The day before yestoday,I have received the intern offer letter from IBM my surprise,cos of my little time,only can support's too absurd that when the assistant
ask my IdCard num,well,God,I forgot it...:) During the time,not so along,exactly,only a few days ago,I met a manager in the IBM(BJ)CRL,She is a very kind person,also a manager(i think),she has recommended me to her colleagues,which I really thank yestoday,these persons phoned me and asked if wanted to do some QA jobs,if though,they knew that i was admired by CDL.To the manners,I think today I should take their phone test though I will not accept their opportunity as to my promise to the CDL,That's important I think.
Now I was a junior student,coming to realize that the campus life will be end,I was lucky I think,especailly about so many friends,can be ambassador of Sun Microsystems.lnc,can be a intern of IBM and so on.Now in my dream,hope that I can be a recommend student to get the master degree of tsingHua or BJUniversity this Sep.,then can go aboard for future research,last,back to the motherland to have a peace life,for which I will try my hard and best.
posted on 2007-03-16 12:19
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