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CLI command line interface may stands the commands of the tacmd command,and saved as a txt file.which should be configured with the environment file which support the TEP(as following) script.Including soap, situation,attribute( group) ,etc.
ITM -- Tivoli Advanced Monitoring exists in two major versions (5.1 and 6.1) which represent two completely different, almost unrelated (except the subject area) products. Only version 6.1 makes sense to deploy (or upgrade to).
Tivoli Enterprise Portal has a much slicker more flexible GUI
then TEC console. In comparison with it TEC looks like the last century application (which it definitely is). Moreover despite beiing written in Java the GUI looks pretty sophisticated and while it is not on the level of Microsoft GUI, it is rich and capable.  The product has advanced visualization capabilities and implements some interesting "graphical programming" solution for creation "reaction" scripts, scripts that are invokes either as the result of triggering a regular situation (probe, performed periodically) or a "pure" (combination of values of monitored variables or entry the logs that conveys important information about status of the monitored system or subsystem obtained without sampling).
TEMS - The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server ( or monitoring server) is the initial component to install. It is the key component on which all other architectural components depend directly. The TEMS acts as a collection and control point for alerts received from agents, and collects their performance and availability data. The TEMS is responsible for tracking the heartbeat request interval for all Tivoli Enterprise Management Agents connected to it. TEMS can be organized into hierarchy: there can be remote TEMS that are connected to agents and hub TEMS that collect information of Remote TEMS. 
TEPS - The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server (or the portal server) is an application that can run only or Windows or Linux. The TEPS keeps a persistent connection to the Hub TEMS, and can be considered a logical gateway between the Hub TEMS and the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client. It serves as repository of user data, display methods(workspaces and views) and queries for retrieval data from agents or warehouse. It is based on RDMS (DB/2 8.2 fixpack 10 or Microsoft SQL server 2000). The TEPS also provides manipulation, analysis, and preformatting of data. User access the data  using portal clients, the application that connects to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server to display all monitoring data. It also implements the user interaction component of the presentation layer. It also can integrate views from several other Tivoli components replacing for example TEC client. The following three Tivoli components has been already integrated interfaces into TEP:
  • IBM Tivoli Monitoring 5.1.2
  • IBM Tivoli Monitoring 6.1
  • IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console
Two variants of portal client are provided: a  standalone Java application and Java applet (Web browser based variant).
TEMA - Tivoli enterprise Monitoring Agent (also called mentoring agent or OS monitoring agent). These agents are C++ based and are installed on the system or any subsystem requiring data collection and monitoring. They are independent of Tivoli lightweight endpoints. The agents are responsible for data gathering and distribution of attributes to the monitoring servers, including initiating the heartbeat status. These agents also implement "situations": test a particular situation attribute values against a threshold and report these results to the monitoring servers. The TEP displays an alert icon when a threshold is exceeded or a value is matched.

posted on 2007-05-10 23:23 wqwqwqwqwq 阅读(986) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: IBM Tech















