Tapestry中并没有类似于Spring Security这样的专门的权限框架。对此Tapestry的作者Lewis认为主要是用户对于权限的要求实在太多变化了。他认为很难抽象出一个通用的权限框架来满足所有的用户,所以他干脆就不费事去做这件事了。但其实我们很容易就能利用Tapestry已有的工具来完成类似于SpringSecurity的功能。
本文主要介绍如何实现类似于SpringSecurity的jsp tag的功能。在Tapestry中,利用Components实现这一点非常容易。

public class AuthenticationService
private List<String> privilegeList;
// privilegeList 的getter and setter

public boolean checkPermission(String ifNotGranted, String ifAllGranted,

String ifAnyGranted)
if (((null == ifAllGranted) || "".equals(ifAllGranted))
&& ((null == ifAnyGranted) || "".equals(ifAnyGranted))

&& ((null == ifNotGranted) || "".equals(ifNotGranted)))
return false;

if ((null != ifNotGranted) && !"".equals(ifNotGranted))
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ifNotGranted, ",");

while (st.hasMoreTokens())
String value = st.nextToken();

if (privilegeList.contains(value))
return false;

if ((null != ifAllGranted) && !"".equals(ifAllGranted))
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ifAllGranted, ",");

while (st.hasMoreTokens())
String value = st.nextToken();

if (!privilegeList.contains(value))
return false;

if ((null != ifAnyGranted) && !"".equals(ifAnyGranted))
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ifAnyGranted, ",");

while (st.hasMoreTokens())
String value = st.nextToken();

if (privilegeList.contains(value))
return true;
return false;

return true;

public class IfRole

/** *//**
* A comma-separated list of roles is supplied to one or more of the
* following parameters. If none are supplied, the default behavior is to
* forbid access. Behavior should be self-explanatory.
@Parameter(required = false, defaultPrefix = "literal")
private String ifAllGranted;

@Parameter(required = false, defaultPrefix = "literal")
private String ifAnyGranted;

@Parameter(required = false, defaultPrefix = "literal")
private String ifNotGranted;

/** *//**
* An alternate {@link Block} to render if the test parameter is false. The default, null, means
* render nothing in that situation.
@Parameter(name = "else")
private Block elseBlock;

private boolean test;
private AuthenticationService auth;

private boolean checkPermission()
return auth.checkPermission(ifNotGranted, ifAllGranted, ifAnyGranted);

void setupRender()
test = checkPermission();

/** *//**
* Returns null if the test method returns true, which allows normal
* rendering (of the body). If the test parameter is false, returns the else
* parameter (this may also be null).

Object beginRender()
return test ? null : elseBlock;

/** *//**
* If the test method returns true, then the body is rendered, otherwise not. The component does
* not have a template or do any other rendering besides its body.

boolean beforeRenderBody()
return test;
1. 在登录页面:
private Authentication auth;
// if user name and password is valid:
2. 在需要权限控制的页面模板中:
<t:ifRole ifAllGranted="admin">
administrator can see this block