getUserAuthorization(request, response)以返回代表用户权限的对象,那么让我们来看看getUserAuthorization(request, response):
getUserAuthorization(request, response):
public static Authorization getUserAuthorization
(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
// Check 1: check for the Jive authentication token in the user's session.
Authorization authToken = (Authorization)session.getAttribute(JIVE_AUTH_TOKEN);
if (authToken != null) {
return authToken;
// Check 2: check the jive cookie for username and password
Cookie cookie = getCookie(request, JIVE_AUTOLOGIN_COOKIE);
if (cookie != null) {
try {
// at this point, we found a cookie so grab the username and
// password from it, create an authorization token and store
// that in the session
String[] values = decodePasswordCookie(cookie.getValue());
String username = values[0];
String password = values[1];
// Try to validate the user based on the info from the cookie.
// Catch any exceptions
authToken = AuthorizationFactory.getAuthorization(username,password);
catch (Exception e) {}
// put that token in the user's session:
if (authToken != null) {
session.setAttribute(JIVE_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
// return the authorization token
return authToken;
return null;
在getUserAuthorization(request, response)中,首先从request中取得session,检查目前用户的session中是否存在“JIVE_AUTH_TOKEN”,如果存在的话直接返回Authorization的对象authToken。不存在的话也有可能注册用户刚刚打开浏览器进入论坛(此时的注册用户以前曾经选择将用户信息保存在cookie中),还没有初始化;也有可能是匿名用户登陆,所以接下来程序分别对这两种情况进行处理。先处理用户为注册用户刚刚登陆,程序通过方法getCookie()取得用户客户端存放的cookie,并用decodePasswordCookie()对其进行一些解码的处理,处理完成后取得用户的用户名和密码,将其交给AuthorizationFactory的静态方法getAuthorization()以判别用户是否存在,并产生相应的权限对象,在接下来的代码中通过
if (authToken != null) {
session.setAttribute(JIVE_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);