Today i wrote a letter to the emaillist of campus ambassadors of sun mirosystems.lnc because so many students here found that the auto dist solaris kit cannot detect the device driver of their systems.i suggested a tool to check the system in advance,and then u can decide to install and what & how to down load the sun's or the thirdpart's driver.
the content of the letter lists as following
Hi everyone,
many students have installed solaris os but without
driver detected ,sometimes.On Hardware Compatibility Lists , sun shows
us the devices which support the solaris, as well ,we may download the
driver required by our devices.By the way,there is a tool,Sun Device
Detection Tool ,which is based on jnlp protocol, can tell us in just a
few minutes
whether the Solaris OS supports the devices that are detected in our
x86 system, in advance.What's more ,it can provide an interface that
enables a user to select the
Solaris version for which the user wants to retrieve the driver
availability information.
I have attached the tools in the attachment.u may refer to Regards,
QuQiang, CA of DaLian University of Technology,R.P. of China
u can try the tool named sddt_11.jnlp
and try the solaris system,a unix system.
or u can copy the code and name the file sddt_11.jnlp then run it after u have installed the jre.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="">
<title>Sun Device Detection Tool v1.1</title>
<vendor>Detect Component Driver Availability</vendor>
<update check="always"/>
<all-permissions />
<j2se version="1.4+" java-vm-args="-client"/>
<jar href="/webapps/download/GetFile/vvv4/multiple-i586/sddt_11.jar" main="true" download="eager"/>
<application-desc main-class="com.sun.vvv2.func.VVV2">
posted on 2007-04-14 23:52
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