

Contains compiled code (.dll files) for controls, components, or other code that you want to reference in your application. Any classes represented by code in the Bin folder are automatically referenced in your application.
ASP.NET aims for performance benefits over other script-based technologies (including Classic ASP) by compiling the server-side code to one or more DLL files on the Web server.[21] This compilation happens automatically the first time a page is requested (which means the developer need not perform a separate compilation step for pages). This feature provides the ease of development offered by scripting languages with the performance benefits of a compiled binary. However, the compilation might cause a noticeable but short delay to the Web user when the newly-edited page is first requested from the Web server, but will not again unless the page requested is updated further.

The ASPX and other resource files are placed in a virtual host on an Internet Information Services server (or other compatible ASP.NET servers; see Other implementations, below). The first time a client requests a page, the .NET Framework parses and compiles the file(s) into a .NET assembly and sends the response; subsequent requests are served from the DLL files. By default ASP.NET will compile the entire site in batches of 1000 files upon first request. If the compilation delay is causing problems, the batch size or the compilation strategy may be tweaked.

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It's a visual thing, and too complicated to talk about it here. But once you see it, it will come to you quickly. Just Google "light and shadow in painting" and the foundation will
go up. Once you know these rules, you can apply it to any shape, any shape, any paint . And it will make you very aware of light and shadow on virtually any subject on earth. This is what makes a painting in three dimensions and expensive looking.

You can also purchase art books on shadow and light in any bookstore. But make sure you sit for a couple of hours and study.
It will come quickly for you, I promise. four: the key to a finished painting in search of the building as a house ... and I mean layers. Paint it in reverse order in which the eye sees to make three-dimensional . I mean the paint which is furthest from the eye first, and build layer by layer to the eye.

posted on 2012-06-07 15:02 tpblog 阅读(102) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏









