

Contains compiled code (.dll files) for controls, components, or other code that you want to reference in your application. Any classes represented by code in the Bin folder are automatically referenced in your application.
ASP.NET aims for performance benefits over other script-based technologies (including Classic ASP) by compiling the server-side code to one or more DLL files on the Web server.[21] This compilation happens automatically the first time a page is requested (which means the developer need not perform a separate compilation step for pages). This feature provides the ease of development offered by scripting languages with the performance benefits of a compiled binary. However, the compilation might cause a noticeable but short delay to the Web user when the newly-edited page is first requested from the Web server, but will not again unless the page requested is updated further.

The ASPX and other resource files are placed in a virtual host on an Internet Information Services server (or other compatible ASP.NET servers; see Other implementations, below). The first time a client requests a page, the .NET Framework parses and compiles the file(s) into a .NET assembly and sends the response; subsequent requests are served from the DLL files. By default ASP.NET will compile the entire site in batches of 1000 files upon first request. If the compilation delay is causing problems, the batch size or the compilation strategy may be tweaked.

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It's a visual thing, and too complicated to talk about it here. But once you see it, it will come to you quickly. Just Google "light and shadow in painting" and the foundation will
go up. Once you know these rules, you can apply it to any shape, any shape, any paint . And it will make you very aware of light and shadow on virtually any subject on earth. This is what makes a painting in three dimensions and expensive looking.

You can also purchase art books on shadow and light in any bookstore. But make sure you sit for a couple of hours and study.
It will come quickly for you, I promise. four: the key to a finished painting in search of the building as a house ... and I mean layers. Paint it in reverse order in which the eye sees to make three-dimensional . I mean the paint which is furthest from the eye first, and build layer by layer to the eye.
posted @ 2012-06-07 15:02 tpblog| 编辑 收藏
In general, the ASP.NET directory structure can be determined by the developer's preferences. Apart from a few reserved directory names, the site can span any number of directories. The structure is typically reflected directly in the URLs. Although ASP.NET provides means for intercepting the request at any point during processing, the developer is not forced to funnel requests through a central application or front controller.

The special directory names (from ASP.NET 2.0 on) are:[19]

    This is the "raw code" directory. The ASP.NET server automatically compiles files (and subdirectories) in this folder into an assembly which is accessible in the code of every page of the site. App_Code will typically be used for data access abstraction code, model code and business code. Also any site-specific http handlers and modules and Web service implementation go in this directory. As an alternative to using App_Code the developer may opt to provide a separate assembly with precompiled code.

    The App_Data ASP.NET Directory is the default directory for any database used by the ASP.NET Website. These databases might include Access (mdb) files or SQL Server (mdf) files. The App_Data is the only directory with Write Access enabled for the ASP.NET web application.:[20]
    E.g. a file called holds localized resources for the French version of the CheckOut.aspx page. When the UI culture is set to French, ASP.NET will automatically find and use this file for localization.

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. I prefer what is called Ivory Black and white sweet mix that you add white to a large number of different colors to make lighter versions. From these basic colors you can make any color by mixing in exotic combination. Be creative and experiment. And do not be afraid of color, because color is most popular in museums! Gloss paints are historically the crowd favorites. Regarding the variety of colors from these basic colors, mix red and white to make pink, yellow blend with green to lime green, white with blue to , white and black to gray, etc. Use your common sense and play with him! You will also need pencils, an eraser and a substitute for turpentine or turpentine. Keep your brushes soaking in a plastic cup to keep them clean and ready for your choice of color next .... and prevent them from drying out. Now, decide what you want to paint. Very important ... you do not need to know how to draw. That's the great thing about painting, you can create, even if you never had a lesson. Make no mistake, the art school is great. But do not let the lack thereof deter you create. You do not need a professor to tell you how to create. You do not need to know , but then let your imagination
soar! When deciding what to paint, go to other sites on Google or artists famous artists to inspire you. Again, do not let a lack of training dissuade you from painting! Many great artists of the past had no training whatsoever. Many can not draw stick figures, but they can paint because the colors give you ! You can also go to my sites listed below or Google me crazy all the work that I created. My personal preference was to create a wide variety of work to keep it interesting and versatile. I did not want to be the artist who painted a thing again and again. For me it is boring, and it should be annoying to you too. Every artist knows the past has a wide variety of work. You will also find it makes it more interesting to you while you do, because you'll never get bored, you will always wonder how it'll turn. Step Two: Now
about drawing on the canvas that you want to create in the
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. Do not worry, it does not have to be perfect. Your request fresh paint your innermost imagination, it will look good. If you mess with the pencil, just delete it off and start over.

