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2007-12-25 20:25 wqwqwqwqwq 阅读(437) |
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摘要: Trie树是一棵度 m ≥ 2 的树,它的每一层分支不是靠整个关键码的值来确定,而是由关键码的一个分量来确定。
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2007-12-13 20:07 wqwqwqwqwq 阅读(1736) |
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摘要: For myself learning.
Personal Mastery
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2007-12-09 18:28 wqwqwqwqwq 阅读(1458) |
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摘要: Have you read Jess In Action by Earnest J. Freedman-Hill? It's one of the better books out there on rule engines, though it does require some experience to get the most out of the book.
A variation on the bookstore could be recommendation engine. That would provide an opportunity to use a rule engine for direct matching on category/subcategory and aggregations.
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2007-11-29 10:42 wqwqwqwqwq 阅读(979) |
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摘要: IBM Dump Analyzer for Java是来分析虚拟机稳定性的一种可扩展框架。对Java虚拟机生成的产物进行自动诊断。
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2007-11-16 15:36 wqwqwqwqwq 阅读(1244) |
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摘要: 实在忍受不了sun的做事风格和它的开发工具了,nb的beta6一踏糊涂一堆bug,唉~想着就想起来sun中国弄个nb插件的比赛不仅过程糟糕,获奖了居然还不兑现承诺,到现在也杳无音信,估计是证书也不想发了,真是让大家对它越发感到没有信心~~~~~~~~~不提这个了,还是讲讲Europa 和 myeclipse, 最近在写一个基于规则的引擎,用的Europa 和myeclipse6 感觉非常舒服,myeclipse的功能也大大加强了比如改进了javaEE5 提高了EJB3开发效率可以支持从数据模型到bean的转换,java的持久化程度及其Spring-JPA的高度集成。开发ajax的朋友可以发现 myeclipse对ajax的开发和测试做的也非常好,尤其是对js的调试。Web开发的另一个特点是支持RAD web。nb原来喊的一项特色是集成了matisse,在myeclipse目前也集成了它而且对于可视化swing开发非常方便,当然你也可以自己按照,不直接更新。
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2007-11-11 15:11 wqwqwqwqwq 阅读(2247) |
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摘要: Given a picture composed entirely of horizontal and vertical line segments, calculate the minimum number of times you must lift your pen to trace every line segment in the picture exactly n times.
Each line segment will be of the form "
" (quotes for clarity), representing a segment from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2). Segments may cross each other. Segments may also overlap, in which case you should count the overlapping region as appearing in the drawing only once. For example, say t 阅读全文
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2007-10-30 21:36 wqwqwqwqwq 阅读(1186) |
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摘要: In most states, gamblers can choose from a wide variety of different lottery games. The rules of a lottery are defined by two integers (choices and blanks) and two boolean variables (sorted and unique). choices represents the highest valid number that you may use on your lottery ticket. (All integers between 1 and choices, inclusive, are valid and can appear on your ticket.) blanks represents the number of spots on your ticket where numbers can be written. 阅读全文
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2007-10-24 21:20 wqwqwqwqwq 阅读(1203) |
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Let's say you have a binary string such as the following:
One way to encrypt this string is to add to each digit the sum of its adjacent digits. For example, the above string would become:
123210122 阅读全文
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2007-10-23 13:34 wqwqwqwqwq 阅读(1053) |
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摘要: People enjoy mazes, but they also get them dirty. Arrows, graffiti, and chewing gum are just a few of the souvenirs people leave on the walls. You, the maze keeper, are assigned to whiten the maze walls. Each face of the wall requires one liter of paint, but you are only required to paint visible faces. You are given a map of the maze, and you must determine the amount of paint needed for the job. 阅读全文
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2007-10-21 21:28 wqwqwqwqwq 阅读(1458) |
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