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These days, in order to import my office contacts excel to outlook, I write a little C# program via Microsoft Visual Studio for Office.

My working computer language is Java. I know less about C#. I found C# really has some delicate points, especially at string process.

1. String.format("this is a text with two parameters: {0} and {1}", "p1", "p2"), the result is "this is a text with two parameters: p1 and p2".

In java, I have to write my own method to do it.

2. String.split(delimiter,StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), it can weed out empty elements from result array.

However, I am used to use Eclipse. Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 is not a better IDE to me.

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posted on 2006-11-29 09:28 Welkin Hu 阅读(261) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Microsoft

