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作为开源ESB的实现mule,现在已经发展到1.4.1,在开源社区也是相当活跃的。最近,他们也开始关注SCA了,对SCA的前景非常看好,SCA规范中有的概念在mule中还没有体现,他们正准备整合SCA实现,现已启动了项目MuleSCA project,与SCA规范接轨,mule社区正在招募开发者。


今天,在mule的开发论坛上,Neil Ellis 已经发出了倡议,内容如下:

Hi folks
Ross has asked me to kick off the discussions regarding Mule supporting the
Service Component Architecture specification.
The following is a good resource on SCA:
And of course:
SCA as a specification has a lot of backing; most, or all, of our
competitors are part of the specification group, including:
IBM, BEA, IONA, TIBCO, Software AG, Progress, Red Hat/jBoss, Sun,
Interface21, Oracle, SAP, Sybase
SCA has been quite well accepted as a specification and, thanks largely to
the number of vendors involved in the specification, is likely to see many
implementations in the near future. SCA compliant products in varying
degrees of development include:
Apache Tuscany - http://incubator.apache.org/tuscany/
Fabric 3 - http://fabric3.codehaus.org/
Infiniflow/Newton - http://www.paremus.com/opensource/opensource_newton.html
Oracle Fusion - http://www.oracle.com/products/middleware/index.html
BEA are currently positioning themselves to take on an open-source product
as their SCA offering. IBM were the main contributors to Tuscany so this
will be the basis of their offering.
The aim of the MuleSCA project is to evaluate strategies for Mule becoming
SCA compliant. We will be talking to SCA vendors and evaluating what changes
will be needed to achieve compliancy.
SCA has some concepts which Mule does not yet have, as a result of this we
will also be needing to work closely with those involved in core development
to look at how these features can be introduced in a
holistic manner. Such features include conversations (cross invocation
correlation) and service composites. Some of these features actually form
natural improvements to Mule.
We have a MuleForge project here http://www.mulesource.org/display/SCA/Home
and actively encourage all Mule developers to take part in the dev
Kind regards
Neil Ellis
EMEA Solutions Architect
MuleSource, Inc.
Office:  +44(0)1273 906 069
Mobile: +44(0)7983 553 957
Email : neil@...
Skype: neilellis
iChat: neilellis@...

posted on 2007-08-05 11:10 wangfeng 阅读(894) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