Caution: resist the urge to simply copy an artist's painting of the past. This is the career suicide, and so boring. You're smart, do your own artwork. It's much more interesting and unique. A copy of a painting of the past just to make you look like an imitation, and who needs a resume? Remember, to decide what to paint is the hardest part. But once you get into , it will come to you, I promise. Painting from your own life is the best advice career as a painter. Truth is stranger than fiction anyway. And I think people like to sort of know what they are looking at, rather than just paint a solid layer
of red and call it . Be creative, go with the flow, not much thought. Paint what you want to paint and the world will eventually find it interesting. After all, it's your art. Painting nature is always a good idea, that nature never goes out of style. three: go online and study the basics of .

    Holds resx files with localized resources available to every page of the site. This is where the ASP.NET developer will typically store localized messages etc. which are used on more than one page.
posted @ 2012-06-07 14:58 tpblog| 编辑 收藏
Other file extensions associated with different versions of ASP.NET include:
Extension     Introduced in version     Description
asax     1.0     This is global application file.You can use this file to define global variable(Variable that can be accessed from any Web page in the Web application.) It is mostly used to define the overall application event related to application & session object.Global.asax, used for application-level logic [17]

ascx     1.0     User Control, used for User Control files logic [18]
ashx     1.0     custom HTTP handlers Do not have a user interface.
asmx     1.0     Web service pages. From version 2.0 a Code behind page of an asmx file is placed into the app_code folder.
aspx     1.0     An ASP.NET Web Forms page that can contain Web controls and presentation and business logic.
axd     1.0     when enabled in web.config requesting trace.axd outputs application-level tracing. Also used for the special webresource.axd handler which allows control/component developers to package a component/control complete with images, script, css etc. for deployment in one file (an 'assembly')

browser     2.0     browser capabilities files stored in XML format; introduced in version 2.0. ASP.NET 2 includes many of these by default, to support common Web browsers. These specify which browsers have which abilities, so that ASP.NET 2 can automatically customize and optimize its output accordingly. Special .browser files are available for free download to handle, for instance, the W3C Validator, so that it properly shows standards-compliant pages as being standards-compliant. Replaces the harder-to-use BrowserCaps section that was in machine.config and could be overridden in web.config in ASP.NET 1.x.
config     1.0     web.config is the only file in a specific Web application to use this extension by default (machine.config similarly affects the entire Web server and all applications on it), however ASP.NET provides facilities to create and consume other config files. These are stored in XML format.
cs/vb     1.0     Code files (cs indicates C#, vb indicates Visual Basic, fs indicates F#). Code behind files (see above) predominantly have the extension ".aspx.cs" or ".aspx.vb" for the two
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. Other code files (often containing common "library" classes) can also exist in the Web folders with the cs/vb extension. In ASP.NET 2 these should be placed inside the App_Code folder where they are dynamically compiled and available to the whole application.

Before you have knowledge, it's complicated. But once you have it, it's easy! Knowledge is power, and this phenomenon certainly applies to painting. The technical aspects are the easy part of . Anyone can do it. You ultimately could be as capable as Monet with practice. We humans can do whatever we decide to do! Decide what to paint is the hardest part. It takes discipline and a desire to create a singularly focused picture after another. For some reason, I loved the minute I started. And I never looked back. I love it today as much as I did 16 years ago. I never "writer block" is that of painting. I just painted from my experiences in life. So do not think too hard for her. Paint the apple sitting on the table, or paint the tree in your own backyard, painting your girlfriend in an unusual way. But painting something that means something to you, that's all that matters. Make it funky, make it interesting. If it is abstract, remember that abstract art has long been the most desirable. It is an expression of , make it unique. For those who want realism, take a picture. What is amazing is that once you do, you realize that this is the ultimate escape in happiness.

Suddenly you forget your problems during this time period. You have control, and nobody can remove it once you're adept at painting. The process is addictive. But like anything, you should start! And once you do, look .... you'll be hooked. OK, let's go. The first step . You need a flat brush, a fan, a small detail brush and a couple of Filberts. A filbert brush is rounded edge that allows you to manipulate the paint easily without going outside edges. Ultimately buy brushes that you like, and make them work. Fans allow you to mix, for example. I use a lot of fans and that's how I graduated color throughout my images. Everything I paint is . not airbrush or assistants. I want to be an expression of me and nobody else. You also need an environment of oil paint to mix with the oil painting to more fluid, and to speed up or slow down the drying process. Whichever you prefer. Access to the art shop and not be afraid to ask for . they will love to help! A medium is simply a liquid additive that increases the brightness, makes it flow easily, retains the finish over time, it prevents yellowing. I personally like and Galkyd Galkyd Lite. If this is not available, buy a medium that looks like liquid amber and is a kind of thick. Do not buy watery mediums seek .... too hard to work with. The lite version of is simply thinner. I use it more than the other. I love it. Paintings I did 16 years ago using Galkyds look as pristine as the day I
painted them. You will also need a canvas and paint.

