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SpringSide 3.0.04 in NetBeans

Posted on 2008-12-11 09:09 云自无心水自闲 阅读(493) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Java心得体会SpringSide
01. download SpringSide 3.0.4 and extract to a folder and extract to a folder-SpringSide304
02. cd SpringSide304, mvn compile
03. mvn clean install
04. cd examples\mini-web\bin
05. start nexus, \tools\nexus\nexus-webapp-1.1.0\bin\jsw\windows-x86-32\Nexus.bat
06. run copy-jar.bat, all the jar files will be generated in exmples\mini-web\webapp
07. slf4j: jul-to-slf4j-1.5.6.jar
08. dozer in sourceforge.net
09. copy all the java source code in directory: modules\core\src\main\java\
10. copy all the java source code in directory: examples\mini-web\src\main\java
11. copy all the resource file in directory:examples\mini-web\src\main\resources
12. copy all the file in examples\mini-web\webapp
13. create database and run script in directory: examples\mini-web\src\main\sql\derby, if the database you use isn't derby, should modify the script
14. modify the the datasource in ApplicationContext.xml, the database name, user name, user password
15. copy the database jdbc driver package(for example: mysql-connector-java-X.jar) to lib
16. mini-web.log is in tomcat\logs
17. click run button in Netbeans.

