Knight of the round table


Selecting from a list of entities

<rich:pickList value="#{manageCountryGroup.selectedCountries}" sourceListWidth="200" targetListWidth="200">
              <s:selectItems value="#{availableCountriesQuery.resultList}" var="c" label="#{}" itemValue="#{c}" >       
              <a4j:support action="#" event="onlistchanged" reRender="cgManagementPanel" ajaxSingle="true" />

Selecting from a list of entities


  • Use <s:selectItems> to produce a list of labeled select items from a list of entities.
  • Use <s:convertEntity> to map back and forth between the select items and the actual entity values. This is what allows you to map the value of the <h:selectOneMenu> directly to the property of the referencing entity (e.g. a property that is a many-to-one).
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{person.continent}" required="true">                        (1)

<s:selectItems value="#{continents.resultList}" var="continent" (2)

label="#{}" noSelectionLabel="Please Select..."/>

<s:convertEntity /> (3)


  1. person is an entity that has been outjected into the conversation. It has a 'continent' property which is many-to-one association with another entity.
  2. continents is a Seam application framework 'query' object. This 'query' object should probably use a Seam-managed EntityManager because we want have the Hibernate session-in-view behavior so we don't get lazy initialization exceptions when rendering the labels, etc.
  3. s:convertEntity will convert the Continent entities into values for the HTML select, and vice versa.


  1. To avoid LazyInitializationExceptions and/or writing extra code in your EJB/Controller bean to initialize objects, use session in view.
  2. For required fields, put required="true" on the selectOneMenu and override javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED in (see Standard Faces Error Messages).

Select from an enum

This works just like selecting an entity, but <s:convertEnum/> is used instead.


<h:selectOneMenu id="marketStatus" value="#{person.status}"         (1)


<s:selectItems value="#{enumLists.statusArray}" var="status" (2)


noSelectionLabel="Select a status..."/>





public class EnumLists


public Status[] getStatusArray()


return Status.values();



  1. person is an entity that has been outjected into the conversation. It has a 'status' property which is an enum.
  2. We need to expose the values of the enum as a list or an array, so we make a stateless POJO component with getters that returns arrays for various enums called enumLists.

Multi-select from an enum

Here we use a selectManyCheckbox.

<h:selectManyCheckbox id="roles" 

layout="pageDirection" value="#{person.roles}"


<s:selectItems value="#{enumLists.roleArray}" var="role"




Unfortunately, Seam's convertEnum can't handle multi selects yet. This example will yeild a strange exception:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.util.List is not an enum type

Luckily, it's very easy to create custom converter tags with Facelets. Here is the converter class that handles both ordinary enums and multi-selects:

package eg;

import javax.faces.component.*;

import javax.faces.context.*;

import javax.faces.convert.*;

import javax.faces.el.ValueBinding;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Collection;


* Converter for enum multi-selects.

* <br>User: Joshua Davis

* Date: May 16, 2007

* Time: 7:25:58 AM


public class EnumListConverter implements Converter



public Object getAsObject(FacesContext context,

UIComponent comp,

String value)

throws ConverterException


ValueBinding binding = comp.getValueBinding("value");

Class enumType = binding.getType(context);

if (enumType.isEnum()) // Single enum?

return Enum.valueOf(enumType, value);

else // List of enums.


// Find the s:selectItems so we can get the enum.

List children = comp.getChildren();

for (Object child : children)


if (child instanceof UIComponent)


UIComponent c = (UIComponent) child;

ValueBinding b = c.getValueBinding("value");

Class t = b.getType(context);

// Array of enums: use the component type.

if (t.isArray() && t.getComponentType().isEnum())


t = t.getComponentType();

return Enum.valueOf(t,value);




Object v = b.getValue(context);

// Collection of enum values, get the type of the first element.

if (v instanceof Collection)


t = ((Collection) v).iterator().next().getClass();

return Enum.valueOf(t,value);





throw new ConverterException("Unable to find selectItems with enum values!");



public String getAsString(FacesContext context,

UIComponent component,

Object object)

throws ConverterException


if (object == null) {

return null;


return ((Enum) object).name();



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posted on 2009-04-14 11:01 w@ns0ng 阅读(982) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Jboss Seam