cshtml     4.1     Views (mixed C# and HTML using Razor syntax)
dbml     3.5     LINQ to SQL data classes file
edmx     3.5     ADO.NET Entity Framework model
master     2.0     master page file. Default file name is Master1.master
resx     1.0     resource files for internationalization and localization. Resource files can be global (e.g. messages) or "local" which means specific for one aspx or ascx file.
sitemap     2.0     sitemap configuration files. Default file name is web.sitemap
skin     2.0     theme skin files.
svc     3.0     Windows Communication Foundation service file
vbhtml     4.1     Views (mixed VB and HTML using Razor syntax)
posted @ 2012-06-07 14:55 tpblog| 编辑 收藏
When first released, ASP.NET lacked a template engine. Because the .NET Framework is object-oriented and allows for inheritance, many developers would define a new base class that inherits from "System.Web.UI.Page", write methods there that render HTML, and then make the pages in their application inherit from this new class. While this allows for common elements to be reused across a site, it adds complexity and mixes source code with markup. Furthermore, this method can only be visually tested by running the application - not while designing it. Other developers have used include files and other tricks to avoid having to implement the same navigation and other elements in every page.

ASP.NET 2.0 introduced the concept of "master pages", which allow for template-based page development. A Web application can have one or more master pages, which, beginning with ASP.NET 2.0, can be nested.[16] Master templates have place-holder controls, called ContentPlaceHolders to denote where the dynamic content goes, as well as HTML and JavaScript shared across child pages.

Child pages use those ContentPlaceHolder controls, which must be mapped to the place-holder of the master page that the content page is populating. The rest of the page is defined by the shared parts of the master page, much like a mail merge in a word processor. All markup and server controls in the content page must be placed within the ContentPlaceHolder control.
When a request is made for a content page, ASP.NET merges the output of the content page with the output of the master page, and sends the output to the user.

If not, try to manipulate the hair. Try cleaning, soak in turpentine, with scissors,
rubbing by. If after several attempts, it seems nothing good would result from the hair, tie a piece of cloth to the end and try to paint with it. Consider all the foolish things guitarists do for their effects pedals, tuning, amp settings, and so on. Do not throw away a brush once you have exhausted the means of saving. Clean your brushes properly after you have finished painting for . The instructions for doing so are not covered in this article, but it does not take very long, and worth it. One last tip. If you visit China, or someone you know does, and offers to bring you something.

Remember to ask for paint brushes. They are surprisingly cheap there, and are easy on luggage. Edgeworth Johnstone is a contemporary artist of Muswell Hill, north London, UK. He specializes in figurative expressionist paintings, but also renders other art such as drawings and prints of blocks. Browse the online gallery on its website for .
Oil has long been a mysterious process of the public thought was relegated to a few and the eccentric. The artists and their lives have always been a rare breed, but painting a large number of original oil paintings was also a surefire way to conduct themselves in immortality. The paintings will always be there, traveling through history, with your name on it! So by this definition, there is certainly a noble profession. Think of . Each enjoys a high reputation for what others might consider the craft. Their reputation and grow over time. What other profession offers such a possibility? So who got the last laugh? Well, Van Gogh did, of course. He immortalized forever as one of the greatest men who ever lived. Not bad for someone who has never made a dime in his own life. But in the age of
and the market in the world, the artists do not have to starve more. I'm not starving, and I'm making money doing what I love. I can also work anywhere, if I'm on vacation or traveling to exotic places. I like most about it. I can do what I want and where I want, and display a for sale in Ibiza, Paris, London .... or Omaha. I would not trade with anyone. And you will not either if you work at it and treat it as a way to provide beauty to the world and get paid for it! The purpose of this paper is to take the mystery out of the process of painting. This is for you started. I'll write more detailed technical later. But this article will put you on your way to experiment and have fun with paint. Ultimately it's like anything in this world.

The master page remains fully accessible to the content page. This means that the content page may still manipulate headers, change title, configure caching etc. If the master page exposes public properties or methods (e.g. for setting copyright notices) the content page can use these as well.
posted @ 2012-06-07 14:51 tpblog| 编辑 收藏
View state refers to the page-level state management mechanism, utilized by the HTML pages emitted by ASP.NET applications to maintain the state of the Web form controls and widgets. The state of the controls is encoded and sent to the server at every form submission in a hidden field known as __VIEWSTATE. The server sends back the variable so that when the page is re-rendered, the controls render at their last state. At the server side, the application may change the viewstate, if the processing requires a change of state of any control.

