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Tapestry5.2.2(Beta Release)发布了

Posted on 2010-11-02 07:58 云自无心水自闲 阅读(630) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Java心得体会Tapestry


    *  Element.forceAttribute uses the element's namespace to match the attribute.
    *  Element.attribute(String name, String value) adds elements that already exist
    *  Element#addClassName can create an additional new 'class' attribute
    *  Properties defined in an Interface are not exposed by PropertyAccess for abstract classes that do not directly implement the methods
    *  Some services require a notification that they have been reloaded, so they can clean up external dependencies
    *  Whitespaces in SymbolConstants.SUPPORTED_LOCALES cause that locales are not persised
    *  Validation macros do not work when used in @Validate annotation
    *  Client-side validation of @Pattern is broken
    *  Linking a Form to a Zone will no longer work unless the Form contains validated fields
    *  When using PropertyShadowBuilder to build a service, if the property is null, an immediate exception is needed (rather than a NullPointerException)
    *  When using a MultiZoneUpdate, Tapestry will clear the referenced zone


    *  Add the facility to optionally disable on-focus-change triggered validation while retaining the on-form-submit validation
    *  Form component should be able to render a secure URL even on an insecure page
    *  New annotations @Decorate and @Advise to identify methods that decorate or annotate services
    *  Extend Link with new methods for producing absolute URLs (that include scheme, hostname, etc.)
    *  Simplify connecting a link or form to an (enclosing) Zone
    *  BeanBlockContribution should be split into two sub-classes: EditBlockContribution and DisplayBlockContribution
    *  Define a special CSS class to prevent a client-side form from submitting normally (for Ajax use cases)
    *  Additional method for Link: addParameterValue(String,Object) that uses ContextPathEncoder to encode object value to a string
    *  SeleniumTestCase should expose the underlying CommandProcessor, to allow execution of commands not defined by the Selenium interface
    *  Allow individual SeleniumTestCases to run w/o configuring SeleniumLauncher

