#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int seq_size = 18;
const int max_seq = 6;
const int max_tries = 3;
string seq_names[max_seq] = {
int elem_seq[ seq_size ] = {
1, 2, 3, //Fibonacci
3, 4, 7, //lucas
2, 5, 12, //Pell
3, 6, 10, //Triangular
4, 9, 16, //Square
5, 12, 22 //Pentagonal
int usr_val; //the value user inputed
int num_total; //total times
int num_tries = 0; //the try number
int num_rights = 0; //the right times
int cur_tuple = 0; //the location pointer of current array
double usr_score; //user's score
char usr_rsp; //try again?
bool go_for_it = true; //try again
bool next_seq = true; //display the next number
bool got_it = false;//right or error?
int main(){
while ( next_seq && cur_tuple < seq_size) {
//display the array
cout << " the First two elements of the sequence are: "
<< elem_seq[ cur_tuple ] << ", "
<< elem_seq[ cur_tuple + 1]
<< " in the "
<< seq_names[ cur_tuple/3]
<< " sequence.\n"
<< "What is the next element?";
got_it = false;
go_for_it = true;
num_tries = 0;
while ((!got_it) && (go_for_it)) {
int usr_guess;
cin >> usr_guess;
if (usr_guess == elem_seq[ cur_tuple + 2]){
cout << "Congratulations! you are right! \n";
got_it = true;
switch (num_tries){
case 1 :
cout << "Oops! Nice guess but not quite it.\n";
case 2 :
cout << "Hmm, Sorry, wront a second time. \n";
case 3 :
cout << "Ah, this is harder than it looks, isn't it?\n";
go_for_it = false; //跳出
default :
cout << "It must be getting pretty frustrating by now! \n";
if (num_tries < 3) cout << "Do you try it again? (Y|N)" ;
cin >> usr_rsp;
if (usr_rsp == 'N' || usr_rsp == 'n')
go_for_it = false;
}//small while
cout << "Want to try another sequence? (Y/N)";
char try_again;
cin >> try_again;
if (try_again == 'N' || try_again == 'n')
next_seq = false;
cur_tuple += 3; //指到下一个数列
num_total += num_tries; //总数
};//large while
cout << "---------------------------- \n"
<< "the total : " << num_total
<< "the right times: " << num_rights << "\n"
<< "---------------------------- \n";
return 0;