今天在看荣登 Jolt 大奖的 The Art of Project Management,其中最让我深有感触的是这样一段话:
The simpler your view of what you do, the more power and focus you will have in doing it. If we can periodically maintain a simple view of our work, we can find useful comparisons to other ways to make things that exist all around us. There will be more examples and lessons from history and modern industries that can be pulled from, compared with, and contrasted against. This is similar to the concept defined by the Japanese word shoshin, which means beginner's mind, or open mind, an essential part of many martial arts disciplines. Staying curious and open is what makes growth possible, and it requires practice to maintain that mindset. To keep learning, we have to avoid the temptation to slide into narrow, safe views of what we do.
确实,最近已经很久没有太多兴趣去学习新的东西了,包括曾经非常有兴趣的 ruby,真想回到当年刚毕业的时候,用那样的热情,精神去学习。或许今天算是一个起点吧,毕竟很久很久没有做下来,好好的看一本书,好好的想着作者要告诉你的东西。
给自己开了个书单,好好努力,用 beginner's mind 去感受世界,感受前人的智慧。
posted on 2008-05-26 14:27
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