The main use for this is to preserve form information across postbacks. View state is turned on by default and normally serializes the data in every control on the page regardless of whether it is actually used during a postback. This behavior can (and should) be modified, however, as View state can be disabled on a per-control, per-page, or server-wide basis.

Developers need to be wary of storing sensitive or private information in the View state of a page or control, as the base64 string containing the view state data can easily be de-serialized. By default, View state does not encrypt the __VIEWSTATE value. Encryption can be enabled on a server-wide (and server-specific) basis, allowing for a certain level of security to be maintained.

This article describes some unorthodox methods to use brushes to paint in oils. None of these are intended to . It is more a list of additional things to consider when painting, and hopefully get results. It may or may not be relevant to your method, but I hope for some, it is interesting and even useful to consider. This article is perhaps more relevant to artists working in a relatively uncontrolled and rough. Cheap brushes are often rejected for failure to retain their shape, and leaving behind loose hairs in the paint. I found the more expensive brushes are okay, although I admit some are useless. Being so cheap, it is affordable to experiment with different brands and throw away the bad, taking note not to
. I have some expensive brushes that I keep separate, and use when needed. But mostly, I use the cheap. I do not know what is the difference between oil and acrylic brushes is, but my favorite brushes for oil painting are acrylic brushes. They seem to last as long, face painting fine oil, and are . It is often advisable to only
slightly dip the tip of the brush in the paint, so that no clogs up the shell. It is often said that, after dipping the brush into the paint, any excess should be wiped off the brush and bristles molded as needed. These recommendations make sense, but
I find taking this level of care all the time too boring and sometimes restrictive. As important as taking care of your brushes is, I advise you not to let artists take over, or affecting . At the end of the day, it's just a brush. Featuring painting, and produce the best work of art is the priority. Have hair to the ferrule clogged with the previous color, can sometimes be a good thing. I usually create my current color with paint color before. This is a very useful piece of advice I had a couple of years, and helped bring my colors. If you use this method, the brush and push relatively hard to the canvas, so that the previous color is applied to the shell along with the current colors can then be worked in to . Much of my shadow came about by doing this. It is not very controlled, but even if it does not work, the oil is fairly easy to fix. Rinsing the brush in turpentine between colors in only partially successful in removing the previous color, even if you do not clog up the hair. Notice that the turpentine itself becomes blurred very easily. I still have many of each type of brush in hand, if I want to start painting a new color and lighter, I can use a different brush. Do not throw away brush automatically if the paint has dried in the bristles by . Try it and see if it leaves a useful effect or texture.

ASP.NET offers a "Cache" object that is shared across the application and can also be used to store various objects. The "Cache" object holds the data only for a specified amount of time and is automatically cleaned after the session time-limit elapses.
Other means of state management that are supported by ASP.NET are cookies, caching, and using the query string.
posted @ 2012-06-07 14:48 tpblog| 编辑 收藏
Application state is held by a collection of shared user-defined variables. These are set and initialized when the Application_OnStart event fires on the loading of the first instance of the application and are available until the last instance exits. Application state variables are accessed using the Applications collection, which provides a wrapper for the application state. Application state variables are identified by name.

Server-side session state is held by a collection of user-defined session variables that are persistent during a user session. These variables, accessed using the Session collection, are unique to each session instance. The variables can be set to be automatically destroyed after a defined time of inactivity even if the session does not end. Client-side user session is maintained by either a cookie or by encoding the session ID in the URL itself.
ASP.NET supports three modes of persistence for server-side session variables:[12]

In-Process Mode
    The session variables are maintained within the ASP.NET process. This is the fastest
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; however, in this mode the variables are destroyed when the ASP.NET process is recycled or shut down.
ASPState Mode
    ASP.NET runs a separate Windows service that maintains the state variables. Because state management happens outside the ASP.NET process, and because the ASP.NET engine accesses data using .NET Remoting, ASPState is slower than In-Process. This mode allows an ASP.NET application to be load-balanced and scaled across
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. Because the state management service runs independently of ASP.NET, the session variables can persist across ASP.NET process shutdowns. However, since session state server runs as one instance, it is still one point of failure for session state. The session-state service cannot be load-balanced, and there are restrictions on types that can be stored in a session variable.
SqlServer Mode
    State variables are stored in a database, allowing session variables to be persisted across ASP.NET process shutdowns. The main advantage of this mode is that it allows the application to balance load on a server cluster, sharing sessions between servers. This is the slowest method of session state management in ASP.NET.

