Posted on 2012-01-14 15:40
timelyxyz 阅读(298)
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1. 控制输出时间
<p>this part is cached for 10 seconds. Note the timeout spec with invoke overrides CacheFor annotation. </p>
`a controllers.more.Portlets.panel2(b), "10s"
2.log:log directives are used to print a line of information to the console. It can take an argument of String
`log a + i
`log "a message "
japidviews/templates/log.html(line 5):
japidviews/templates/log.html(line 14): a10
japidviews/templates/log.html(line 18): a message
3.stopwatch m 输出render到模板所需的时间
4.~i 直接输出i的值
5.`each posts | String p 与`for String p : posts等价,
`for String p : posts
<p>index: $_index, parity: $_parity, is odd? $_isOdd, is first? $_isFirst, is last? $_isLast, total size: $_size </p>
call a tag: `tag SampleTag p
输出index: 6, parity: even, is odd? false, is first? false, is last? true, total size: 6
`for (final Post p : posts) {
another notation for invoking actions:
`invoke Application.echoPost(p)
`if expr `if(asBoolean(expr)){
xxx xxx
`else if expr `} else if(asBoolean(expr)){
yyy yyy
`else `} else {
zzz zzz
` `
7.` suppressNull on如果下面出现了null的意外,如
` a = null;
safe to do a.something too: $a.length()
输出safe to do a.something too:
9.${a}, ~a, $a and ${escape(a)} and ~{a}这几种表达式的值相等
`for (Error e: errors()){
<p>$e.getKey() : $e</p>
name ?: “empty”
12.`doBody m:带着参数回到原先界面。该命令中的参数列表必须与调用处的“|”之后的参数声明匹配,doBody通过匹配的参数传递到模板。
13.join(Strings, "|"):Strings是list,该方法为list中的每个元素见添加一个“|”,形成一个字符串。
15.renderJapid(Object... Objects):带着参数跳转到原先界面
16.renderJapidWith(String template, Object... args):带着参数跳转到指定模板,可以实现在一个action中渲染多种模板。