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安装Spring IDE

Spring IDE is a set of Eclipse plugins packaged as a feature. This feature is hosted on a website (aka updatesite) which is accessed by Eclipse's update manager. To use Spring IDE's BeansXmlEditor the Web Standard Tools (WST) project (see below) is required.

Spring IDE是作为一个feature的Eclipse插件集合。这个feature放在一个站点上,该站点由Eclipse的升级管理器访问。为了使用Spring IDE的BeansXmlEditor,WST工程是必须的。
The following instructions describe how to install Spring IDE together with GEF via Eclipse's update manager:
以下的说明描述了如何通过Eclipse升级管理器把Spring IDE和GEF安装在一起。

  1. Open Eclipse. Go to Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install.
  2. Select "Search for new features to install". Click "Next".
  3. Click "New Remote Site". Enter "Spring IDE updatesite" for the Name and "http://springide.org/updatesite/" for the URL (Screenshot). Click "OK".
  4. You should now see a a new entry name "Spring IDE updatesite" with a mark next to it (Screenshot). Click on that and check "Spring IDE".
  5. Click on the mark next to "Eclipse.org updatesite" and check the version of GEF which is sufficient for your version of Eclipse. Click "Next".
  6. Select the features "Graphical Editing Framework" and the latest version of "Spring IDE" from the list. Click "Next".
  7. Check "I accept..." and click "Next". Select or add the appropriate site to install the features. Click "Finish".
  8. Click Install on the warning dialogs during feature verification (both features are not digitally signed).
  9. After successfully downloading and installing the features click "Yes" on the "Would you like to restart now?" dialog.

Congratulations. You have made it!

After restarting Eclipse you can check if Spring IDE is available by opening Eclipse's about dialog (Screenshot) and clicking on the Spring logo.

Required Software

Eclipse Platform

Eclipse 3.1 (or newer) is required to run Spring IDE with it's basic features (BeansView, BeansConfigValidator, BeansSearch). For Spring IDE's BeansGraph you have to install the corresponding version of Eclipse's Graphical Editing Framework (GEF).

WST: Web Standard Tools

To use the more advanced features of Spring IDE (BeansXmlEditor, WebFlowEditor) the Web Standard Tools (WST) (which is part of the Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project (WTP)) are required. WST itself has strict requirements, e.g. for version 1.0.x these are as follows:

  • Eclipse 3.1.x
  • GEF 3.1.x
  • EMF/SDO/XSD 2.1.x
  • JEM 1.1.0.x

You can download WST and all required packages manually from here or use Eclipse's update manager as described here.

AJDT: AspectJ Development Tools

AJDT is not required, but to leverage full power of Spring IDE's AOP support make sure to install them. If AJDT is not installed certain features of the AOP support are disabled. More specificaly the reference contributions to AJDT's Cross Reference view and AJDT's Visualiser are disabled.

The BeansCrossReferencesView and-therefore-Spring IDE's internal AOP weaver and reference model can operate without having AJDT installed.

You can download ADT and all required packages manually from here or use Eclipse's update manager as described here.

Alternate Types of Installation

Installation of Spring IDE with required dependecies from the Callisto Discovery Site

If you already have Eclipse 3.2 installed then you can also use Eclipse's update manager to install Spring IDE with all required features from the Callisto Discovery Site. A detailed description is available in the wiki page SpringideCallistoInstall.

Installation of archived version of Spring IDE's update site

An archived version of the update site (springide_updatesite_x.x.x.zip) can also be downloaded from http://springide.org/updatesite/ and used locally with Eclipse's update manager. Do not unzip these archives into your Eclipse installation directory. This will destroy your Eclipse installation!

There is also a developer updatesite available where you can install development versions of Spring IDE from. The procedure to install from the dev updatesite is the same as described above; expect that you have to use http://springide.org/updatesite_dev/ as URL. -- Until further notice the developement update site has been taken offline.

Previous releases of Spring IDE (starting with v1.1) can be installed from the updatesite http://springide.org/updatesite_old/.

posted on 2007-02-05 15:32 零雨其蒙 阅读(2297) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 学习笔记

