

When first released, ASP.NET lacked a template engine. Because the .NET Framework is object-oriented and allows for inheritance, many developers would define a new base class that inherits from "System.Web.UI.Page", write methods there that render HTML, and then make the pages in their application inherit from this new class. While this allows for common elements to be reused across a site, it adds complexity and mixes source code with markup. Furthermore, this method can only be visually tested by running the application - not while designing it. Other developers have used include files and other tricks to avoid having to implement the same navigation and other elements in every page.

ASP.NET 2.0 introduced the concept of "master pages", which allow for template-based page development. A Web application can have one or more master pages, which, beginning with ASP.NET 2.0, can be nested.[16] Master templates have place-holder controls, called ContentPlaceHolders to denote where the dynamic content goes, as well as HTML and JavaScript shared across child pages.

Child pages use those ContentPlaceHolder controls, which must be mapped to the place-holder of the master page that the content page is populating. The rest of the page is defined by the shared parts of the master page, much like a mail merge in a word processor. All markup and server controls in the content page must be placed within the ContentPlaceHolder control.
When a request is made for a content page, ASP.NET merges the output of the content page with the output of the master page, and sends the output to the user.

If not, try to manipulate the hair. Try cleaning, soak in turpentine, with scissors,
rubbing by. If after several attempts, it seems nothing good would result from the hair, tie a piece of cloth to the end and try to paint with it. Consider all the foolish things guitarists do for their effects pedals, tuning, amp settings, and so on. Do not throw away a brush once you have exhausted the means of saving. Clean your brushes properly after you have finished painting for . The instructions for doing so are not covered in this article, but it does not take very long, and worth it. One last tip. If you visit China, or someone you know does, and offers to bring you something.

Remember to ask for paint brushes. They are surprisingly cheap there, and are easy on luggage. Edgeworth Johnstone is a contemporary artist of Muswell Hill, north London, UK. He specializes in figurative expressionist paintings, but also renders other art such as drawings and prints of blocks. Browse the online gallery on its website for .
Oil has long been a mysterious process of the public thought was relegated to a few and the eccentric. The artists and their lives have always been a rare breed, but painting a large number of original oil paintings was also a surefire way to conduct themselves in immortality. The paintings will always be there, traveling through history, with your name on it! So by this definition, there is certainly a noble profession. Think of . Each enjoys a high reputation for what others might consider the craft. Their reputation and grow over time. What other profession offers such a possibility? So who got the last laugh? Well, Van Gogh did, of course. He immortalized forever as one of the greatest men who ever lived. Not bad for someone who has never made a dime in his own life. But in the age of
and the market in the world, the artists do not have to starve more. I'm not starving, and I'm making money doing what I love. I can also work anywhere, if I'm on vacation or traveling to exotic places. I like most about it. I can do what I want and where I want, and display a for sale in Ibiza, Paris, London .... or Omaha. I would not trade with anyone. And you will not either if you work at it and treat it as a way to provide beauty to the world and get paid for it! The purpose of this paper is to take the mystery out of the process of painting. This is for you started. I'll write more detailed technical later. But this article will put you on your way to experiment and have fun with paint. Ultimately it's like anything in this world.

The master page remains fully accessible to the content page. This means that the content page may still manipulate headers, change title, configure caching etc. If the master page exposes public properties or methods (e.g. for setting copyright notices) the content page can use these as well.

posted on 2012-06-07 14:51 tpblog 阅读(119) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏









