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[翻译]Driven to … Discovering Your Design Values


Driven to … Discovering

Your Design Values


Rebecca J. Wirfs-Brock

There will be variations of everything forever. … Ideas don’t disappear. They change form,

they merge with other ideas. —Bob Frankston, coinventor of VisiCalc

万物永远都是变化的……思想没有消失。它们改变了形式,它们并入了其他思想。——Bob FrankstonVisiCalc发明者

Today we have design or development approaches that are, for example, responsibility driven (RDD), test driven (TDD),behavior driven (BDD), domain driven(DDD), and model driven (MDD). Not all thought leaders in software development have been “driven”—Bertrand Meyer, for example, invented Design by Contract. But whether “driven” or not, these approaches all emphasize a core set of values and principles around which practices, techniques, and tools have emerged.

  今天我们拥有的设计或开发方法是,举个例子,责任驱动(RDD),测试驱动(TDD),行为驱动(BDD),领域驱动(DDD)和模型驱动(MDD)。并不是软件开发中的所有领导者都是“驱动”的——比如Bertrand Meyer发明的契约式设计。但是无论是不是“驱动”,这些方法都强调了一组围绕已经出现的实践、技术和工具的核心价值和准则。  

   A thoughtful designer should be able to pick and choose among practices without losing their essence. But not all practices are congruent. After stewing in this alphabet soup for years, I’m keen on exposing the common and complementary threads that are interwoven among various design practices.


Responsibility-driven design


    So how can you integrate various practices without watering them down or muddling your thinking with too many considerations? It’s certainly easy if you have one belief system with one small set of coherent values and practices that guide your work. In 1989, Brian Wilkerson and I authored the paper “Object-Oriented Design:A Responsibility-Driven Approach.”1 For better or worse, we started the trend of tagging design approaches as “driven.” To make our point, we oversimplistically divided object design approaches into two camps: those that focus first on structure and those that focus first on action (or responsibilities or behaviors). We argued that designers who first focus only on an object’s structure fail to maximize encapsulation.

Thinking too early about structure makes it too easy for implementation details to bleed into class interfaces.

    所以你怎样将各种不同的实践整合起来而不会由于有太多需要考虑的事项将它们全都随水一起倒掉或搞乱你的思想?如果你有一个信任系统和一小套一致的价值和实践指导你工作,那么这确实很容易。在1989年,我和Brian Wilkerson写了名为“面向对象设计:一种责任驱动的方法”的论文。为了更好或更糟,我们开始倾向于给设计方法贴上“驱动”的标签。为了声明我们的观点,我们过分单纯的将对象设计方法分为两个阵营:一派首先关注结构,而另一派首先关注动作(或责任或行为)。我们认为首先只是关注一个对象的结构的设计者未能实现最佳的封装。过早的考虑结构会导致过早的将实现细节侵染到类接口。

We contrasted two approaches for designing a RasterImage class that represented a rectangular grid of pixels. (We wrote this paper when raster technology was new, and at the time we both worked at Tektronix, a leading provider of graphics workstations.) With a data-first approach,we started defining our RasterImage class by declaring the image data structure and then adding methods to retrieve and set the image and query its dimensions. Voila!—a class where form and function were inextricably intertwined.


The pixel grid data structure wasn’t considered a private implementation detail.Next, we demonstrated how a designer could think differently about the problem by asking,“What actions could this object be responsible for?” and “What information should it share with others?” This led us to first define operations for our RasterImage class to scale and rotate the image and access pixel values. The internal image  representation, which we didn’t specify until after we’d defined the interface,was considered a private detail.


By consciously assigning most objects actionoriented responsibilities, you can design even seemingly  data-centric objects to perform some actions as well as encapsulate structural details.


1 0 IEEE SOFTWARE www.computer.org/software

Hiding that structure makes those de­tails easier to change. To us it seemed that the order in which a designer con­siders things profoundly affects the re­sulting design—even for a class as straightforward as RasterImage. To quote Samuel Alexander, the philoso­pher, “An object is not first imagined or thought about and then expected … but in being actively expected it is imagined as future and in being willed it is thought.”

通过自觉地分配给大多数对象面向动作的责任,你甚至能够设计看起来以数据为中心的对象来执行一些动作和封装结构的细节。隐藏结构使那些细节容易改变。对于我们而言,看起来一个设计者考虑事情的顺序深深的影响作为结果的设计——甚至对于一个像RasterImage一样简单易懂的类。引用哲学家Samuel Alexander的话,“一个对象不是先被想像或思考然后被期望……但是由于积极的被期望,它被想像成未来,由于有某种意志,它是思想。”

 Since those early days I’ve added the notion of role stereotypes, 2 acknowledg­ing that not all objects are active. Infor­mation holders—objects with responsi­bility for maintaining data—have a place in a design, too. But encapsulating their private details is important.


