Collision Detection 碰撞检测
Lets start by saying there are better ways to implement collision detection than the method outlined here. It could be described a "brute force". In our main game loop we're going to cycle round check whether each entity has collided with every other entity.
First, we'll need to implement a check to resolve whether two entities have in fact collided. We'll do this in the Entity class like this:
译:首先,我们需要实施检测,以检测两个实体是否在实际上已经相撞 ,在实体类中这样来做:
public boolean collidesWith(Entity other) {
me.setBounds((int) x,(int) y,sprite.getWidth(),sprite.getHeight());
him.setBounds((int) other.x,(int)other.y,
return me.intersects(him);
This method checks if the entity itself collides with the other entity specified. We're going to rely on rectangular intersection regions and the AWT class Rectangle. In this case the variables "me" and "him" are instances of Rectangle that are held at the class level.
译:实体用这个方法检查自己与另外一个参数指定的实体是否发生了碰撞。我们将要依靠矩形相交和AWT类 Rectangle 类来实现碰撞检测。在这个例子中,变量“me”和“him”都是 Rectangle 类的实例。
First we configure the two rectangles to represent the two entities. Next we use the inbuilt functionality of java.awt.Rectangle to check if the two entities intersect with each other. This isn't the smartest way to do this by any means, but for our purposes it will be good enough.
The next thing we'll add is a way to notify entities that they have collided with another. To do this we'll add a method like this to the Entity class:
译:下一步我们要添加一种方法来告诉实体,它已经和其它实体发生了碰撞。为了更好的实现这项功能我们需要在 Entity 类中添加一个方法如下:
public abstract void collidedWith(Entity other);
Its been made abstract since different implementations of the Entity class will want to respond to collisions in their own ways, e.g. Alien<->Shot, Ship<->Alien.
译:这个方法被定义成抽像方法,Entity 类的不同实现将可以采用各自的方法来反映碰撞的结果。例如,外星人<->子弹之间碰撞的效果,飞船<->外星人之间碰撞的效果。
ShipEntity 飞船实体
The ship entity needs to react when it hits an entity, i.e. The player should be killed. To facilitate this we'll should do this:
public void collidedWith(Entity other) {
// if its an alien, notify the game that the player
// is dead 如果它是一个外星人,通知游戏玩家飞船死亡
if (other instanceof AlienEntity) {
Again, the result of the collision is based on the game logic (covered later). If the entity that the ship collided with is an Alien then notify the game that player should die.
ShotEntity 子弹实体
When the shot entity hits an alien we want the alien and the shot to be destroyed. This is achieved with the following code:
public void collidedWith(Entity other) {
// if we've hit an alien, kill it! 如果我们击中了一个外星人,杀死他
if (other instanceof AlienEntity) {
// remove the affected entities
// notify the game that the alien has been killed
If the shot hit and alien then the alien and shot are removed. In addition the game logic is notified that the an alien has been killed (covered later).
Game Loop Additions 游戏循环添加碰撞检测功能
The final step in getting the collision detection to work is to add a section to the game loop to cycle through all the entities checking whether they collide with each other. Here's the code:
// brute force collisions, compare every entity against
// every other entity. If any of them collide notify
// both entities that the collision has occured
for (int p=0;p<entities.size();p++) {
for (int s=p+1;s<entities.size();s++) {
Entity me = (Entity) entities.get(p);
Entity him = (Entity) entities.get(s);
if (me.collidesWith(him)) {
For each entity we cycle through all the other entities that we haven't compared against and check whether a collision has occured. If a collision has occured we notify both sides.
A smarter way to do this might be to check for the collisions only every so often. It might also be nice to have a flag on an entity whether it should detect collisions.
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posted on 2010-11-26 00:01
whistler 阅读(376)
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