A painting should accentuate the details when necessary. For example, paint details on
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, or grass may be important in the area around the deer, but the remaining trees and foliage in your paint works best if the leaves more vague. The Sun Patch dapple around the outlet should be brighter. An occasional directional shape of a limb or a tree can help direct the eyes of viewers in the region. Here are 4 tips to help you attract people to your paintings. 1. Use contrasting values ​​in the area of ​​interest. They will immediately draw the attention of viewers. This is especially true if you use a very dark shade next to
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. 2. How to use color in the area of ​​interest is most important. Select a special color that you intend to use here. No matter how much or how little you use it, do not use it anywhere else in the paint. Also, always use more luster in the focal point. Remember, the colors that have their additions placed next to them are convincing to the eye, so use adjacent full whenever possible. 3. Directional forms work well, but still use them in moderation. Give this plenty of thought beforehand in the planning stage. if the forms of leadership are overexploited, your painting will become a ho-hum, instead of
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. An example of the forms of leadership are trees, limbs, stems, rivers, roads, houses, roofs, buildings, signs, fences, and angle of almost all or line that can indicate the direction. 4. Use less detail and softer edges in the area outside the focal point. Paint the sharper edges and details in it. In conclusion, special attention to how you paint your focal area. This should be the area most intriguing of
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If you focus on the use of color, crisp edges and soft, the contrasting values, and forms of management, then you will have a more compelling. Challenge yourself to study and learn, and you will create your masterpiece. The main thing, continue painting.
posted @ 2012-06-07 14:45 tpblog| 编辑 收藏


Other file extensions associated with different versions of ASP.NET include:
Extension     Introduced in version     Description
asax     1.0     This is global application file.You can use this file to define global variable(Variable that can be accessed from any Web page in the Web application.) It is mostly used to define the overall application event related to application & session object.Global.asax, used for application-level logic [17]
ascx     1.0     User Control, used for User Control files logic [18]
ashx     1.0     custom HTTP handlers Do not have a user interface.
asmx     1.0     Web service pages. From version 2.0 a Code behind page of an asmx file is placed into the app_code folder.
aspx     1.0     An ASP.NET Web Forms page that can contain Web controls and presentation and business logic.
axd     1.0     when enabled in web.config requesting trace.axd outputs application-level tracing. Also used for the special webresource.axd handler which allows control/component developers to package a component/control complete with images, script, css etc. for deployment in one file (an 'assembly')
browser     2.0     browser capabilities files stored in XML format; introduced in version 2.0. ASP.NET 2 includes many of these by default, to support common Web browsers. These specify which browsers have which abilities, so that ASP.NET 2 can automatically customize and optimize its output accordingly. Special .browser files are available for free download to handle, for instance, the W3C Validator, so that it properly shows standards-compliant pages as being standards-compliant. Replaces the harder-to-use BrowserCaps section that was in machine.config and could be overridden in web.config in ASP.NET 1.x.

When viewing a table, eyes dart naturally speak but quickly come to rest on a spot in the paint that makes you focus and think. That is, if it is a good painting created by an artist who has a viable technique and understanding of the area of ​​interest. Some artists refer to this as the focal point. It is the starting point for the viewer of

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skin     2.0     theme skin files.
svc     3.0     Windows Communication Foundation service file
vbhtml     4.1     Views (mixed VB and HTML using Razor syntax)
[edit] Directory structure

In general, the ASP.NET directory structure can be determined by the developer's preferences. Apart from a few reserved directory names, the site can span any number of directories. The structure is typically reflected directly in the URLs. Although ASP.NET provides means for intercepting the request at any point during , the developer is not forced to funnel requests through a central application or front controller.
The special directory names (from ASP.NET 2.0 on) are:[19]

    This is the "raw code" directory. The ASP.NET server automatically compiles files (and subdirectories) in this folder into an assembly which is accessible in the code of every page of the site. App_Code will typically be used for data access abstraction code, model code and business code. Also any site-specific http handlers and modules and Web service implementation go in this directory. As an alternative to using App_Code the developer may opt to provide a separate assembly with precompiled code.

The ASPX and other resource files are placed in a virtual host on an Internet Information Services server (or other compatible ASP.NET servers; see Other implementations, below). The first time a client requests a page, the .NET Framework parses and compiles the file(s) into a .NET assembly and sends the response; subsequent requests are served from the DLL files. By default ASP.NET will compile the entire site in batches of 1000 files upon first request. If the compilation delay is causing problems, the batch size or the compilation strategy may be tweaked.
ASP.NET encourages the programmer to develop applications using an event-driven GUI model, rather than in conventional Web-scripting environments like ASP and PHP. The framework combines existing technologies such as JavaScript with internal components like "ViewState" to bring persistent (inter-request) state to the inherently stateless Web environment.

Other differences compared to ASP classic are:
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2, Custom Portrait for your family, friend and pet!

1, On Valentine’s Day, what gift could let me remain fresh in his/her heart forever?

