<div style="width:100%">
<table style="width;100%;margin:10px"
这种情况下,table 肯定将获得div的全部宽度,不会因为margin而进行改变。所以要想保持美观,尽量不要在table上加margin, 正确写法如下:
<div style="width:100%;margin:10px">
<table style="width;100%"
近日,碰到类似于“ ...raw type list..”字样的提示,研究发现,J2SE 5.0有了一个新的变化,就是generic概念,详细请看:问题自然就会得到答案。
List<Product> result = new ArrayList<Product>();
result.add(new Product());以前的写法为:
List result = new ArrayList();
result.add(new Product());其中奥妙看那篇文章吧。:)
<run> element
Allows you to run a method on an object when a rule and it's conditions are matched.

Attribute Explanation
class (default) The class you want to run a method on. Must be a fully qualified name.
method (optional, default run) The method you want to run, the method must have the parameters (HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) e.g. run(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
Note, if init(ServletConfig) or destroy() is found they will be run at when creating or destroying an instance.
neweachtime (optional, default false) If you want new instance of the class to be created before running each time set to true.

When the rule in the following example is matched, WorldServlet.goGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) will be invoked, the request will then be forwarded to /world-presentation.jsp.

<run class="com.blah.web.WorldServlet" method="doGet" />
Note, you can specify init-param's the same way you would for a servlet.

<run class="com.blah.web.MyServlet" method="doGet">