


怀旧风格的影像处理,火辣的大腿舞,血腥的撞车镜头(喜欢kill bill的tx应该是见怪不怪了),极速飚车,拳头,极度亢奋的表扬和精彩的配乐(原声大碟不要错过),如果你喜欢这些,so...


刑房GRINDHOUSE:是指专门放映exploitation films的小影院,exploitation films也被称作grindhouse films,昆汀和罗伯特的这部片子也是一部怀旧的exploitation film,熟悉他们两个经历的可能知道,他们都是在这类电影的熏陶下长大的,并且是狂热的爱好者,从他们之前拍摄的电影就可以看出

Exploitation film is a type of film that eschews the expense of "quality" productions in favor of making films on-the-cheap, attracting the public by exciting their more prurient interests. "Exploitation" is the show business term for promotion, and an exploitation film is one which relies heavily on the lurid advertising of its contents, rather than the intrinsic quality of the film.

Exploitation films feature forbidden sex, wanton violence, drug use, nudity, freaks, gore, monsters, destruction, rebellion and mayhem. Such films have existed since the earliest days of moviemaking, but they were popularized in the 1960s with the general relaxing of cinematic taboos in the U.S. and Europe. Since the 1990s, this genre has also received attention from academic circles, where it is sometimes called paracinema.

Ephraim Katz, author of The Film Encyclopedia, has defined exploitation as:

Films made with little or no attention to quality or artistic merit but with an eye to a quick profit, usually via high-pressure sales and promotion techniques emphasizing some sensational aspect of the product

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posted on 2007-10-21 12:30 tacy lee 阅读(276) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 我的生活

