Knight of the round table


jboss JMS clustering

Computer A:
$ cd $JBOSS_HOME/bin
$ ./ -c all -b -Djboss.messaging.ServerPeerID=1

Computer B:
$ cd $JBOSS_HOME/bin
$ ./ -c all -b -Djboss.messaging.ServerPeerID=2

It is necesary to give an ID to each server and this is accomplished with this directive:

When you start the jboss on computer A, you should see the logs (server.log) telling you that there is one node ready and listening, and once you start the jboss on computer B, on the log will appear the two nodes, the two IP's ready to consume messages.

5) Now it's time to send a Message to the Queue. To accomplish this it's necessary to change the connection factory to "ClusteredConnectionFactory" ( - See the code below).
Also on the (if you are using the default InitialContext) file it's necessary to add the two computers ip's separated by comma to the java.naming.provider.url property. (In my case a create a Properties variable and I set all the necessary properties, - see the code below).



The client that I wrote is a web application, that consist in one index.jsp page, which contains a form that prompts you for the name of the queue, the type of messaging (Queue or Topic), the server ip and port, how many times it will send the message and the actual message to be sent; also the web application has a Servlet ( - see code below) that receives the postback and helper class ( - see code below) that sends the message to the jboss servers.  You can to deploy it in any computer. In my case I deployed it on the Computer A. And you can access it through this URL: (just modify the IP where the client war was deployed).If you notice (on the index.jsp - code below) I've already put some default values that reflects the name of the Queue, and the IP's of my two computers. Now, If you increment the number of times that the message will be sent (maybe a 10) and fill out the message box, and click "Send" you should see on the two servers some of the messages being consumed by the MDB.

posted on 2011-09-15 19:48 w@ns0ng 阅读(326) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: jbossDistributed & Cluster

