Posted on 2013-10-14 20:35
云自无心水自闲 阅读(493)
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1. components:
a. Message
a.1 Header
a.1.1 Destination
a.1.2 DeliveryMode: persistent, non-persistent
a.2 Body
b. Queue
c. Client
c.1 Producer
c.2 Consumer - Message Selector
d. Domain, 2 styles of messaging
d.1 point-to-point
d.1.1 destination known as QUEUE
d.1.2 similar to person to person email sent through a mail server
d.1.3 multiple consumers can be registered on a single queue
but only one consumer will receive a a given messge
and it's upt to that consumer to acknowledge the message
d.2 publish-subscribe
d.2.1 destination known as TOPICS
d.2.2 publishers send messages to the topic
and subscribers register to receive messages from the topic
d.2.3 durable subscriptions allow for subscriber disconnection without missing any messages