我的routeros是2块网卡,ether1连接adsl,做pppoe client,ether2连接局域网。
然后terminal routeros
/ip service set www port=8081
/ip service set hotspot port=80
Setup hotspot profile to mark authenticated users with flow name "hs-auth":
/ip hotspot profile set default mark-flow="hs-auth" login-method=enabled-address
/ip hotspot user add name=user1 password=1
/ip firewall dst-nat add in-interface="ether2" flow="!hs-auth" protocol=tcp action=redirect
to-dst-port=80 comment="redirect unauthorized clients to hotspot service"
允许dns请求、icmp ping ;拒绝其他未经认证的所有请求:
/ip firewall add name=hotspot-temp comment="limit unauthorized hotspot clients"
/ip firewall rule forward add in-interface=ether2 action=jump
jump-target=hotspot-temp comment="limit access for unauthorized hotspot clients"
/ip firewall rule input add in-interface=ether2 dst-port=80 protocol=tcp
action=accept comment="accept requests for hotspot servlet"
/ip firewall rule input add in-interface=ether2 dst-port=67 protocol=udp
action=accept comment="accept requests for local DHCP server"
/ip firewall rule input add in-interface=ether2 action=jump
jump-target=hotspot-temp comment="limit access for unauthorized hotspot clients"
/ip firewall rule hotspot-temp add flow="hs-auth" action=return
comment="return if connection is authorized"
/ip firewall rule hotspot-temp add protocol=icmp action=return
comment="allow ping requests"
/ip firewall rule hotspot-temp add protocol=udp dst-port=53 action=return
comment="allow dns requests"
/ip firewall rule hotspot-temp add action=reject
comment="reject access for unauthorized clients"
Create hotspot chain for authorized hotspot clients:
/ip firewall add name=hotspot comment="account authorized hotspot clients"
Pass all through going traffic to hotspot chain:
/ip firewall rule forward add action=jump jump-target=hotspot
comment="account traffic for authorized hotspot clients"
posted on 2006-03-20 21:04
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