥虫 阅读(423) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
     摘要: 前一阵子把scjp的资料又翻阅了一遍,这里把容易弄错的要点摘出来备忘。  阅读全文
posted @ 2007-04-13 19:21 肥虫 阅读(322) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
     摘要: 相当一段时间都在关注voip的事情,浪费了不少时间,现在把现阶段的结论写下来。  阅读全文
posted @ 2007-03-29 18:13 肥虫 阅读(6742) | 评论 (11)编辑 收藏
     摘要: Linux用户呼声渐长,特此翻译一篇新闻。  阅读全文
posted @ 2007-02-22 08:48 肥虫 阅读(416) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
     摘要: 本文介绍了如何让包含windows和linux双系统的计算机共享同一邮件系统的解决办法。写这个文章的时候也是满腔愤怒,现在看来有的地方有失偏颇,不过对于有类似需求的用户来说还是有一定价值的。  阅读全文
posted @ 2007-01-23 09:31 肥虫 阅读(4362) | 评论 (4)编辑 收藏
     摘要:   阅读全文
posted @ 2006-11-28 16:11 肥虫 阅读(2041) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

硬件配置:Dell Latitude C600 PIII 850MHz/256M
Ubuntu Version: 6.10 Edgy Eft

1. 对系统做过某种改动后,字体明显变小,怎么回事?
A: DPI被改 动了,而不是字体的问题。试试这个
echo  " Xft.dpi: 96 "   |  xrdb  - merge

2. Stardict怎么打不开金山词霸的词典?
A: Stardict 2.4.8才 开始支持金山的词库,之前的版本不行。

3. 有没有像Windows里面的龙卷风收音机一样的软件?
A: 有,Streamtuner,而且比 龙卷风要好很多,就是中文节目少了点。

4. 龙卷风收音机能看Research Channel,Streamtuner能么?
A: Research Channel的网站提供了http://www.researchchannel.org/prog/webcastasx/rtv-lan.asx文件,直接用gXine打 开就可以看了。但是 Mplayer好像不能打 开,原因调查中。

5. xmms界面乱码怎么办?
A: 试试 ln -s /etc/gtk/gtkrc.zh_CN /etc/gtk/gtkrc.zh_CN.utf-8

6. 如何为Dell Latitude笔记本安装风扇散热控制程序i8k?
A: 首先下载i8k,然后在编辑/etc/modules,加入i8k force=1,这样就可以在启动系统的时候自动启动i8k。
sudo apt-get install i8k
sudo nano /etc/modules
i8k force=1

7. Skype在XUbuntu Edgy上常常和SKIM冲突,怎么办?
A: 虽然到处都有说SKIM的不好,但是比小企鹅输入法多了日语等语言,所以我还不得不用。试试下面的命令来解决Skype的问题:
export LANG=C
="xim skype"

8. 在Xubuntu启动是fsck老是报告磁盘错误,怎么回事?
A: 这种情况通常是你的计算机存在一些fat32分区,Xubuntu在启动的时候,会自动对这些分区进行磁盘扫描,有时这样的检查会产生许多错误信息。如果你不想让fsck在启动时检查Windows(vfat)分区,可以编辑/etc/fstab文件将第6列的pass参数改成0。

posted @ 2006-11-22 08:57 肥虫 阅读(600) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Key Words:
OpenCV , Dev-C

OpenCV的开发很多是由Visual C的编译器编译的。除此之外有没有别的选择呢?显然是有的,比如命令行下的gcc,可以配合Cygwin编译出win32下的可执行程序。此外,基于MingW的开源集成开发环境Dev-C也是一个非常好的选择。
最近在网上看见了关于Dev-C++中配置OpenCV的文章,但是觉得过于复杂了。 参见:Dev-C++配置OpenCv

首 先,打开Project Option->Directories,然后在Include Directories里面添加OpenCV的路径以及你自己项目的路径。一般的,你可能用到的OpenCV的include路径包括%OPENCV% /cxcore/include, %OPENCV%/cv/include,%OPENCV%/cvaux/include和%OPENCV%/otherlibs/highgui。可以 根据你的实际使用情况进行取舍,如果不知道自己会用到哪些,就把他们全添进去好了,如下图所示。


接 着,在Project Option->Parameters中的Linker里面添加%OPENCV%/lib/cxcore.lib,%OPENCV% /lib/cv.lib,%OPENCV%/lib/cvaux.lib和%OPENCV%/lib/highgui.lib这几个和Include Directories向对应的lib库。缺少这一设置的话,你的程序编译成目标文件的时候没问题,但是连接的时候就不行了,所以是必须添加的。

OK,这需要这么简单的两步,你的Project应该就可以顺利编译了。Good Luck~

<转载请注明出处 franktao@sohu.com>
posted @ 2006-11-13 07:44 肥虫 阅读(6019) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏











