Knight of the round table


codeStriker(及与svn、bugzilla集成)使用过程记录 续



#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Create codestriker topic based on subversion commit.
# Install as a post-commit subversion hook.
# dmp 03/23/07

# Absolute path of file mapping the author of a commit to a reviewer for it.
# Each line of the file should contain an author email address,
# followed by whitespace, followed by a reviewer email address.
# Lines starting with '#' are comments.
$REVIEWERS_FILE = "D:/hooks/reviewers.txt";

# Reviewer email to use if no mapping found in REVIEWERS_FILE
$DEFAULT_REVIEWER = "username\";

# Suffix to add to username to get email address.
# TODO:  Would be better to get mappings from a file.

# Codestriker specific parameters for topic creation.
$CODESTRIKER_URL = 'http://localhost/codestriker/';
$CODESTRIKER_REPOSITORY = 'svn:file:///D:/svnroo';

# Used for development - write verbosely to log file
$DEBUG = 1;
$LOGFILE = "D:/codestriker-1.9.8/bin/post-commit-codestriker.log";

use lib 'D:/codestriker-1.9.8/bin';
# Shouldn't need to change anything under here.

# Codestriker-specific imports.
use CodestrikerClient;

use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use HTTP::Request::Common;

# Print message to stdout if DEBUG is set.
sub debug {
    local($msg) = @_;

    if ($DEBUG) {
        open(LOG, ">>$LOGFILE") || die ("Cannot open log file $LOGFILE: $!\n");
        print(LOG $msg, "\n");

# Get the email address for the given username.  Currently this just adds
# $EMAIL_SUFFIX to the username, but it would be better to use a mapping file.
# param username
# return email address
sub get_email {
    local($username) = @_;
    return $username . $EMAIL_SUFFIX;

# Determine reviewer for review, based on mappings in
# param:  author email address
# returns: the reviewer email address from the file, or DEFAULT_REVIEWER
sub determine_reviewer {
    local($author_email) = @_;
    my $reviewer = '';

    debug("author email is: " . $author_email);
    debug("attempting to open reviewers file: $REVIEWERS_FILE");
    open (RECLIST, "< $REVIEWERS_FILE") ||
        return $DEFAULT_REVIEWER;

    while (<RECLIST>) {
        # skip comment lines
        if (/^#/) {

        @fields = split;
        if ($fields[0] eq $author_email) {
            $reviewer = $fields[1];
            debug("The reviewer for " . $author_email . " is: " . $reviewer);

    close RECLIST;

    if (! $reviewer) {
        $reviewer = $DEFAULT_REVIEWER;
        debug("Assigned default reviewer: " . $reviewer);

    return $reviewer;

# Main program

my $repo=$ARGV[0];
my $rev=$ARGV[1];

debug("repos=$repo; rev=$rev");

my @svninfo_out=split("\n", `svnlook info -r $rev $repo`);
my $user=$svninfo_out[0];
my $date=$svninfo_out[1];
my $loglength=$svninfo_out[2];
my $topic_title = "SVN commit: " . $svninfo_out[3];
my $mesg=join("\n", @svninfo_out[3..$#svninfo_out]);


my $createTopic = 0;
if ($mesg =~ /REVIEW/) {
    debug("Found REVIEW - creating topic.");
    $createTopic = 1;

# Look for bug numbers in the log message, which need to be in the form:
# " Bug: 4250 " (without quotes, case insensitive, colon and space optional).
my @bugs = ();
my $bug_ids = $mesg;
while ($bug_ids =~ /\b[Bb][Uu][Gg]:?\s*(\d+)\b/g) {
    push @bugs, $1;
    debug("Found bug number $1; creating topic.");
    $createTopic = 1;

if ($createTopic) {
    # Truncate the title if necessary.
    if (length($topic_title) > 57) {
        $topic_title = substr($topic_title, 0, 57) . "...";

    my $reviewer = determine_reviewer(get_email($user));

    debug("Creating topic...");
    my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
    my $content = [ action => 'submit_new_topic',
                topic_title => $topic_title,
                topic_description => $mesg,
                projectid => $CODESTRIKER_PROJECT,
                repository => $CODESTRIKER_REPOSITORY,
                bug_ids => join(", ", @bugs),
                email => get_email($user),
                reviewers => $reviewer,
                cc => $CODESTRIKER_CC,
  topic_state => 'Open',
                module => "/",
                start_tag => $rev - 1,
                end_tag => $rev];
    my $response =
                             Content_Type => 'form-data',
                             Content => $content));

    # Indicate if the operation was successful.
    my $response_content = $response->content;
    my $rc = $response_content =~ /Topic URL: \<A HREF=\"(.*)\"/i;
    print STDERR "Failed to create topic, response: " .
                    $response_content . "\n" if $rc == 0;

} else {
    debug("Not creating topic.");

posted on 2009-04-03 10:06 w@ns0ng 阅读(1251) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: J2EE

