旧系统中的一条sql在某些情况下无法工作(反应超慢), 此sql是使用关联进行
行列互换, 从执行计划和重建索引都查不出原因所在, 10G已经对sql不挑剔了, 晕啊(周五晚上的时间就这样浪费掉)
1select table2.id,
2 NVL(t1.count, 0) as count1,
3 NVL(t2.count, 0) as count2,
4 NVL(t3.count, 0) as count3,
5 NVL(t4.count, 0) as count4
6 from table1 t1, table1 t2, table1 t3, table1 t4, table2
7 where t1.shop_id = ? and t1.type = 'a'
8 and t2.shop_id = ? and t2.type = 'b'
9 and t3.shop_id = ? and t3.type = 'c'
10 and t4.shop_id = ? and t4.type = 'd'
11 and table2.id = t1.id
12 and table2.id = t2.id
13 and table2.id = t3.id
14 and table2.id = t4.id
15 order by table2.code shop_id = 1386时很快(0.3s), shop_id = 1404时超慢(15s以上), 时间是在pl/sql developer执行时计算的, 不知是否oracle的bug
只能对sql进行优化, 但一时不知如何解决(本人较笨), 只有发挥copy paste的能力(找google),
select t1.id,
sum(decode(t1.type, 'a', count, 0)) count1,
sum(decode(t1.type, 'b', count, 0)) count2,
sum(decode(t1.type, 'c', count, 0)) count3,
sum(decode(t1.type, 'd', count, 0)) count4
from table1 t1, table2 t2
where t1.id = t2.id
and t1.shop_id = ?
group by t1.id
order by max(t2.code) 执行时间0.17s(有点兴奋, 程序员只有这点好处)
还有通过SP进行行列互换的, 可到itpub上找找