2, On her birthday, what way could I express her unique place she occupies in my heart?

3, On parents’ birthdays, how could I record the happy memories of those youthful days for them forever?

4, Purchase high quality

Oil painting reproduction
    * Versions of ASP.NET prior to 2.0 were criticized for their lack of standards compliance. The generated HTML and JavaScript sent to the client browser would not always validate against W3C/ECMA standards. In addition, the framework's browser detection feature sometimes incorrectly identified Web browsers other than Microsoft's own Internet Explorer as "downlevel" and returned HTML/JavaScript to these clients with some of the features removed, or sometimes crippled or broken. In version 2.0 however, all controls generate valid HTML 4.0, XHTML 1.0 (the default) or XHTML 1.1 output, depending on the site configuration. Detection of standards-compliant Web browsers is more robust and support for Cascading Style Sheets is more extensive.
More than likely, it is probably what inspired the title of the painting. Whether you're a new artist, or an experienced artist, you should spend enough time planning this small area in your painting. I say small, because it should rarely be more than a fraction of the overall work (some say any more than the sixteenth), but it should be the most intriguing part. Imagine this, you want to paint a landscape scene where the light is filtered through the trees to create a patch Sun dappled in a small clearing of grass. Compensation is close to a small stream from which a young fawn drinks.

PHP is a general-purpose server-side scripting language originally designed for Web development to produce dynamic Web pages. It is one of the first developed server-side scripting languages to be embedded into an HTML source document, rather than calling an external file to process data. Ultimately, the code is interpreted by a Web server with a PHP processor module which generates .
The mother of the fawn is out on the side, but close. She looks very much in the direction of your audience guess with a look of anticipation, as if sensing danger. As an artist, you see the anticipation of the expression of the deer in the eye of your mind, and you imagine the emotion of the viewer, hoping they will be concerned that the deer may be taken for a hunter. Can it be?
 It also has evolved to include a command-line interface capability and can be used in standalone graphical applications.[2] PHP can be deployed on most Web servers and also as a standalone shell on almost every operating system and platform free of charge.[3] A competitor to Microsoft's Active Server Pages (ASP) server-side script engine[4] and similar languages, PHP is installed on more than 20 million Web sites and 1 million Web servers.

posted @ 2012-04-02 14:33 tpblog| 编辑 收藏
ASP.NET 2.0 introduced the concept of "master pages", which allow for template-based page development. A Web application can have one or more master pages, which, beginning with ASP.NET 2.0, can be nested.[16] Master templates have place-holder controls, called ContentPlaceHolders to denote where the dynamic content goes, as well as HTML and JavaScript shared across child pages.

Child pages use those ContentPlaceHolder controls, which must be mapped to the place-holder of the master page that the content page is populating. The rest of the page is defined by the shared parts of the master page, much like a mail merge in a word processor. All markup and server controls in the content page must be placed within the Content Place Holder control.

When a request is made for a content page, ASP.NET merges the output of the content page with the output of the master page, and sends the output to the user.

The master page remains fully accessible to the content page. This means that the content page may still manipulate headers, change title, configure caching etc. If the master page exposes public properties or methods (e.g. for setting copyright notices) the content page can use these as well.

true feelings is not enough to care, quality, painted things, there is no quality at all. In fact, concepts or techniques worth mentioning, it is the artist's philosophy The results show thinking, aesthetic sense, and other cultivation in continuous exploration of the specific artistic practice,

This landscape sketch colors and sketches for learning and training based on the performance of the relationship between emphasis on composition, perspective, shape and color different from the Chinese Landscape Paintings. In the 20th century, through the efforts of many artists, landscape sketch with Chinese landscape painting sketch in the spirit of the national temperament and charm, combined with, such as can be seen in Western art of painting in the works of
. After a century of exploration and development, landscape sketching system in China has formed a complete set.
Constantly updated, with the concept of art, landscape sketching and traditional sketching concept, development to the creation of the "Sketch", a variety of new artistic ideas and colorful painting style, we feel a burst of fresh the art of the wind. Requires constant innovation and development of art, art should reflect the mental outlook of the times, but nowadays confused "ideas" and painting "form" landscape sketch is facing two major issues to solve: First, how to treat "technology 'problem. "concept" is a person's worldview and artistic aesthetic orientation,
 "technology" to solve specific screen. traditional landscape sketch in the observation of expression has formed a complete set of their own system, but if we rigidly treatment of "traditional", it is easy to fall into the "thousands of people side" of the sketch routine, the landscape face of inbreeding, self-repetition, self-copy, due to various reasons, this phenomenon in our country has been going on for a long period.
 art should reflect characteristics of the times and spirit of the traditional "concept" may be correct in that era, the fashion, but with the forward development of the times, the traditional concept may not be able to adapt to the aesthetic requirements of a new era of the new features of the times and spirit,
so that we artistic creativity to generate new ideas, new pursuit of new goals will definitely have a traditional concept has touched some excitement. sketching the field can not be freed from the old model? can whitewash, pretense freed the old model? "the soul of those who need a solid bloody artistic concepts is perhaps to evoke the soul of the horn., however, must not be symbolic of new ideas as the shape of the screen,

