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职责链(Chain of Responsibility)模式

     摘要: 一、 职责链(Chain of Responsibility)模式 责任链模式是一种对象的行为模式【GOF95】。在责任链模式里,很多对象由每一个对象对其下家的引用而连接起来形成一条链。请求在这个链上传递, 直到链上的某一个对象决定处理此请求。发出这个请求的客户端并不知道链上的哪一个对象最终处理这个请求,这使得系统可以在不影响客户端的情况下动态地重新 组织链和分配责任。 从击鼓传花谈起 ...  阅读全文

posted @ 2011-11-08 20:53 风清扬 阅读(272) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏



Window->preferences->General->Appearance->Colors   and   Fonts->
Java->Java Editor Text Font->右边按钮Change 
英文版默认的是Courier New 常规 10
Window->preferences->General->Appearance->Colors   and   Fonts->

posted @ 2011-11-05 10:07 风清扬 阅读(7914) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏



intege:"^-?[1-9]\\d*$", //整数
intege1:"^[1-9]\\d*$", //正整数
intege2:"^-[1-9]\\d*$", //负整数
num:"^([+-]?)\\d*\\.?\\d+$", //数字
num2:"^-[1-9]\\d*|0$", //负数(负整数 + 0)
decmal:"^([+-]?)\\d*\\.\\d+$", //浮点数
decmal1:"^[1-9]\\d*.\\d*|0.\\d*[1-9]\\d*$",   //正浮点数
decmal2:"^-([1-9]\\d*.\\d*|0.\\d*[1-9]\\d*)$",  //负浮点数
decmal3:"^-?([1-9]\\d*.\\d*|0.\\d*[1-9]\\d*|0?.0+|0)$",  //浮点数
decmal4:"^[1-9]\\d*.\\d*|0.\\d*[1-9]\\d*|0?.0+|0$",   //非负浮点数(正浮点数 + 0)
decmal5:"^(-([1-9]\\d*.\\d*|0.\\d*[1-9]\\d*))|0?.0+|0$",  //非正浮点数(负浮点数 + 0)
email:"^\\w+((-\\w+)|(\\.\\w+))*\\@[A-Za-z0-9]+((\\.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*\\.[A-Za-z0-9]+$", //邮件
color:"^[a-fA-F0-9]{6}$", //颜色
url:"^http[s]?:\\/\\/([\\w-]+\\.)+[\\w-]+([\\w-./?%&=]*)?$", //url
chinese:"^[\\u4E00-\\u9FA5\\uF900-\\uFA2D]+$", //仅中文
ascii:"^[\\x00-\\xFF]+$", //仅ACSII字符
zipcode:"^\\d{6}$", //邮编
mobile:"^(13|15|18)[0-9]{9}$", //手机
ip4:"^(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|[0-1]\\d{2}|[1-9]?\\d)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|[0-1]\\d{2}|[1-9]?\\d)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|[0-1]\\d{2}|[1-9]?\\d)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|[0-1]\\d{2}|[1-9]?\\d)$", //ip地址
notempty:"^\\S+$", //非空
picture:"(.*)\\.(jpg|bmp|gif|ico|pcx|jpeg|tif|png|raw|tga)$", //图片
rar:"(.*)\\.(rar|zip|7zip|tgz)$", //压缩文件
date:"^\\d{4}(\\-|\\/|\.)\\d{1,2}\\1\\d{1,2}$", //日期
time:"^([0-1]\\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\\d:[0-5]\\d$", //时间
qq:"^[1-9]*[1-9][0-9]*$", //QQ号码
tel:"^(([0\\+]\\d{2,3}-)?(0\\d{2,3})-)?(\\d{7,8})(-(\\d{3,}))?$", //电话号码的函数(包括验证国内区号,国际区号,分机号)
username:"^\\w+$", //用来用户注册。匹配由数字、26个英文字母或者下划线组成的字符串
letter:"^[A-Za-z]+$", //字母
letter_u:"^[A-Z]+$", //大写字母
letter_l:"^[a-z]+$", //小写字母
idcard:"^[1-9]([0-9]{14}|[0-9]{17})$" //身份证

posted @ 2011-10-29 19:15 风清扬 阅读(308) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


Access restriction: The type BASE64Encoder is not accessible due to restrict

在Eclipse中编写Java代码时,用到了BASE64Decoder,import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder;可是Eclipse提示:
Access restriction : The type BASE64Decoder is not accessible due to restriction on required library C:\Program
Access restriction : The constructor BASE64Decoder() is not accessible due to restriction on required library C:\Program files\java\jre6\lib\rt.jar
搞不懂是为什么,最后在http://forums.dzone.com/eclipse/384-access-restriction- problems.html找到答案,只需要在project build path中先移除JRE System Library,再添加库JRE System Library,重新编译后就一切正常了。但是我仍然很疑惑是为什么。。。
Windows -> Preferences -> Java -> Compiler -> Errors/Warnings ->
Deprecated and trstricted API -> Forbidden reference (access rules): -> change to warning


posted @ 2011-10-26 22:29 风清扬 阅读(29234) | 评论 (11)编辑 收藏


SmartClient中Criteria 和 AdvancedCriteria的理解


Criteria for selecting only a matching set of records from a DataSource. Criteria can be applied on the client and server. Unless configured otherwise, criteria will generally be applied client-side by ResultSets via ResultSet.applyFilter().

Client- and server-side systems built into SmartClient understand two criteria formats by default: simple key-value pairs (Criteria) or the AdvancedCriteria format.

Simple key-value Criteria are represented via a JavaScript Object where each property specifies the name and required value for a field. Multiple legal values for a field can be provided as an Array. For example:

 var criteria = {     field1 : "value1",     field2 : ["value2", "value3"]  }  
Would select all records where field1 has value "value1" and where field2 has either "value2" or "value3". When writing custom client and server-side filtering logic, criteria must be a JavaScript Object but the properties of that Object can contain whatever data you want. When
 sent to the SmartClient server, the Java representation of the criteria is described here. When sent to other servers, the operationBinding.dataProtocol affects the format.


AdvancedCriteria is a format for representing search criteria which may include operators on field values such as "less than", or may include sub-clauses such as several criteria applied to fields joined by an "OR" operator.

SmartClient DataSources can use AdvancedCriteria to search a list of Records, and the SmartClient Java Server can translate AdvancedCriteria to either SQL or Hibernate queries (Note: The server-side AdvancedCriteria handling feature is only available with the Power and Enterprise Editions of SmartClient; the Pro Edition is limited to ordinary criteria handling on the server side).可惜Power版和Enterprise版都老贵老贵的,企业版的都有按CPU卖的了,晕倒。

If the entire dataset is cached locally, SmartClient can perform AdvancedCriteria filtering on the client, avoiding a server call.

An AdvancedCriteria is an ordinary JavaScript object which can be created directly with JavaScript literal notation. For example:

var advancedCriteria = {
// this is a Criterion
{ fieldName:"salary", operator:"lessThan", value:"80000" },
{ operator:"or", criteria:[
{ fieldName:"title", operator:"iContains", value:"Manager" },
{ fieldName:"reports", operator:"notNull" }
An AdvancedCriteria is in effect a Criterion that has been marked with _constructor:"AdvancedCriteria" to mark it as complete criteria.

posted @ 2011-10-24 23:08 风清扬 阅读(382) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏




posted @ 2011-10-19 19:45 风清扬 阅读(329) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