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03 2007 档案

     摘要: All interactive programs provide two basic functions: obtaining user input and displaying the results. Web applications implement this behavior using two HTTP methods: POST and GET respectively. This simple protocol gets broken when application returns web page in response to POST request. Peculiarities of POST method combined with idiosyncrasies of different browsers often lead to unpleasant user experience and may produce incorrect state of server application. This article shows how to design   阅读全文
posted @ 2007-03-30 23:03 Tapestry 阅读(1624) | 评论 (0)  编辑

     摘要: http://ralf-realman.javaeye.com/blog/post/144266  阅读全文
posted @ 2007-03-30 22:43 Tapestry 阅读(716) | 评论 (0)  编辑

     摘要: Tapestry的rewind一直是学习和使用Tapestry的难点,rewind是用来处理表单提交的,表单默认使用的是 DirectService来提交。在详细介绍之前,先说明下此文中需要用到的一些概念,首先是表单组件,我这里指的是指继承自 AbstractFormComponent类的组件,例如:TextField、TextArea、Checkbox等,而不是具体的Form组件,表单组件使用时必须在Form组件中,这些组件在rewind时调用继承自AbstractFormComponent的 rewindFormComponent来读取数据,并将数据赋值给容器或者页面。
我们来看一下最简单的TextField组件,组件定义如下   阅读全文
posted @ 2007-03-30 22:32 Tapestry 阅读(454) | 评论 (0)  编辑

     摘要: 1. iframe所引用的页面类实现IExternalPage接口和activateExternalPage方法

2. 持有iframe的页面类中实现一个getIframeRenderer方法:  阅读全文
posted @ 2007-03-22 19:05 Tapestry 阅读(593) | 评论 (0)  编辑