Knight of the round table


GridAffinityLoadBalancingSpi 数据分区技术和数据网格的集成







使用gridgain,使用Affinity Load Balancing这样的设计非常完美的解决了这个问题,而且可以和分布式缓存集成,解决数据网格。


Affinity Load Balancing


GridGainAffinity Load Balancing是通过GridAffinityLoadBalancingSpi.提供。







GridGain没有实现数据高速缓存,但是与现有的数 据高速缓存或数据网格解决方案进行了集成。这使用户可以使用几乎任何的分布式缓存来实现自己喜欢的方案。

比如:GridGain提供了一个JBoss Cache Data Partitioning Example 告诉用户如何来使用Attinty Load Balancing。事实上,JBOSSCache没有提供数据分区的功能。由于使用了GridGainGridAffinityLoadBalancingSpi提供的Attinity Load BalancingJBoss Cache 数据分区成为了可能。

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Overview: When processing mass data, what often be worth to recommend is to cross node to open data space processing. Basically, every order the one share of responsible processing data. This kind of method basically allows to arrive from the data with the much to load in database data cache, the computer division that deploys you next carries out these data. Why? To avoid the data repetition in each node amortize, often can promote property so, prevent a server to break down. Use Gridgain, the settlement with such very ideal design of use Affinity Load Balancing this problem, and can mix distributed cache is compositive, solve data reseau. Affinity Load Balancing is in GridGain Affinity Load Balancing is to pass GridAffinityLoadBalancingSpi. Offer. Specification laying a plan is the difference of service data reseau and reseau of not applicable data. The graph of left expresses to did not use the executive technological process of GridGain, among them long-range database server is in charge of inquiring data, deliver next advocate call a server. Than the database the visit wants this kind fast, but as a result computation makes use a lot of needless flow. Right graph, used Gridgain. Whole and logistic computation and data visit conformity arrive this locality node. Assume a large number of logistic computation compare data alignment to want to the database deft (calculate in great quantities namely) , so network discharge will be the smallest. In addition, your computation can visit node 2 with node the data of 3. Below this kind of circumstance, gridGain calculates component for logic Jobs and right logistic computation way by have consideration in corresponding data service. In order to ensure all computation are calculated in this locality node. Now, when if data serves node,breaking down, your unsuccessful Jobs can transfer other node automatically, this kind is allow failure (data reseau and distributed cache offer this kind of way) . [Compositive GridGain did not realize Img][/img] data reseau cache of data high speed, but undertook with cache of existing data high speed or data reseau solution compositive. This makes the user can be used almost any distributed cache will implement the plan that he likes. For instance: GridGain offerred a JBoss Cache Data Partitioning Example to tell an user how to use Attinty Load Balancing. In fact, JBOSSCache did not provide the function of data partition. Because used the Attinity Load Balancing that the GridAffinityLoadBalancingSpi of GridGain offers to let JBoss Eamil ask for:

posted on 2011-08-06 14:11 w@ns0ng 阅读(293) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: GridGain

