1. Export/import method
2. Insert with a subquery method
3. Partition exchange method
select * from t_user_info_test;
drop table t_phone_test purge;
create table t_phone_test(phone,part) nologging partition by list(part)
partition p0 values('0'),
partition p1 values('1'),
partition p2 values('2'),
partition p3 values('3'),
partition p4 values('4'),
partition p5 values('5'),
partition p6 values('6'),
partition p7 values('7'),
partition p8 values('8'),
partition p9 values('9')
select user_mobile phone,substr(user_mobile,-1,1) part
from t_user_info_test;
select * from t_phone_test partition(p0);
select * from t_phone_test where part='0';
1. 创建分区表,假设有2个分区,P1,P2.
2. 创建表A存放P1规则的数据。
3. 创建表B 存放P2规则的数据。
4. 用表A 和P1 分区交换。 把表A的数据放到到P1分区
5. 用表B 和p2 分区交换。 把表B的数据存放到P2分区。
create table t_phone_test_0 nologging
select user_mobile phone,substr(user_mobile,-1,1) part
from t_user_info_test where substr(user_mobile,-1,1)='0';
select count(*) from t_phone_test where part='0';
select count(*) from t_user_info_test where substr(user_mobile,-1,1)='0';
alter table t_phone_test exchange partition p0 with table t_phone_test_0;
delete from t_phone_test_0;
select count(*) from t_phone_test where part='0';
select count(*) from t_phone_test_0;
insert into t_phone_test(phone,part) values('15267046070','0');
insert into t_phone_test_0(phone,part) values('15267046070','1');
alter table t_phone_test exchange partition p0 with table t_phone_test_0;
delete from t_phone_test_0 where part='1';
alter table t_phone_test merge partitions p0,p1 into partition p0;
select count(*) from t_phone_test where part='0';
select count(*) from t_phone_test where part='1';
select count(*) from t_phone_test partition(p0);
select count(*) from t_phone_test partition(p1);
alter table t_phone_test add partition p10 values(default);
insert into t_phone_test(phone,part) values('15267046010','10');
insert into t_phone_test(phone,part) values('15267046020','20');
select * from
alter table t_phone_test drop partition p10;
alter table t_phone_test add partition p10 values( '10');
alter table t_phone_test exchange partition p10 with table t_phone_test_10;
alter table T_PHONE_TEST_10 modify PART VARCHAR2(2);
alter table t_phone_test merge partitions p0,p10 into partition p0;
partition P0 values ('10', '0')
tablespace APP_DATAN
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
initial 1M
next 1M
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
pctincrease 0
alter table t_phone_test exchange partition p0 with table t_phone_test_10;
alter table t_phone_test drop partition p0;
alter table t_phone_test add partition p0 values( '0');
alter table t_phone_test exchange partition p0 with table t_phone_test_10;
drop table t_phone_test_10 purge;
create table t_phone_test_10 nologging
select user_mobile phone,substr(user_mobile,-2,2) part
from t_user_info_test where substr(user_mobile,-2,2)='10';
drop table t_phone_test_0 purge;
create table t_phone_test_0 nologging
select phone,substr(phone,-1,1) part
from t_phone_test_10;
alter table t_phone_test exchange partition p0 with table t_phone_test_0;
select * from t_phone_test_10;
select count(*) from t_phone_test partition(p0);
select count(*) from t_phone_test partition(p10);
select count(*) from t_phone_test_10;
select count(*) from t_phone_test_0;
select substr('123456',-1,1),substr('123456',-2,2),substr('123456',-3,2) from dual;
drop table t_phone_test purge;
create table t_phone_test(phone,part) nologging partition by list(part)
partition p0 values('0'),
partition p1 values('1'),
partition p2 values('2'),
partition p3 values('3'),
partition p4 values('4'),
partition p5 values('5'),
partition p6 values('6'),
partition p7 values('7'),
partition p8 values('8'),
partition p9 values('9')
select user_mobile phone,substr(user_mobile,-1,1) part
from t_user_info_test;
select count(*) from t_phone_test partition(p0);
select count(*) from t_phone_test partition(p10);
select count(*) from t_phone_test_10;
select count(*) from t_phone_test_0;
drop table t_phone_test_10 purge;
create table t_phone_test_10 nologging
select phone,substr(phone,-2,2) part
from t_phone_test where substr(phone,-2,2)='10';
select count(*) from t_phone_test_10;
alter table T_PHONE_TEST_10 modify PART VARCHAR2(2);
alter table t_phone_test add partition p10 values( '10');
select count(*) from t_phone_test partition(p10);
alter table t_phone_test exchange partition p10 with table t_phone_test_10;
select count(*) from t_phone_test partition(p10);
alter table t_phone_test merge partitions p0,p10 into partition p0;
select count(*) from t_phone_test partition(p0);
partition P0 values ('10', '0')
tablespace APP_DATAN
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
initial 1M
next 1M
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
pctincrease 0
alter table t_phone_test exchange partition p0 with table t_phone_test_10;
select count(*) from t_phone_test partition(p0);
select count(*) from t_phone_test_10;
6.删除分区 和添加分区
alter table t_phone_test drop partition p0;
alter table t_phone_test add partition p0 values('0');
drop table t_phone_test_0 purge;
create table t_phone_test_0 nologging
select phone,substr(phone,-1,1) part
from t_phone_test_10 where substr(phone,-1,1)='0';
select count(*) from t_phone_test_0;
alter table t_phone_test exchange partition p0 with table t_phone_test_0;
select count(*) from t_phone_test partition(p0);
select count(*) from t_phone_test_0;