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What‘s WSMX?


 WSMX: What is it?                                                                                                                               
WSMX (Web Service Modelling eXecution environment) is the reference implementation of WSMO (Web Service Modelling Ontology). It is an execution environment for business application integration where enhanced web services are integrated for various business applications. The aim is to increase business processes automation in a very flexible manner while providing scalable integration solutions.
(WSMX(Web Service建模执行环境)是WSMO(Web Service建模存在论的参考实现。它是一个为商务应用系统整合而建的执行环境,在这个环境中强化的web services整合了多种不同的商务系统。其目的是为了以一种非常灵活的方式来增强业务流程自动化,同时提供一个可伸缩的坚决方案))

WSMX internal language is WSML (Web Service Modelling Language). WSMO and WSML specifications together with WSMX environment are developed by DERI International under SDK cluster.

  How WSMX started?

WSMX started being driven by the need to have a semantic execution environment capable to consume semantic messages, discover semantically described web services, invoke and compose them for the end-user benefit. On the way, many components have been added, to provide support for the main scope of the execution environment.

Another reason to build such an execution environment was the need to have a functional service open architecture prototype, able to encapsulate new components with new functionalities. Components reusability was another key feature aimed by WSMX, as reusability and generic functionality are core concepts that guide WSMX development.

   Where is WSMX being used?

There are several EU projects that use and develop further WSMX and some other that are going to use WSMX as their core application once they start. In the first category can be mentioned DIP, SEKT, Knowledge Web, Cocoon, while for the second category can be mentioned SUPER, SWING, Tripcom, SemanticGov and SAOR. As companies / institutions can be mentioned NIWA., KMI and SyberNet.

   WSMX status and new directions


WSMX Releases
That was first release of WSMX, when we came with implementation of first ideas for SWS environment. This release is no longer supported.
Current version of WSMX.

The releases are described in more detail in WSMX releases section to help you determine which one is right for you.

   WSMX Integration API

The WSMX Integration API is a collection of libraries required for the integration of loosely coupled components with the main WSMX system. Components must implement interfaces from the provided infomodel to make this integration possible.

This software is made available under the GNU Public License.

   WSMX Core

Web Services Execution Environment (WSMX) is a sample implementation of the Web Services Modelling Ontology (WSMO). WSMX Core is a release of the compiled core of WSMX, along with a set of mock up components that implement the different interfaces in the WSMX Integration API.

This software is made available under the GNU Public License.

   WSMX Components

Web Services Execution Environment (WSMX) is a sample implementation of the Web Services Modelling Ontology (WSMO). WSMX Components is a release of the compiled versions of the current components available for WSMX. The components can be plugged into the WSMX Core.

This software is made available under the GNU Public License.

   WSMX Runtime Data Mediator

The WSMX Runtime Data Mediator is a component from the WSMX system that has been made available as a standalone web service for Runtime Data Mediation. Users can register ontologies and the mappings between them with the Web Service and use the Web Service to perform Instance Transformation between instances of the source ontology and instances of the target ontology.

This software is made available under the GNU Public License.

   Web Services Modeling Toolkit (WSMT)

The Web Services Modeling Toolkit (WSMT) is a lightweight framework for the rapid creation and deployment of the tools for Semantic Web Services. The aim of the WSMT is to reduce the
overhead of application creation for would-be tool creators and to centralize existing tools within the one application.

This software is made available under the MIT License.

posted on 2007-02-06 17:52 零雨其蒙 阅读(401) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 学习笔记