if such it may art of the narrow impoverished. one-sided exaggeration "the concept of" meaning, it ignored the richness of the works, crowding out the emotional taste, so that the work boring, poor and pale from life requires a certain skill, technical ability. With changing perceptions of skills and technology is bound to make appropriate improvements. We want to inherit, learning traditional sketching techniques, useful things in technology,
casting we need new skills, different skills and their predecessors in practice, inheritance and innovation are two sides of the same process, like biological species, genetic variation, the two sides of the same reproductive process. From this perspective, the first study skills or hands-on production of the order is not the main problem, as long as interest Bo Bo passionately done on the line should be said that the technique is important,
and cancel it also aerial art expression, but should not be overlooked is the "quality is better than the text" side, after all, is art. in a state of high quality is better than the text works in the present painting, rare, but too many examples to the contrary. picture of the painting is not the scenery but "Dealing with the skill of the landscape". Binhong talk about "heart" things in the painting, without painting "technology."
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  are able to be seen in places aside from courts, cathedrals, museums and well-off houses. Perfect Chinese oil painting reproductions of reasonable prices have become the general ornaments in common families, why not consider beautiful including  
new ideas are not "out of nothing", it must be traditional and modern combination of derivative techniques should also be in a deep technical basis of in emotional domination under the new development.
whether "the concept of 'how to update the" concept "should reflect the tomb of the characteristics of landscape painting, that certain image characteristics of the natural world landscape, color, language can convey aesthetic. "Technology" but also in the expression for the screen at the same time, should be more emphasis on the spiritual power of the artist's emotional performance and screen, the only way of painting works will it be possible to have a spiritual and aesthetic rich connotation.
The gradient of the landscape sketching concepts and technologies, by the influence of the times, the age of works marked by the imprint of history forward. It should provide people with a long cultural tradition, should be full of the charm of the nation, should shine artists distinctive artistic offerings,     

but also a new technology, the effective use of new materials on the screen, and ultimately reflects the survival status of the modern , spiritual painting appearance and aesthetic appeal. We are pleased to see that the contemporary landscape painter who is exploring the landscape sketch of thorns on the road to forge ahead. We have reason to believe that the near future, you will see the advent of the more outstanding landscape painting works.

posted @ 2012-04-02 14:30 tpblog| 编辑 收藏
ASP.NET offers a "Cache" object that is shared across the application and can also be used to store various objects. The "Cache" object holds the data only for a specified amount of time and is automatically cleaned after the session time-limit elapses.

Other means of state management that are supported by ASP.NET are cookies, caching, and using the query string.

When first released, ASP.NET lacked a template engine. Because the .NET Framework is object-oriented and allows for inheritance, many developers would define a new base class that inherits from "System.Web.UI.Page", write methods there that render HTML, and then make the pages in their application inherit from this new class. While this allows for common elements to be reused across a site, it adds complexity and mixes source code with markup. Furthermore, this method can only be visually tested by running the application - not while designing it. Other developers have used include files and other tricks to avoid having to implement the same navigation and other elements in every page.

 Performance landscape is diverse, sketching landscapes occupy an important position in the art. Sketches directly to the face of a natural kind of art, in the face of real images sketching different teeth, memory and creative landscape. Sketching is the people into an experience of nature: the spiritual world and the high degree of integration of the natural world, the concept of human communication with the objective certain things King symbol image be revealed.
Sketch the state of nature by these factors draw into the screen, and finally, the birth of new works of art. The ancient Chinese philosophy emphasizes a combination of people's thoughts with the outside world. I once said,

