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ITM provides out of box uses to quickly deploy and active the app with the best ibm practice.admins can define the user's views,threshold and so on.Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents are available for monitoring different types of platforms and applications, including mainframes,middleware,distributed,and database.from the moment they logged on ,the alphaPet users got feedback about their windows systems.they went on to create workspaces that consolidate information from different monitoring agents,gathering reports on their Web server and databases.
what prompts the monitoring server to gather data samples?? 1) Opening or refreshing a workspace that has data views(table or chart views) .when this happens,the Tivoli portal server sends a sampling request to the hub monitoring server and passed to the agents,if any connected,data samples will be returned back. 2)the sampleing interval for a situation(a test taken ar your monitored systems).when the interval expires, the monitoring server requests data samples from the agent and compares the returned values with the condition described in the situation.If the values meet the condition, the lights go on in the nacigation tree(Navigator)(Thresholds).

To Start the Tivoli Enterprise portal client --desktop--:::: click the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Type user info(default: sysadmin/no password)->OK.(ON linux: change to the <item_installdir>/bin subdirectory),run the following command:./itmcmd agent start cj

To Start the Tivoli Enterprise portal client --Explore--::::IE->URL: http://systemname:1920///cnp/client,where the systemname is the host name of the machine where the Tivoli Enterprise portal Server and browser component are installed.following same with the upper.

IBM Tivoli Monitoring products help you improve quality of the service and return on investment,whether from a systems aspect(UNIX,Windows,Mainframe) or functional(Network,help desk,database).

users Management:(users in such enviroments are diverse) 1) operaters respond to alerts,directing them to the appropriate person for handing.2) general users respond to alerts,investigate them by reviewing pertinent reports and logs.3)advanced users customize their own workspace and Navigator views,define and distribute situations to run on managed systems,and develop policies for automation.4)administrators plan,design,customize and manage the IBM Tivoli Monitoring enviroment.

types of activities:
1)predecessor activities directly precede other activities;successor activities directly follow other activieties.They act on the basis of the endcode of their predecessor.2)Parallel activities run at the same time.3) Sequential activities run one at a time in succession.
Formula Function:
text attribute:
   Values of expression:
              VALUE(System Name) == redwood
              VALUE(Log Name) == S*  (to find log file start with uppercase S).
   Return a subset of the string:
              STR(Handle of the User) == 2,ar(find the string second character ar,parrot)
   Scan a String within a String
              SCAN(Ower) == ABC(scan for values of ower has ABC(anywhere) such as ABCSDDD)
              SCAN(Process Name) == *pad (end with pad)
   Check for the Missing Items
              MISSING(ProcessName) == (VirusGone.exe) (an event opens when the anti-virus scanning program is not available.)

(MISSING(ProcessName)==(VirusGone.exe,DBSever.exe,iexplore.exe))AND Servername == SERVER*

time attribute:

  Compare date/time
       DATE(Timestamp) == 09/30/03 23:59:00 ( matches  the comparison is true.)
  Compare to time +/- delta
       TIME(Entry Time) == #NT_Event_Log.Timestamp - 7D (if the event occured seven days earlier ,the comparsion is true. if the == were changed to <=,the comparison will be true after eight days,nine days, on.
  See if a time is within a range
       TIMESPAN(Timestamp) == ,,7200 (this formula selects all rows with timestamps within the last two hours).

Group Function
    Minimum in group:
          MIN(Priority Base) == *TRUE AND % Privileged Time >= 20( this formula finds the process with the lowest priority base.if it also has more than 20% privileged time,the comparison is true).
    Maximum in group:
          MAX(Thread Count) == *TRUE AND Virtual Bytes >= 150,000,000( this formula finds the process with the hightest thread count.If it also moew than 150 mllion virual bytes,the comparison is true).
    Count of group member:
          (Process Name) == notepad AND COUNT(Timestamp)>4(first filter the rows for those with the notepad process,the counts the rows by refering the Timestamp attribute),if exceeds four,the comparison is true.
          (Elapsed Time (Seconds)>= 3600) AND COUNT(Timestamp)>=5 counts the process that have been running for more than an hour.when at least five process have been counted,the comparison is true.

posted on 2007-05-11 23:00 wqwqwqwqwq 阅读(955) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: IBM Tech