Test-driven design


  RDD evolved in the highly interactive world of Smalltalk development, where developers routinely designed a little, coded a little, and tested a little in short cycles. The delightful tension of cycling between imagining what an object might do, building it, and then refining your ideas and cycling through your design again can lead to deep insights. This has led agile-programming thought leaders to promote test-driven development practices. Test-driven design emphasizes deciding on an interface and then writ­ing code to test that interface, before im­plementing code to make the interface pass the test.


In Test-Driven Development by Example, Martin Fowler claims that TDD “gives you this sense of keeping just one ball in the air at once, so you can con­centrate on that ball properly and do a really good job with it.3 With a design­test-code-reflect-refactor rhythm, good code emerges alongside well-designed interfaces.

Test-Driven Development by Example中,Martin Fowler声称TDD“给你这种保持一次只有一个球在空中的感觉,所以你可以完全集中精力在那个球上和使用它真正地做好一件事。”带着一种“设计测试-编码-反馈-重构”的节奏,好的代码在一旁显示出设计良好的接口。

Linda Crispin explains that TDD isn’t really about testing.4 Instead, it’s a prac­tice that gets you thinking about as many aspects of a feature as you can be­fore you code it. With frameworks such as Fit and Fitnesse, TDD has extended beyond its initial focus on just develop­ers to enable nontechnical people to write concrete examples of inputs and expected results in tabular form. Programmers write test fixtures that use these behavioral specifications to test the code.

Lina Crispin说明TDD其实不是关于测试的。相反,它是一种使你在编码之前尽可能考虑一个特征的许多方面的实践。使用像FitFitness这些框架,TDD扩大了它最初的关注范围,那时它只关注开发者使非技术人员能够在表格中写出具体的输入样板和期望的结果。程序员编写测试装置来测试代码,测试装置使用这些行为的详细规格说明书。

 As TDD practices have grown, new variants of them, along with newer test­ing frameworks, have emerged. Users of jMock use mocks that mimic unimple­mented behaviors to drive out an appro­priate distribution of responsibilities among collaborators .5 They don’t think that it’s just about testing, either. Mock­ing lets you incrementally design and build software, hypothesizing and refin­ing your ideas as you go.


Behavior-driven design


 BDD is another subtle refinement of TDD. BDD proponents firmly believe that how you talk about what you’re do­ing influences how you work. The focus is on writing small behavior specifica­tions to drive out the appropriate design. As Dave Astels puts it, “A major differ­ence is vocabulary. Instead of subclass­ing TestCase [as you would do using an xUnit framework], you subclass Con­text. Instead of writing methods that start with test, you start them with should.”6 Testing, to BDD proponents, connotes verifying code after it’s built. Instead, they want to encourage incre­mental design by writing small specifica­tions, then implementing code that works according to spec.

BDDTDD另一种的细微的改进。BDD支持者坚定的相信你如何讨论你正在做的事情会影响你如何工作。焦点是编写小的行为规范来导出合适的设计。当Dave Astels提出它时,“一个主要的不同是词汇。代替子集化TestCase [当你使用一个xUnit框架时],你子集化上下文。代替书写使用测试开始的方法,你使用意愿开始。”测试,对于BDD的支持者,意味着在构建之后检验代码。相反,他们想要鼓励增量设计通过书写小的规格说明书,然后实现按照规格说明书工作的代码。

Does every method
warrant a contract?
Probably not. Methods
that don’t cause side
effects probably don’t
need contracts.

Design by Contract


In contrast, Design by Contract (DbC) has roots in formal specifica­tions. To specify how they expect sys­tem elements to interact, designers write contracts specifying what must be true before a module can begin (precon­ditions), what must be preserved during its execution (invariants), and what it guarantees to be true after it completes (postconditions). You could specify con­tracts for components, services, or even individual methods. However, in prac­tice, most contracts are written at the method level because existing program­ming languages and tools support work at that level. Writing contracts is easier if the languages and tools you use sup­port them and you have good examples to emulate. The Eiffel language inte­grates contract support into the lan­guage and runtime environment; most other object-oriented languages don’t.


Before looking at Contract4J, a DbC tool for Java, I thought that spec­ifying contracts for languages without built-in support would be clunky. However, using aspect technology, Contract4J automatically weaves as­pect-specific contract tests, which are specified in method comments, into your running code. Contracts specified this way leave method code unclut­tered with assertion statements and leave a nice documentation trail of how methods should be invoked.