"Heaven and a 'is to emphasize the subjective spirit of the people is the height of the external culture and arts of ancient China by the influence of this concept, the idea will landscape creation that led to first before painting Thought Wei Landscape Paintings "tactic" "Where the painting landscapes,
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intended at the pen." that means before painting, in the face of natural phenomena, to the will of the individual thought in advance to make thinking, not things without thinking and rashness random painting is because of the subjective 'means certain image characteristics of the objective state may be used to raise the artistic inspiration and interest.
 With this 'meaning' the overall situation in the chest, put pen to paper will be able to keep their God, specifically one of "like" subject to "means" for the meaning and use. Zhang Yan far in art history in mind, "also made the images will is the shape of the shape to be the whole of its backbone,
the backbone of the shape of Bong both in conception and go almost a pen. "conception" and "emotional" argument, emphasizing the subjective feelings of the artist's role in the creation, is a symbol of artistic practice and correct summary of the laws of .
 The pursuit of art in landscape sketching the spiritual connotation of the concept of the theory of traditional Chinese landscape painting, in essence, is the same.
Although the landscape sketching screen image, color, etc. of individual artistic outlook, manifested in many forms, and the artist's ideological and artistic level can also be seen the gap,
but the artistic creation of the subjective forces of the formation of landscape painting in the most strong vitality of the arts the. Admittedly, when the human society into the 21st century, the concept of creative forms of arts and culture is undergoing change. This art landscape sketch is also faced with traditional and modern,    
to maintain the old system of sketching or create new artistic ideas and outlook the challenge. Landscape sketch was introduced to China from the West since the early 1900s, due to its distinctive artistic features will soon be accepted by the people, and included in the research programs of the Academy of Fine Arts.

posted @ 2012-04-02 14:28 tpblog| 编辑 收藏
ASP.NET runs a separate Windows service that maintains the state variables. Because state management happens outside the ASP.NET process, and because the ASP.NET engine accesses data using .NET Remoting, ASPState is slower than In-Process. This mode allows an ASP.NET application to be load-balanced and scaled across multiple servers. Because the state management service runs independently of ASP.NET, the session variables can persist across ASP.NET process shutdowns. However, since session state server runs as one instance, it is still one point of failure for session state. The session-state service cannot be load-balanced, and there are restrictions on types that can be stored in a session variable.
SqlServer Mode
    State variables are stored in a database, allowing session variables to be persisted across ASP.NET process shutdowns. The main advantage of this mode is that it allows the application to balance load on a server cluster, sharing sessions between servers. This is the slowest method of session state management in ASP.NET.

Varied and image, nature images presented the face of ten thousand kinds of style, Bright colors, the spiritual life of mankind to bring immense pleasure and enjoyment. Understand the nature of the landscape, we will find the landscape of the United States is generated by the image and the color, the image change of scene in the rhythm of color changes created the beauty of the scenery from the viewing angle. The heart and soul of America kidnappings, people enthralled. Therefore, the charm of the landscape has attracted numerous artists to depict it, praise it, and create the landscape of independent art, varieties.
Ancient times the performance of the symbol of the landscape art. Of the many rock paintings have been found on ancient people to their own impression of the nature of things King carved in stone. Found in Shaanxi Xianyang eastern outskirts of Qingong sites incomplete murals can be seen painted pavilion, plants, mountains and other scenery scene. China's earliest extant paintings depicts the landscape is a landscape painting of the Sui Dynasty Qian exhibition "Spring Outing",
the screen performance of the visitors in the warm sunshine of spring travel scene. Scenery sight of these works show, we can see the , in paintings have begun to pay attention to the performance of people and the natural environment, this after the Chinese landscape painters very careful to observe the characteristics of natural scenery, and feel the art and landscape features combine ,
creating a landscape high art realm. From the Tang Dynasty, Wang Wei, "The Kingdom Snow map, Song Jing Hao's" chronicle Map Yuan Dynasty, Huang Kung-wang, "Fuchun Mountains" painting can be seen through the screen, the painter expression of the natural features of the profound feelings. Chronicles painter unremitting efforts and the pursuit of the Chinese landscape painting and the theory formed their own unique artistic outlook and systems, and laid a solid foundation for today's artistic practice of the landscape.
Western landscapes with Chinese landscape painting - the same also has a long historical and cultural traditions. The landscape is the more important kinds of painting in . Western landscape watercolor, oil painting as the main body. The tradition of landscape painting in the West focus on depicting the natural world scene and color authenticity, emphasis on material King's perspective,
the accuracy of the proportional relationship. The screen presented to the audience is the realism of the natural features, and the viewer on the screen to produce a presence, thereby promoting the viewer's visual and emotional integration into the landscape of the "real" time and space. There are obvious differences of Chinese and Western traditional art of painting traditional Chinese painting art focus on the creation of the
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in the West focus on the manifestation of objective spiritual world, the difference kept different from their own philosophical ideas. Despite the differences, but the art of both the source of a rule and spiritual strength is the same, on the landscape in terms of both stressed the natural state of the subject and object concepts, landscape performance are inseparable from the body appear, should have a uniform color screen, otherwise, there would be no landscape art.
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is different from industrial product in that it has no “Made in China”label, benefiting the transit trade by some countries and regions. The oil painting export route which used to be China—Hong Kong—Europe—US and now changed into China—Middle East/ North Africa—Europe—US.

posted @ 2012-04-02 14:25 tpblog| 编辑 收藏
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