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The only functional difference between the two is that the agent can obtain the
self-description strings encoded in the dynamic MBean. Attributes and operations
are associated with the explanation that the programmer provides for them.

MBeanInfo:  Top-level object contraining arrays of metadata objects for all
MBean elements;also includes the name of the MBean's Java class and
a description string.

MBeanFeatureInfo:  Parent class from which all other metadata objects inherit
a name and a description string.

MBeanOperationInfo: Describes and operation:the return type, the signature
as an array of parameters,and the impact(whether the operation just returns
information or modifyies the resource)

MBeanConstructorInfo: Describes a constructor by its signature;

MBeanParameterInfo: Gives the type of a parameter in an operation
or constructor signature;

MBeanAttributeInfo: Describes an attribute:its type,whether it is
readable,and whether it is writable.

MBeanNotificationInfo: Contains an array of notification type strings.

From Sun Docs.

posted on 2005-08-04 11:51 阅读(215) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

