[SEC-183] - Avoid unnecessary HttpSession creation when using Anonymous and Remember-Me authentication
[SEC-29] - Save POST request parameters before redirect
[SEC-40] - HibernateDao.scroll() performance
[SEC-92] - Hibernate ACL implementation
[SEC-147] - BasicAclEntryAfterInvocationProvider should support processDomainObjectClass
对List进行ACL交验的时候,会把第一个元素取出,看看是否AssignableFrom这个processDomainObjectClass ,算是做一下安全检查吧。
[SEC-172] - Allow SimpleAclEntry to take 'null' as recipient constructor argument
其实应该是不允许recipient 为空。
[SEC-187] - inHttp & inHttps not fully utilized in AuthenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint
[SEC-191] - AclTag class should use the BeanFactoryUtils.beanNamesForTypeIncludingAncestors method to search for the AclManager
AclTag在寻找AclManager 时候会更加灵活了,得益于spring的强大。
[SEC-194] - RememberMeServices should be available when using BasicAuth logins
[SEC-195] - Create Acegi-backed CAS3 AuthenticationHandler
[SEC-196] - Update web site and documentation to reference JA-SIG CAS
[SEC-203] - Allow setting the AuthenticationManager onto the ConcurrentSessionController for inverted dependency
[SEC-204] - Better detection of malformed text in FilterInvocationDefinitionSourceEditor
[SEC-205] - Allow multiple URLs in DefaultInitialDirContextFactory
[SEC-206] - TokenBasedRememberMeServices using context root when setting cookie paths (inc code)
[SEC-207] - Implement countermeasures against session attacks
[SEC-209] - Make AbstractProcessingFilter.eventPublisher field protected
[SEC-217] - Improve Siteminder Filter
[SEC-220] - Allow ExceptionTranslationFilter to not catch exceptions
[SEC-221] - AbstractProcessingFilter.onPreAuthentication exceptions should be caught
[SEC-224] - Make Authentication.getPrincipal() for CAS return the UserDetails
[SEC-229] - Allow redirects to external URLs in AbstractProcessingFilter
[SEC-231] - Add another DefaultLdapAuthoritiesPopulator.getGroupMembershipRoles
[SEC-234] - Allow WebAuthenticationDetails pluggable implementations
[SEC-236] - JbossAcegiLoginModule to use ApplicationContext interface
[SEC-238] - Add AuthenticationException to AbstractProcessingFilter.onUnsuccessfulAuthentication method signature
[SEC-242] - Logger in AbstractProcessingFilter
[SEC-244] - Column names instead of indexes for org.acegisecurity.userdetails.jdbc.JdbcDaoImpl
[SEC-246] - Enable late-binding of UserDetailsService on DaoAuthenticationProvider
[SEC-247] - Allow to specify resources that shouldn't be filtered in FilterChainProxy
[SEC-251] - DefaultLdapAuthoritiesPopulator: Add filter argument {1} for username as in Tomcat JNDIRealm
[SEC-255] - Reorder AuthenticationProcessingFilter to create HttpSession before delegating to AuthenticationDetailsSource
[SEC-257] - ExceptionTranslationFilter to use strategy interface for AccessDeniedException handling
[SEC-259] - AccessDecisionVoter: typo in JavaDoc
[SEC-260] - AbstractAccessDecisionManager and loggers
[SEC-262] - AbstractAccessDecisionManager needs standard handling ifAllAbstainDecisions
[SEC-264] - Introduction of LdapUserDetails and changes to LdapAuthenticator and LdapAuthoritiesPopulator interfaces
[SEC-276] - Restructure reference guide
posted on 2006-06-01 23:05
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