Space Invaders (太空侵略者)java 2D 游戏开发指南系列文章来自 Coke and Code ,主要包括下面四篇:
我现在翻译的是 Space Invaders 101 第一部分 简介 (整篇文档和源代码请点击下载)
通过 Space Invaders 太空侵略者 系列译文,我们将学习类似于经典小游戏“小蜜蜂”的 2D Java游戏如何一步一步开发出来。游戏效果如图:
This tutorial hopes to give the reader a simple introduction to the world of 2D games using Java. We're going to cover the following areas at a fairly simplistic level:
译:本指南希望能给读者一个使用Java开发2D 游戏的简单介绍。文章将在相当简单的水平上涵盖以下领域:
· Accelerated Mode Graphics 图形加速模式
· Simple game loops 简单游戏循环
· Keyboard Input 键盘输入
· Brute force collision detection强力碰撞检测
The final game can be see here. The complete source for the tutorial can be found here. Its intended that you read through this tutorial with the source code at your side. The tutorial isn't going to cover every line of code but should give you enough to fully understand how it works.
Context highlighted source is also available here:
Disclaimer: This tutorial is provided as is. I don't guarantee that the provided source is perfect or that that it provides best practices.
Before starting any game its always a good idea to work out what's going to be in the game and how you're going to build your classes around that. You don't need to read this section unless you're interested in why the source is written the way it is.
For our space invaders game we're going to have a main window. The window needs to use acceleated graphics. It also needs to respond to the player's key presses to move our player's ship around. For now we can call this class Game since it represents our main game.
In that window we want to see some things moving around. The player's ship, the aliens and the shots that the players fire. Since all of these things have common properites (i.e. they display a graphic and move around the screen) we can infer a common class to represent each one with potentially subclasses to define the specific behaviours of these different types. Since "thing" is such a terrible name for a class, for our design I'm going to call them Entities. From this we get 4 classes. Entity with 3 subclasses, ShipEntity, AlienEntity and ShotEntity
Finally for each Entity we have we'd like to have an image displayed, using an old term, a Sprite. However, we might use the same Sprite for multiple entities, for instance the aliens. It seems logically therefore to keep the sprite as a seperate object from the entity. In addition we don't want to waste graphics memory so we'd like to only load each sprite once. To manage this it'd be nice to add a class to manage loading of the Sprites and storing them for future use. So we add a pair of classes to our design, Sprite and SpriteStore.
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posted on 2010-11-25 23:29
whistler 阅读(981)
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