If you choose to, you could apply TDD practices to understand your classes’ behaviors and then add contracts to methods whose behaviors you want verified at runtime. But I suspect these two communities differ considerably in their thinking. Some TDD proponents want to discourage after-the-fact verifica­tion, which to them seems antithetical to designing for quality. But adding con­tracts does tighten up how you use classes, theoretically making it easier to catch errors before they propagate.


   When you change your design, sometimes contracts will naturally change, too. But once your design ideas settle down, you can finalize or add contractual details. But does every method warrant a contract? Probably not. Methods that don’t cause side ef


fects probably don’t need contracts. But I know I’d certainly find it easier to use class libraries if contract specifications were part of their documentation even if they weren’t validated at runtime.


Domain-driven design

  What about incorporating DDD ideas into your design practice? Accord­ing to Eric Evans, DDD isn’t a technol­ogy or methodology but “a way of thinking and a set of priorities, aimed at accelerating software projects that have to deal with complicated domains” (www.domainlanguage.com/ddd/ index.html). A central activity in DDD is searching for the language that experts use to talk about the problem and then literally reflecting that language in classes and services in a domain layer. Eric be­lieves that, “If developers don’t realize that changing code changes the model, then their refactoring will weaken the model rather than strengthen it.” Creat­ing a domain model is intricately tied to expressing it in working code. Domain­driven design is an active, ongoing process of expressing this domain lan­guage in code.

 怎样把DDD想法融入到设计实践中?按照Eric Evans的说法,DDD不是一项技术获方法论而是“一种思考方式和一组优先级,目的在于促进不得不解决复杂领域的软件项目”。在DDD中一项核心活动是寻找专家用来讨论问题的语言,然后逐字的将那种语言反映到位于领域层的类和服务中。Eric相信,“如果开发者不了解改变代码时改变模型,然后他们的重构将削弱而不是增强模型。”创建一个领域模型杂乱的在工作着的代码中被依靠表达它。领域驱动设计是一种积极的、正在进行的使用代码表示领域语言的过程。

Model-driven design


In contrast, adherents of MDD (some call it model-driven engineering to avoid the Object Management Group trademarked term) first develop a plat­form-independent model of their system (usually in UML or a domain-specific language) before translation tools trans­form the model into platform-specific code. MDD practitioners strive to clearly represent system concepts and behaviors with the goal of producing an abstract model, not working code (the translation tools do that for them). This view of model building followed by transformation probably causes the great divide between MDD practition­ers and other design schools—even though they share many common de­sign values. After recently listening to and talking with several well-known MDD proponents who were discussing what constitutes well-designed classes, methods, and components, I found my­self nodding in agreement with many of their design guidelines.



ow you design should be based on your principles and values. Al­though a big division exists between those who believe the act of coding is what validates the design and those who don’t, you can learn many things about good design from each. My mantra has always been, “Be open to new ideas and techniques that make me a better de­signer.” I side with Canadian politician Dan Miller, who proclaims, “You know, we have our differences, everybody does, honest, real differences, but I do believe strongly that we as neighbors are drawn together far more than we’re dri­ven apart.”



 1. R. Wirfs-Brock and B. Wilkerson, “Object-Oriented Design: A Responsibility-Driven Ap­proach,” Proc. 1989 ACM SIGPLAN Conf.

Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Lan‑

guages, and Applications (OOPSLA 89), ACM Press, 1989, pp. 71–75.

2.    R. Wirfs-Brock, “Characterizing Classes,” IEEE Software, Mar./Apr. 2006, pp. 9–11.

3.    M. Fowler, Test-Driven Development by Ex­ample, Addison-Wesley, 2003.

4.    L. Crispin, “Driving Software Quality: How Test-Driven Development Impacts Software Quality,” IEEE Software, Nov./Dec. 2006, pp. 70–71.

5. S. Freeman et al., “Mock Roles Not Objects,” Companion to 19th Ann. ACM SIGPLAN

Conf. Object-Oriented Programming, Sys‑

tems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA 04), ACM Press, 2004, pp. 236–246; www. jmock. org/oopsla2004.pdf.

6.    D. Astels, “A New Look at Test-Driven Devel­opment,” http://blog.daveastels.com/files/BDD _Intro.pdf.

Rebecca J. Wirfs-Brock is president of Wirfs-Brock Associates and an adjunct professor at Oregon Health & Science University. Contact her at rebecca@wirfs-brock.com.


posted on 2007-05-21 10:17 零雨其蒙 阅读(555) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 面向对象理论与实践

